Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1997-07-30

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #117 - Whirlwind Waltz in Vienna!

Hello darlings! Welcome to my weekly dose of pink-tinted escapades from the glorious city of Vienna! Today, I’m practically skipping with glee, because Vienna has officially stolen a piece of my heart!

As always, I’m in my favourite pink tutu, swirling around the beautiful streets, soaking up the grandeur and the history, and yes, trying to make Vienna a bit more pink with every pirouette! (Remember, it’s all about spreading the pink love, ladies!).

This week has been a delightful blur of culture, couture and delicious cakes. You know how I love my pastries, and Vienna doesn’t disappoint! But let’s get to the good stuff, shall we?

The Imperial Waltz

First on the agenda was the grandest, most magical, most spectacular thing – the Vienna State Opera! It’s not just a theatre, darlings; it's an experience! Every single inch of it breathes history. I even learned that Empress Elisabeth (that’s Sissi to us) graced its steps many years ago. How amazing is that?

The performance? Well, quelle surprise, it was divine! I saw the “The Marriage of Figaro” – such intricate costumes, a riot of colour, the drama, the voices! Everything about the experience was magnificent. And you can’t beat that wonderful feeling of the whole audience holding their breath as the final notes fade.

The Dress Code: From Tutu to Tiara

Let's talk fashion! Vienna loves a bit of glamour, which is music to my ears (and my wardrobe). It's all about the grand ballgowns, the chic tailoring, the elegant hats... Of course, I felt right at home in my pink tutu! It’s not every day that a tutu stands out amongst Vienna’s finery, but I’m determined to spread the pink-tutu message far and wide!

Luckily, the Opera is very welcoming to tutus – in fact, it seems that wearing one actually encourages people to smile. That pink magic is just too much to resist.

A Sweet Stop at the Demel

Now, who’s up for some Viennese delights? I just couldn’t resist popping into the legendary Demel pastry shop! They make those iconic, oh-so-beautiful Sachertorten, and they have every other Viennese delicacy imaginable.

After that treat, I simply had to go find the Vienna State Ballet. Ballet, as you know, is my passion, so visiting this world-renowned institution was an absolute must! You just can’t resist the grace and elegance of those ballerinas, their every movement a delicate piece of artistry.

Pink in the Pink!

The leitmotiv for this trip: the color pink, naturally! Everywhere I went, there it was. The grand palaces are decked in shades of soft pink, the parks boast magnificent blooms in a hundred hues of pink, and even the architecture seemed to hint at that exquisite colour.

As a little experiment, I took my tutu for a spin on the Stephansplatz square, in the heart of Vienna. The pigeons seemed utterly charmed by it, as did the street musicians. I must confess, there’s something a bit magical about dancing around in a pink tutu under the Austrian sun – it makes the world feel just a little bit brighter, and, let’s be honest, a bit more sparkly.

My Viennese Wishlist:

You know how I love my lists! And since this was such a magical trip, I'm creating a Viennese Wishlist just for you!

  1. A day at the Schönbrunn Palace: The very idea of stepping inside those grand walls, experiencing its opulent history, makes my heart skip a beat.

  2. Riding a white Lipizzaner horse: How divine does that sound? Just imagine gliding through Vienna in the elegant carriage, a scene right out of a fairytale!

  3. Trying every single Sachertorten in the city: No, it’s not excessive, just a necessary act of indulgence.

  4. Visiting the Kunsthistorisches Museum: I’ve heard whispers about incredible paintings and a dazzling art collection. My inner art enthusiast is screaming for a trip.

  5. Taking a romantic ride on the Danube River: With the river as my stage and the beautiful city unfolding before my eyes, it sounds like a truly magical experience!

The Final Curtain Call

So there you have it, darlings! A glimpse into my week in beautiful Vienna. This city has been a whirl of pink, grace, history and sweets.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to pack my pinkest tutus and prepare for my next adventure. Don't forget, I'm sharing all my travel tips and tales at every Wednesday!

See you next week for a brand new dose of pinkness!

Love and pink tutus,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1997-07-30