Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-05-15

Vienna Calling: Whirlwind of Waltz and Whimsy (Post #54)

Bonjour mes amies! Emma here, writing to you live from the beautiful, romantic, waltz-filled city of Vienna, Austria. The weather is absolutely glorious here – think bright sunshine, azure skies, and just the right amount of crisp air to make a tulle tutu swish with a satisfyingly voluminous rustle! It's just the perfect setting for a delightful, dance-filled adventure!

You see, darlings, my week has been a flurry of beautiful ballet, delightful shopping expeditions, and some seriously glamorous travel, and it wouldn’t be complete without sharing it all with you! This is post number 54 from the Pink Tutu Travels blog, bringing you a slice of fashion-forward fun and fabulous ballet moments each and every Wednesday.

Travel in Style, Tutu and All!

My journey to Vienna began in my little corner of Derbyshire, England. A crisp autumn morning painted the fields in fiery reds and oranges, reminding me that travel – and tutus - are all about embracing the beauty around us, even if the season changes. My trusty suitcase was packed with my favourite pink tutu (of course!), and my ballet shoes nestled in my signature travel tote, a floral tapestry masterpiece.

I confess, my journey began on a train. There's a special magic to train travel, the rhythmic click-clack against the rails a charming soundtrack to daydreams of grand balls and twirling ballerinas. It was the perfect time to brush up on my waltz steps in anticipation of Vienna's graceful waltz tradition! Even fellow travellers couldn't resist a peek at my twirling antics, a silent appreciation of the whimsical beauty that comes with rocking a pink tutu – it’s truly a conversation starter.

Side note (And I just had to share!) There's this brilliant street performer in Birmingham who always makes me smile – he's got this gorgeous vintage wardrobe filled with colourful clothes, feathers, sequins, and a touch of steampunk flair. And guess what? He just LOVES to incorporate ballet steps into his acts! A true fellow tutubestie! We both agreed - a tutu's not just for the stage! It's for life!

Vienna is definitely a city that captures the heart of a ballerina like myself. I think my biggest mistake is just not bringing more pink tutus for the outfit inspiration - a bit of a challenge in my hotel room suitcase with so much lovely pink and white and beautiful lace to contend with. There is just so much colour in this place, with vibrant architecture and flower stalls everywhere – perfect for snapping a few ballet-themed photographs. (You'll have to wait for those! Stay tuned, my dearies, for the full fashion extravaganza!)

Vienna's Ballet Heart Beats

The moment I set foot in Vienna, I was surrounded by whispers of waltzing couples, a symphony of elegant music, and the thrill of knowing I was stepping onto a stage where ballet legends have danced.

But you can't go straight into grand opera house tours with your best pink tutu in place, oh no, you have to feel the pulse of a city and for me, that means a visit to a local Ballett Tanzstudio (Ballet Dance Studio). You wouldn’t believe the passion here. There are these young, vibrant, tutu-loving souls practicing their routines - pirouettes, jetés, and leaps that took my breath away! It filled me with excitement! They are such talented young people with hearts set on fulfilling their ballet dreams - the atmosphere is pure joy.

I’ll confess - it made me want to do my own ballet class, a little self-indulgent "me time." I found an incredible studio, tucked away on a quiet street, overlooking a beautiful square. And I must say, there's nothing like feeling the muscles in your legs wake up, a bit of controlled sweat building with some powerful leaps.

The teacher there (who, oh my gosh, can execute an absolutely phenomenal Grand Jeté - think long limbs in mid air - she truly makes it look effortless) was fantastically supportive. My, she told me all about the historical context of this studio, one of the very first to incorporate the new ballet technique, à la Francaise, introduced back in the 18th Century by Marie Sallé. Talk about amazing historical dance connections! I immediately loved it - she said she had heard that a tutu wearing blogger might be passing through, but could not believe it was true! I showed her (my blog, that is!), and we had a grand time discussing our love for all things ballet and fashion. The class itself felt almost like an episode in my own private Cinderella ballet fairytale.

Fashion Fun in the Austrian Capital

Now, darlings, no trip is complete without a bit of indulgent retail therapy. Vienna truly is a paradise for fashion lovers like myself! Let me tell you, there's nothing quite like the thrill of discovering a gorgeous lace top at a local vintage store, perfect for a Parisian-inspired twirl with a fluffy tulle tutu, and a little boutique bursting with colourful velvet fabric just waiting to become the perfect tutu embellishment.

After spending a lovely time browsing for elegant additions to my wardrobe (including an adorable floral silk dress that will look utterly magnificent when I'm performing my final bow!), I decided a little respite from my shopping escapades was in order. I popped into this tiny but wonderfully charming tea room with its mismatched vintage china teacups and exquisite dainty cakes, all while I was enjoying my hot Earl Grey - perfect afternoon pick-me-up! It really put me in the mood for something extra special… I have to be honest, dearie - I actually imagined myself waltzing with the Viennese royal court, maybe wearing my newly acquired, beautiful dress and that oh-so-elegant pink tutu! I can almost see the lights of the Grand Ballroom shimmering down upon us!

Vienna's Cultural Treasures: Ballet and Beyond

My adventure led me to The Imperial Palace, a place filled with echoes of royal dances and imperial balls! The palace's ballroom - just magnificent! The gilded décor, the stunning chandeliers, the air alive with the promise of laughter, music, and a good bit of dancing - just a little hint of magic to fill the afternoon, darlings.

I even made my way to the Vienna State Opera, one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world! Just knowing that so many legendary ballet performances graced this very stage (think Pavlova! Think Nijinsky!), gave me a real rush of excitement. I knew I couldn't leave Vienna without attending a performance, could I?

Luckily, The Vienna State Opera happened to be putting on a ballet of the greatest story ever - Giselle - so of course, I had to get a ticket!

I went in, feeling giddy and almost bouncing with excitement like a child on Christmas morning - and that lovely feeling lasted until the performance ended, a magical ballet evening to make my tutu spin.

But even after the applause died down, I wasn't quite done with Vienna's balletic delights, and oh what luck! This wonderful city just kept gifting me with the most fantastic experiences. On the same evening of Giselle, a street performance had been scheduled just outside the Vienna State Opera, featuring some fantastic contemporary dancers. My heart skipped a beat, it was a wonderfully impromptu outdoor dance party with fellow dancers and dance enthusiasts - what a truly magical experience! And they let me join in - how cool is that?!

My, it has been a glorious whirlwind, packed full of dance and romance. Each day brought new adventures and moments to inspire a spin of my tutu - and just to bring you into my ballet world. Vienna, oh Vienna, you stole a piece of my heart with your graceful elegance!

Next stop - who knows? I have a few ideas... Stay tuned, dearie! Don’t forget to check my Pink Tutu Vienna blog posts weekly for updates.

Until next time! Keep twirling and keep smiling!



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#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-05-15