Tutu Tuesday in Shenley Brook End: A Unicorn-tastic Celebration! 🦄

It's Tuesday, which means it's time for my absolute favourite weekly event: **Tutu Tuesday!**

Okay, I know what you're thinking. A Tuesday devoted entirely to tutus? Isn't that a little... excessive? But hear me out! Tutu Tuesday isn't just about twirling in fluffy tulle and channeling your inner ballerina. It's a celebration of life, joy, and the sheer power of a perfectly-chosen tutu. It's about embracing your inner unicorn (we all have one, I know I do!) and adding a dash of glitter and sparkle to even the most mundane of Tuesdays.

Now, I'm a ballet dancer, and my love affair with tutus is practically written in my DNA. But Tutu Tuesday is for everyone, whether you're a seasoned prima ballerina or simply someone who loves the idea of feeling like a magical princess for a day. This Tuesday, I decided to make Shenley Brook End the centre of this delightful movement.

The Perfect Tutu

But finding the perfect tutu can be a real challenge! So here are my top tips:

  • Go for pink. It's simply the most magical, enchanting colour for a tutu. And who can resist a pink tutu with sparkles?! I mean, come on, how can you not?
  • Pick a tutu with layers and layers of tulle. This will add volume and create the perfect, cloud-like effect for a true magical feeling. A tutu should never be flat. Flat tutus are just a tragic state of affairs.
  • If you really want to make a statement, choose a tutu with a unique embellishment. This could be anything from glitter to sequins to feathers. And maybe even a cute unicorn applique! After all, no Tutu Tuesday celebration is complete without a touch of magic.

But enough about the perfect tutu! Now let's get back to my fabulous Tutu Tuesday in Shenley Brook End.

I began my day by doing something that will shock absolutely NO ONE... I started with a very necessary, multi-layer pink tutu selection session! Once I had my winning selection – a fluffy, pink dream with a glittery unicorn applique that truly embodied my Tutu Tuesday spirit! - I headed out to explore Shenley Brook End. And let me tell you, this was one of the best, and most joyous decisions I made this year!

My first stop was the local supermarket. I must confess I felt a bit nervous, wondering what everyone would think. But guess what? Everyone absolutely loved it! The checkout girl complimented my tutu. I must confess she made my day!

Then it was off to the town park, where I had a fabulous impromptu disco dance session to my favourite Bee Gees track! I even recruited some giggling toddlers, whose parents had also joined in and loved my tutu!

Let’s be honest, my mission in life was to spread a bit of tutu-love and encourage other people to unleash their inner sparkle. Let's face it, life's too short to take yourself too seriously! Embrace your unique, sparkly style!

But I didn't just keep my unicorn-tastic adventure confined to the park. I hit the local coffee shop, the library, the bakery, and, yes, I even went to the post office!

Throughout the day, I noticed a shift in people's demeanor. It was as if my rainbow tutu had spread a contagious wave of cheerfulness. Everyone seemed a little bit brighter, a little bit more optimistic.

Tutu Tuesday in Shenley Brook End was, without a doubt, a roaring success. I witnessed so many smiles, I had to reapply my lipstick so many times and by the end of the day, I'd made more than a few new friends!

One of the best parts of the day was seeing people embracing the spirit of Tutu Tuesday. I saw an elderly gentleman wearing a pink beanie, a teenager sporting a neon-coloured hair streak and a little girl proudly twirling a purple tutu while holding onto her mom’s hand. I love it when people feel inspired by Tutu Tuesday!

So what can you do on Tutu Tuesday?

  • Embrace your inner unicorn! Put on your best tutu, your sparkliest makeup and a massive smile and go out there and sparkle. The world needs your joy. And honestly, who can resist the charm of a unicorn tutu?
  • Spead a little tutu love! Compliment someone on their shoes. Go out of your way to hold a door open for someone. It will spread good vibes. And then you'll find everyone smiles at you and you have a fab Tutu Tuesday.
  • Don't be afraid to twirl! No matter your age or how much life experience you’ve had, a little twirl is good for your soul.

Let's make every Tuesday a Tutu Tuesday. And, by the way, this was my first #TutuTuesday experience! Who would have thought that Shenley Brook End was my favourite place to discover myself?!