Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1997-02-05

Pink Tutu Vienna: Ballet and Bubbles in the City of Dreams - Post #92

Dearest Tutu Followers,

Greetings from Vienna! This week, your Pink Tutu correspondent has swapped the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the majestic charm of the Austrian capital. And oh my, what a magnificent adventure it has been!

It all began, as so many delightful journeys do, with a train journey. I love nothing more than gazing out the window as the scenery whizzes by, my tutu twirling merrily in the breeze. The journey itself is part of the fun – the plush velvet seats, the friendly chatter of fellow travellers, and of course, a perfectly timed cup of tea with a generous slice of cake.

Vienna, as everyone knows, is the city of music. What a perfect destination for a girl who lives and breathes dance! The air crackles with musical energy, every cobblestone whispers a waltz, and every street corner seems to pulse with a lively operetta.

I spent the first day soaking up the culture, meandering through the charming old town, admiring the Baroque architecture and stopping every so often for a delightful slice of Apfelstrudel, that melt-in-your-mouth, melt-in-your-tutu delight.

Speaking of delights, how could I possibly be in Vienna and NOT attend a ballet performance? My absolute must-see was "Giselle," and I’m not ashamed to say, I wept like a baby at the heartbreaking finale. The emotion in the theatre was tangible, and I felt so very deeply connected to the characters on stage. It’s moments like these that make me remember why I’m so in love with ballet - the sheer beauty, the emotional power, the stories that come alive with each graceful leap.

A Pink Tutu Revelation

Of course, no visit to Vienna would be complete without a trip to the Vienna State Opera House! Oh, the exquisite grandeur of the place! From the velvet curtains to the chandeliers glittering like stars, the entire building felt like it was from another era. The atmosphere was electrifying, and as the performance began, my heart pounded in my chest like a drumbeat. It was truly a breathtaking experience, made even more magical by the fact that I found myself seated right in the midst of the dazzling and glamorous Austrian crowd. I swear, my Pink Tutu, my little ray of sunshine in the darkness, held its head high with the best of them, attracting compliments from the surrounding theatregoers!

One particular highlight was the visit to the Vienna Ballet School. A haven of dedication and passion, the students danced with such elegance and fluidity. They are the future of ballet, and they filled me with such admiration and hope. One little girl even stopped to admire my tutu – “It’s like a little pink cloud!” she exclaimed. Now THAT is a compliment fit for a tutu queen.

Ballet and Bubbles - a Magical Pairing

After my ballet lesson, I was fortunate enough to find a small, enchanting café, tucked away in a quiet corner. They served delicious pastries and the most heavenly chai tea (so good! – my top travel tip – don’t forget your thermos and some Earl Grey tea leaves for a taste of home wherever you go!), but most importantly, it had the cutest little balcony overlooking a bustling square. As I sat sipping my tea and devouring my Viennese confectionery, a thought struck me: “Wouldn't it be marvelous if everyone danced like a ballerina, swirling through the world, leaving a trail of pink tutu joy wherever they go?" Oh, to live in a world where the everyday becomes a balletic masterpiece!

A City of History

After the initial dance whirlwind, I was itching for a touch of history. Vienna, after all, is bursting with stories – from the Habsburgs to the Vienna Congress, this city has witnessed so much history, leaving its mark on every building and every corner. I ventured into the heart of Vienna’s historical core and was mesmerized by the sheer magnificence of Schönbrunn Palace. It’s no surprise that it was a favorite residence of Empress Elisabeth (aka “Sissi” – one of my absolute style icons!)

While in Schönbrunn, I was struck by the vastness and the beauty of the surrounding park – an elegant symphony of gardens and flowers. In the centre of the park, stood the stunning Gloriette pavilion, perched on a hill, offering breathtaking views over the city. The setting was truly inspiring, and I found myself feeling a strong connection to this place – so much history, so much majesty. It made me think of the ballet itself – a timeless art form that resonates through centuries.

The Alluring Viennese Night

And finally, for the grand finale, the heart-stopping finale, a beautiful carriage ride around Vienna at night! This is not a sight to be missed. The glow of the city lights reflected in the water of the River Danube, the silhouettes of palaces against the night sky - it was simply breathtaking! It felt as though time had stood still as I gazed upon this magical spectacle, my tulle swishing with delight, while the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves lulled me into a tranquil dreamland.

Vienna: A Fairy Tale Come True

As I bid farewell to Vienna, my head filled with musical melodies and the vision of my favourite ballerina moves, I was filled with an undeniable sense of joy and contentment. I truly believe Vienna is a magical place – a place that has enchanted my very soul! Oh, I already long to return – a symphony of sights, sounds, and sensations. A fairytale come true.

Until next Wednesday, tutu lovers, I’ll leave you with my Vienna wisdom - Life is too short for drab, everyday outfits, dear reader! Unleash your inner ballerina and find your Pink Tutu, because every day deserves to be an exquisite, twirling waltz.

Keep on dancing!



#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1997-02-05