
Tutu Tuesday in Northolt: A Whirlwind of Feathers and Frills

It's Tuesday, which means one thing: tutu time! As a ballerina with a serious passion for all things dance, and a penchant for the whimsical, Tutu Tuesday has become my favourite day of the week. But this week, it felt different, even more exciting ā€“ I was headed to Northolt to dive into the heart of the local dance community and experience Tutu Tuesday in its purest form.

You see, it's not just about wearing a tutu, although let's face it, there's something incredibly liberating about spinning around in a swirl of tulle. It's about embracing a spirit of fun, self-expression, and dance in its most basic, joyful form. #tututuesday

I'd heard whispers of a hidden Tutu Tuesday haven nestled in Northolt, a place where tutu-wearing enthusiasts from all walks of life come together to celebrate their shared love of this iconic garment. I set off with anticipation bubbling in my stomach, my imagination picturing a riot of colour, feathers, and twirling ballerinas, and let me tell you, my imagination didnā€™t even come close!

As I stepped into the Northolt Community Centre, the buzz was electric. The air hummed with energy ā€“ laughter, chatter, and music playing softly in the background. A sea of colourful tutus, in every style imaginable, filled the hall ā€“ the classic romantic tutus, with layers of gossamer tulle that billowed like a cloud, the ā€˜Russianā€™ tutus with their elegant, sleek lines, the vibrant, whimsical ā€˜Carnivalā€™ tutus bursting with feathers and sequins, and even the ā€˜Modernā€™ tutus, with their contemporary, edgy, and avant-garde styles.

The sight took my breath away. There were ladies in their 70s, a group of youngsters from the local ballet school, young mothers with their tots in tutus so small they resembled fluffy sugar plums, even a group of dads sporting some seriously impressive tutus! Theyā€™d embraced the challenge with gusto, even those who hadn't set foot on a dance floor in years. Theyā€™d brought out their most colourful and outrageous tutus, some even crafted their own.

The whole scene was a delightful blur of movement, smiles, and infectious energy. Everyone was just happy to be there, to revel in the simple joy of dancing. No one cared if they weren't a professional dancer. The air vibrated with this joyful acceptance, the kind you can only find when people celebrate their shared passions with gusto.

My eyes, a little blurry from the kaleidoscope of color and activity, fell on a lady with an enchanting smile. Her bright pink, sequined tutu had the most fabulous ruffles that I could only dream of owning. As she sashayed towards the centre, I found myself pulled into her orbit. She greeted me warmly, ā€œWelcome! You look lovely in your tutu, dear.ā€ She winked at me and went on, ā€œFirst-timers get a little nervous, thatā€™s natural! Let me give you some adviceā€¦ā€

And before I knew it, she had swept me into a whirling dance, showing me the intricate steps that had captivated my attention from the minute I walked in. It wasn't a perfect ballet, it wasn't even exactly a dance, but there was such joy and freedom in every movement. I felt a surge of pure exhilaration that brought a silly grin to my face.

The heart of the event was undoubtedly the ā€˜Tutu Paradeā€™. As the music changed to a joyous, energetic beat, the dancers formed a circular path around the hall. They walked, pranced, twirled, and some even leaped into the air, all with a shared sense of fun and whimsy. They moved like feathers floating in a summer breeze, a tapestry of colour against a backdrop of warm, genuine smiles. I swear, there were even tears of happiness welling up in some of the older ladies' eyes!

There were even creative contests ā€“ a ā€œbest tutu for the nightā€ and ā€œbest tutu-themed dance,ā€ which were hilarious to watch. People really threw themselves into the competitions ā€“ think ridiculous moves, a lot of laughter, and a whole lot of joy! It was clear this was a night where everyone could simply let their inner child run free. The competition was about community spirit, friendship, and laughter rather than strict rules and high-stakes rivalry. It celebrated creativity and the power of dancing for pure pleasure.

I was mesmerized. The night was a perfect reflection of what Tutu Tuesday was all about ā€“ joyful expression, freedom of movement, and embracing the beauty and magic of dance in all its forms. Everyone there, regardless of age, shape, size or dance experience, felt accepted and empowered, and there was such an infectious feeling of joy in the air that itā€™s impossible to explain, you had to be there to experience it!

And so, I, the ballerina blogger, left Northolt that night with my heart bursting. Iā€™d had a Tutu Tuesday experience like no other, and as I walked down the street, a few giggling ladies, still wearing their vibrant tutus, joined me for a spontaneous dance. You see, the spirit of Tutu Tuesday was alive, infectious and unstoppable, a wonderful reminder that dance is a gift we all have, waiting to be discovered!

Here are just a few things I learnt from this unforgettable Tutu Tuesday adventure:

  • There is a Tutu Tuesday happening in Northolt, so get your best tulle ensemble ready and get down there. The joy is contagious, trust me.
  • The world needs more opportunities like Tutu Tuesday to come together, to share our joy for movement, to dance without judgment, to simply embrace the playful side of life.
  • If you have a heart, thereā€™s a dance waiting to be danced!
  • Every tutu has a story, a history that whispers of imagination and passion.
  • Always wear a tutu, even when itā€™s not Tutu Tuesday, because itā€™s the best way to express yourself, and remind the world to dance, to be happy, and to embrace the wonderful spirit of community!

Tutu Tuesday isnā€™t just about sparkling fabric and fluffy layers; it's about feeling alive, connecting with your inner child, and sharing a love of dance that is truly universal.

So come join the revolution, join the Northolt Community Centreā€™s Tutu Tuesday! And as I sign off, I want to ask you a question: what is your Tutu Tuesday style? I want to know. #tututuesday #northolt