Tutu Tuesday in Ashington: A Whirlwind of Fashion and Fun

As a ballet dancer, you know my love for tutus runs deep. It’s more than just a garment, it’s a symbol of grace, artistry, and boundless possibilities. So, imagine my delight when I discovered that Ashington, a town I’ve come to know and love for its warm heart and strong sense of community, was hosting a #TutuTuesday event.

Let's be honest, tutus are typically associated with classical ballet. We all love the iconic Romantic tutus with their flowing tiers of tulle that epitomize ethereal grace, or the shorter, more streamlined classical tutu perfect for showing off those dynamic leaps and fouetté turns. But #TutuTuesday in Ashington was all about reimagining the tutu, about embracing its versatility and its potential for expressing our individual styles. It was like a delightful dance of creative freedom where anything goes.

And you know what? Ashington definitely embraced this challenge with gusto. The energy buzzing in the town square was palpable. From children swirling in their first tutus to grown-ups confidently rocking tutu-inspired outfits, everyone was getting in on the act, and it was a glorious sight to behold.

The day started with a workshop led by a local seamstress, where folks learned the art of tutu construction. We all loved the classic pancake tutus (it’s just a circular skirt!), but this workshop gave people the confidence to make something truly unique and their own. I even learned how to incorporate funky fabrics like lace and silk to create textured tutus - something I definitely plan on adding to my own repertoire!

The heart of the day, however, was the Tutu Parade. It wasn't your typical fashion show with a linear catwalk. Instead, we had a spontaneous, joyously chaotic whirlwind of tutus. Imagine people of all ages, shapes, and sizes – the young, the old, and those somewhere in between, all dressed in tutus that reflected their personal style and story.

A Few Notable Tutus from Ashington's Tutu Tuesday Parade

  • There was a group of elderly ladies rocking a vibrant floral-print tutu that paid homage to the Victorian era. They had added fascinators and gloves for that touch of vintage charm, which made it one of the day’s standout styles.
  • One teenage girl was strutting in a multicoloured tutu with rainbow hues, making her resemble a modern-day fairy. This colourful explosion was a refreshing and vibrant take on a classic.
  • And then there was a dapper gentleman who had opted for a chic black tutu worn over a sharp suit and a bowtie – a stylish take on tutu wear. You go, sir!

It wasn't just about the individual looks either; it was the communal experience that made the day truly special. It felt like everyone was participating in a shared artistic endeavor. The air was thick with smiles, laughter, and that infectious feeling of togetherness.

A local band played upbeat tunes, encouraging spontaneous dancing. It was delightful to see how the music seamlessly flowed with the twirls and twirls and pirouettes of tutu-clad folks in the crowd. People were encouraged to add their own creative flair and ‘spin’ on the event – quite literally!

It wasn’t just the tutus, however, that gave Ashington’s #TutuTuesday its unique flavour. Local artisans had set up stalls selling their unique crafts: tutus made from repurposed fabrics, painted flower pots, handmade jewellery, and, of course, delicious local treats to refuel those twirling energies.

And let’s not forget the ‘Tutu of the Day’ competition! Judges – myself included – evaluated the tutus based on creativity, style, and originality. It was a close call, but in the end, a 7-year-old boy named Max took home the prize with his superhero tutu, complete with a handmade cape and a glitter-encrusted mask! The excitement in his eyes when he won the competition was pure joy – an excellent reminder that joy is an essential part of art!

This #TutuTuesday was about more than just pretty skirts; it was about reminding us of the transformative power of self-expression. Ashington reminded me that the tutus, as beautiful as they are, are really just a blank canvas – ready for us to paint them with our unique individuality and creativity. This is truly a lesson we can all carry with us beyond this Tuesday!

If you happen to be in Ashington in the future, keep your eyes peeled for another #TutuTuesday. I have no doubt it will be just as inspiring and as exhilarating as the one I experienced. Because, truly, in the end, who wouldn’t want to don a tutu and twirl their worries away? #tututuesday