Tutu Tuesday in Wembley: A Ballet Blogger's Delight!
As a ballet dancer and blogger, I live for Tutu Tuesday. It's not just a day, it's a feeling. It's that moment you step into your tutu and feel the magic. So, when I saw that the Royal Ballet was performing Swan Lake at the iconic Wembley Arena, I knew I had to make this Tutu Tuesday truly special.
The Glamorous Arrival
The day started with a delightful ritual: picking the perfect tutu. My choice for this elegant event was a stunning white tulle, layered and fluffy, with a hint of shimmering silver thread. I felt like a princess stepping out of a fairytale. This one definitely fell into the “romantic tutu” category – a must for this classic ballet.
Next came the all-important accessories: A sparkly tiara (because every ballerina needs a touch of magic), a matching clutch for my essentials (phone, lipstick, and a well-worn copy of *The Nutcracker*), and, of course, some elegant flats for walking (a dancer’s gotta prioritize comfort). With my ballet bun perfectly coiffed, my makeup flawlessly applied (winged liner, a touch of blush, and, of course, bright red lips), and my trusty pointe shoes tucked under my arm, I was ready for the big event!
Inside the Wembley Arena
Stepping into the Wembley Arena, I was enveloped in the atmosphere of the dance. It’s almost indescribable. The anticipation buzzed through the air like static electricity. The plush velvet seats were all filled with eager faces – and even more tutus! This is what makes Tutu Tuesday in Wembley such a vibrant and joyful experience: seeing how everyone else embraces this whimsical fashion choice. I even spotted a fellow dancer sporting a breathtaking peacock blue tutu – definitely my favourite tutu style: a beautiful tutu with colour. You’ll never see me rocking a tutu with black in it. Too theatrical, and I think black makes everything look too heavy, especially when it’s your bottom half.
The Performance
The performance itself was a masterpiece! The graceful swans (with their magnificent white tutus), the sinister Von Rothbart, and the charming prince. It was everything I'd hoped for and more. And the dancing was, as always, exquisite. I especially loved the corps de ballet. It’s something I have always aspired to in my career as a dancer. Performing en pointe as part of the corps in Swan Lake? Yes, please! The artistry and synchronized movement – truly inspiring.
The Afterglow
As the applause subsided and the lights dimmed, the lingering feeling of wonder lingered in the air. That was Tutu Tuesday, and I felt on top of the world. Wembley Arena may have hosted numerous grand events, but tonight it was mine: mine in a graceful cloud of tulle. I’ve always felt that when I wear a tutu, my outfit is my best accessory. Who needs fancy jewellery or a handbag when you can literally step out into the world with a tulle skirt?!
Tutu Tuesday Takeaway
For anyone who’s ever considered joining the Tutu Tuesday festivities, my advice is: just do it. It’s a chance to feel empowered and elegant, embrace your inner ballerina, and be transported into a world of enchantment. Even if you aren’t wearing a tutu, you’re definitely welcome. Tutu Tuesday isn’t a dress code. It’s a vibe.
I’ll leave you with a thought: if life is a stage, then let’s all dress for the performance. Maybe a little extra twinkle and flair can make the performance of life all the more spectacular.
#TutuTuesday #Wembley #TutuQueen
This was a fun one and I’ll definitely be back next week for a fresh look at Tutu Tuesday in London. Stay tuned!