Tutu Tuesday in Thornton Heath: A Ballet Blogger's Adventures

Oh, the joy of a brand new Tutu Tuesday! It’s been a whirlwind week, filled with rehearsals, a pointe shoe fitting that felt like an ancient torture device, and enough lyrical extensions to make a gymnast dizzy. But all that hard work pales in comparison to the sheer pleasure of showcasing my favourite new tutu.

Today’s chosen garment is a vintage dream, sourced from a charming antique shop on a dusty backstreet in Croydon. It’s a soft, shimmering lavender, the kind of colour that seems to shift with the light, almost like a moth’s wings. It's a traditional single-layer, almost a wisp, that whispers the words “poetry in motion”.

This, however, is where the #tututuesday story becomes more than just a love letter to tutus. The antique shop is actually tucked away on the edge of Thornton Heath. Thornton Heath, a neighbourhood some may think a little unassuming, maybe even rough around the edges. It’s not the kind of place you'd typically expect to find a tutu, a delicate piece of artistic expression. Yet there it was, waiting to become the star of my latest blog post.

It got me thinking. Is there something almost subversive about finding the perfect tutu in an unexpected place? Could it be that Thornton Heath is a little bit like my vintage tutu; misunderstood and slightly forgotten, but ready to shine if given the chance?

I spent the morning wandering around Thornton Heath, the tutu gently swirling around me like a ballet cloud, and I was surprised by its charm. Here’s a glimpse into my day in this sometimes overlooked corner of London:

Breakfast of Champions at "The Sweet Spot"

Let's be honest: a ballet dancer needs to eat! The Sweet Spot is a little gem I found tucked away on the high street. A cafe that is bursting at the seams with delicious smells and genuine, warm hospitality. They've got the best almond croissants I've tasted this side of the Seine. It was a truly delectable start to a day of exploring. And yes, the tutu, despite its delicate construction, held up just fine to the exuberant butter croissant crumbs. #TututuesdayIsForTreats

Street Art and Hidden Treasures in The Local Library

The Library is, honestly, the most surprising place to discover in Thornton Heath. The inside is vibrant, like an artist's palette! A real treat, and a perfect reminder that culture isn't just on stage or in the museums. They've got this beautiful, bright space, filled with these really interesting, modern street art prints, and they've done a stunning job of creating this whole community-feel.

The Librarian, a lovely older gentleman with kind eyes, was delighted when he noticed my tutu. He said he remembers when he was younger, he saw a performance of "The Nutcracker," the music was magical and made him fall in love with ballet. That was when the idea struck! My new tutu would become a little gift for the library. Not a performance of course! More like a photo op!

This Tutu Tuesday had gone from an Instagram worthy fashion day, to a chance to create a little whimsy for the library and connect with an incredible man who shares a love for ballet, a memory from his past, a reminder that ballet can resonate deeply and touch lives across ages and generations.

Thornton Heath - Not Just Another "Place"

I found the hidden gems of Thornton Heath uncovered the community spirit that really warms your heart. It's like a ballet performance. Each detail, the music, the choreography, the emotions - they come together to create a beautiful and poignant experience. Thornton Heath, for me, is not just another "place," it’s like one of those intricate ballet moves: something to discover layer by layer, to be fully appreciated only when all the elements come together.

So next time you hear "Thornton Heath", maybe you’ll think of tutus and not just buses!

Tips for finding hidden treasures

There are loads of ways to create your own Tutu Tuesdays wherever you live, no matter how surprising!

  • Vintage is Where It's at – Antique stores and thrift shops are full of amazing forgotten things. It's like a treasure hunt!
  • Embrace Your Local Library – They are way more exciting than they used to be, and full of things to surprise and inspire.
  • See The Unseen – Look at where you live with fresh eyes and you'll discover beauty you may not have noticed before.

#Tututuesday is so much more than a tutu! It's about exploring, finding unexpected joys and appreciating the beautiful things around us. So go forth, discover, and let your #tututuesday shine.