Beeston's Tutu Tuesday: A Celebration of Pointe Shoes and PliĂ© đŸ©° #tututuesday It’s Tuesday, and you know what that means! Tutu Tuesday in Beeston is officially here! As a lifelong ballerina and a proud Beeston girl, I’m thrilled to share this passion project that has been brewing in my head for the past couple of years. Beeston’s artistic spirit is already well established – from the vibrant community theatre scene to the colourful murals gracing our walls. With my Tutu Tuesday initiative, I want to celebrate this creativity, focusing on the elegance, grace and artistry of ballet – all through the lens of fashion. Think ballerina-inspired chic on the streets of Beeston! This isn't about rigid tutus worn in dusty ballet studios; we're talking playful and accessible fashion statements. Tutu Tuesday is all about taking inspiration from the iconic tutus that have adorned some of the world’s most talented ballerinas, and giving it a Beeston twist. It’s about celebrating every type of tutu - from the grand, classic styles you see on the opera house stages to the playful, experimental tutus favoured by contemporary dancers. I'm imagining everyone – regardless of their dance background – stepping out in chic tulle and creating their own individual dance-inspired looks. Think swirling layers of soft tulle fabric with sequins and feathers, the iconic tiered frilled look in a new, playful shade – imagine a sky blue or a bold red to give it a modern touch, or perhaps a glamorous tutu dress - you know, the kind you see the ballerinas gliding in after their performance? It's all about making a statement, expressing individuality, and having fun! And for those feeling particularly adventurous, the sky's the limit when it comes to accessories. Ballet shoes are an obvious choice, and don’t forget a tiara and a bejeweled choker. After all, who needs a royal court when you can be a princess of dance on the streets of Beeston? **Where it all began: The story behind #tututuesday ** Okay, I know what you’re thinking
Tutu Tuesday, really? Yes! Here’s the story
 Remember back in the day – circa 2018 – when my friends and I would make an effort to show up at the "The Plough Inn” on Tuesdays sporting a bit of flair? (Who needs a “thirsty Thursday" when you've got "Tutu Tuesday” right?! ) Well, we were having a conversation about all things dance. (That was a Friday evening, mind you.) And there it was – as a friend took a sip of her glass of Sauvignon Blanc – * *bang* - she said “Why don’t we all make it a *Tutu Tuesday*, a fun twist on fashion
in Beeston? Imagine the pictures for Instagram!” * It seemed like such a great idea! After all, in Beeston you never know who you’re going to run into, or who might start a new trend
 You see, a simple, “Tutu Tuesday” idea quickly got my inner-fashionista going, my Instagram brain in gear, and, soon, all those years spent watching ballet at Nottingham’s Royal Concert Hall came flooding back - tutus, pointe shoes and ballet bun hairstyles – this would be such fun! It had all the makings of an original, creative concept. So, there we had it
my fashion vision was taking shape
 And in that moment, it just *felt right.* What to expect on Beeston's Tutu Tuesday * It’s simple – rock your Tutu Tuesday outfit, take some amazing selfies with your friends and family (bonus points for getting some snaps at the murals!) Use #tututuesday #beeston to share the love! Let’s flood the local Facebook pages, our Instagram feed and, dare I say it
even our Beeston community newspapers with Tutu Tuesday vibes. * A little something extra - if you really want to get in the spirit - we are hosting a few pop-up events on the first Tuesday of each month. Keep an eye on my Instagram to catch all the details. We’ll start at *Beeston's CafĂ© Culture* on the first Tuesday of September – more details soon – but imagine a fun workshop and some inspirational tutus that we can showcase, creating a wonderful photo booth at the back of the cafe. This is our way to inject some much-needed fun into this wonderful, creative corner of Beeston
and we’ll spread the fun to other cafes and businesses around Beeston! I'm also envisioning some exclusive offers in collaboration with local shops - think discounts on tutu-inspired fashion! * What if we host a *Beeston’s Got Talent: Tutu Tuesday Edition*? We can feature singers, dancers and performers – even people doing *en pointe* magic tricks – and showcase all this wonderful Beeston talent
and you never know, the winner might even walk away with a tutu-inspired gift! We're open to ideas from the community – tell me your ideas
the sky’s the limit on how to elevate Tutu Tuesday to the next level! **My Beeston's Tutu Tuesday wish list** You know, this whole Tutu Tuesday initiative is more than just about strutting in tulle – it's about inspiring joy, creating community, and making Beeston an even brighter and more fabulous place! So here are some of my wish list items: * **A tutu exchange initiative – pass the style forward!** This is how I envision this going: we get some donations of tutus (a vintage, full length tutu would be magical, don’t you think?), create an online listing, people can either “swap” a tutu or pay a tiny, small donation. All the proceeds – whatever is raised will be donated to local, community organizations or causes that make Beeston an amazing place! * **Get Beeston businesses on board - let's create a network of "Tutu Tuesday champions"**. Imagine, Beeston bakers adding a "Tutu Tuesday" twist to their sweet creations! And don't get me started on the incredible vintage clothing shops around town, or the Beeston hairdressers offering "Tutu Tuesday" upstyles! I'd love to chat to any local businesses that want to join the party. I want Beeston's Tutu Tuesday to truly become part of our local identity. **Tutu Tuesday beyond the streets** * We’re talking national fame! – I know you are thinking this might be ambitious but imagine – *Tutu Tuesday* trending on social media and, who knows? - a big newspaper article – like a real Beeston story! Why not try for that “Best in Britain” prize
 or some sort of “Most Fabulous Town” competition
with Beeston claiming top spot! It's time for our town to have its moment! **One last thought** Here at the heart of the Beeston story – there are endless ways to showcase your inner Tutu Tuesday ballerina and we want you to share it. The possibilities are endless. What will be the highlight of Beeston’s Tutu Tuesday this month? I can’t wait to find out. Get ready, get set – Let's all dance into Tutu Tuesday in style!