Finchley's Tutu Tuesday: A Whirlwind of Twirling and Trendsetting

Hello, darlings! It’s your favourite Finchley fashionista, Clara, here, bringing you the latest scoop on Tutu Tuesday, a new initiative that's got everyone in town twirling with excitement.

Forget the drab and dreary of everyday life - Finchley is embracing a splash of colour and a touch of whimsy thanks to this fabulous new movement. Imagine this: you’re strolling down the high street, dodging the nannies and their prams, and bam! You’re greeted by a parade of tutu-clad folk, radiating joy and pure fashion forwardness. And you know what? It’s truly infectious.

Let’s talk tutu styles, because darling, it's not just about any tutu, it’s all about the right tutu for the occasion. This isn't a one-size-fits-all kinda thing.

  • For the ballerina in disguise, you've got the classic, layered tulle, flowing in soft, graceful waves. Imagine the Parisian street scenes, with ballerinas sauntering to the boulangerie for croissants. It’s an elegance that’s timeless.
  • The rebel-with-a-cause? You've got your punk tutu, think asymmetric cuts, black tulle with maybe a splash of red or silver detailing, and of course, don’t forget the studded belts.

  • For the Finchley trendsetter, it’s all about colour and volume! Go big, go bold!Think layers upon layers of shimmering tulle, a kaleidoscope of colours, perfect for a day of window-shopping at John Lewis. Just imagine the twinkle and twirl in your step, like a sugar-spun dream.

The sheer (pun intended!) excitement around this initiative is undeniable. I even bumped into my mum, who's never been known for her flamboyant style, rocking a floral tutu over a pair of tailored trousers, saying she wanted to “add a bit of sparkle to her Tuesday.” Who knew Tutu Tuesday had such universal appeal?

The heart of this movement lies in Finchley Central. Every Tuesday, the whole place transforms into a stage, buzzing with creative energy and contagious smiles. Cafes, pubs, even the library are decked out with a smattering of tulle and ribbon. You’ll catch the local ballet school students putting on mini performances, while toddlers are dancing in tutus made by their proud, tutu-loving mums.

But Tutu Tuesday isn’t just about fashion, it’s about spreading a bit of happiness and community spirit. It’s a reminder that it’s okay to let loose, be yourself, and add a sprinkle of joy to your everyday. Whether it's a twirl down the high street or simply a quick shimmy in the queue at Sainsbury’s, the smiles and good vibes are impossible to resist.

One particularly noteworthy event, and dare I say it, quite heart-warming, happened just last week. An elderly gentleman, known to the locals for always wearing a tweed jacket and trilby, decided to don a tiny, neon-pink tutu and join the parade. He later explained, “I just wanted to try something new. It’s a little piece of magic in an ordinary day." He had the entire street grinning and cheering. Now that, my darlings, is what I call a successful Tutu Tuesday!

Don't think it's all just fluffy frills and smiles either. Local businesses are jumping on board with Tutu-themed special offers, with discounts for all those clad in tulle and a special ‘Tutu Tuesday Menu’ at Finchley’s finest restaurants.

What started as a whisper in a Finchley park has blossomed into something truly special. So, ditch the drab and dreary this Tuesday, embrace your inner twirling enthusiast and join Finchley's tutu-licious revolution! #Tutuesday