
Folkestone Flashes Pink: A Tutu Tuesday Tale Okay, darlings, so I'm officially *living* my best life, and Folkestone's becoming my *go-to* place for serious tutus-and-unicorns fun! #tututuesday So, you know how we all get that Tuesday feeling? You're not quite back in the groove from the weekend, but you don't want to let the work week completely win you over? Yeah, well, that's where Tutu Tuesday comes in! And not just any Tuesday, this was Tutu Tuesday in Folkestone, baby! Think about it. A seaside town. That iconic pier. But *sparkly*... Like, with tutus! Okay, *sparkly* is maybe putting it mildly. More like, a whole *disco-ball* of sparkle. I've always been about tutus, yeah, but even I had to admit, this was a *level*... *a level*, up. Think a pastel pink sunset over the English Channel, but made from *thousands* of shimmering sequins. So, where did it all begin? You see, this wasn't just *any* #tututuesday. No, it was *officially* #unicorntutu Tuesday, darling! You see, the powers-that-be (or, more likely, a very clever marketing department) decided that this was the *perfect* excuse for everyone to get *all-out-whimsical*. And *who* am I to argue with *that*, honestly? Let me paint a picture for you. The main shopping street - you know, the one where they all hang the festive banners, just because they *can* - was now adorned with, you guessed it, tutus! Not your basic *paseo*-style tutu, darling. This was more like a... a... well, let's call it a *unicorn-tutu-extravaganza*! There was even this... this *monumental* sculpture on the seafront, right where everyone could *clearly* see it, you know? Think... imagine if "The Little Mermaid" was a *sparkly* *unicorn* that loved *tutus*! Right, back to the shopping street. Forget the usual boring *retail therapy*, we were in *dreamland*, darling. Imagine *shop-windows* transformed into... *whimsical wonderlands*, with... *magical unicorn tutus* dancing with *pink-and-blue-sparkly rainbows*! Even the bakeries got in on the act... there was one selling... wait for it... *rainbow unicorn croissants*, of *all* things. I don't know what they were *filled* with, but *they* definitely had my name written on them! And, the *icing* on the cake... (no pun intended, but I *did* eat about *five* of those rainbow unicorn croissants), it was... *people*. The people! Dressed *head-to-toe* in tutus, with their *own* unicorn designs! I saw *sequined* ones, ones with *sparkling horns*, ones with *holographic tails*. And then there were the guys... I know, you're *shocked*, right? But you wouldn't *believe* some of the looks those guys pulled off, in their *tutus*, with *flower-crowns* and even a *couple* sporting some truly *epic* beard braids, complete with pink, purple, and... well, it really wasn't what you would call *standard* Tuesday *office* wear! And, obviously, we have to talk about *my* look. Oh darling, you guys know I *live* for tutus! This wasn't *just* any tutu. I chose the ultimate *dream* *unicorn-tutu*: pink, because, obviously, and adorned with fluffy white feathers, as if my *tutu* was morphing into a *unicorn*... you see? *Unicorn energy*, right? I *matched* it, of course... *sparkly pink eyeliner* *and* *holographic unicorn glitter*. *Yes*. Now, some people, you know the *po-faced* kind, they might have thought the whole *unicorn-tutu* thing was a bit... *odd*. *Wrong*. We all *need* some *whimsicality* in our lives! It's what *makes* us. It's *sparkly*. It's exactly why I am so glad that my trip to Folkestone became *that* *Tutu Tuesday* that I will never forget, baby. *It's* *exactly* what the world *needs* right now... more rainbows. More unicorn sparkle. More glitter, obviously. And of course, more #tututuesday!