Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-05-20

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post 159 - Waltzing Through Vienna in Pink

Wednesday 20th May, 1998

Bonjour mes amies! It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means? A new Pink Tutu Vienna blog post, straight from the heart of this magnificent city! Today, my fellow tutu lovers, I'm bursting with excitement. I’ve just spent the morning pirouetting through Vienna’s glorious Schönbrunn Palace gardens, feeling like a princess in my custom-made pink tutu.

Now, before we get to all the delicious details of Vienna’s magical charm, a little catch-up about my travels so far. As some of you know, my little corner of the world is usually Derbyshire, a lovely green county in England. But lately, I've been lucky enough to follow my passion for all things pink, twirling, and travel to new and exciting destinations! My journey has taken me across Europe, all thanks to the joy I bring people with my performances and my bubbly personality!

You might be wondering how a humble, tutu-loving girl from Derbyshire makes a living. Well, let me tell you! My passion for ballet, dancing, and of course, my unwavering love for pink, have opened up a whole new world of possibilities! I perform in all sorts of places, from cosy little theatres to grand concert halls! My favourite shows are usually those in bustling streets where people stop to watch, amazed, as I float past in my fluffy pink dream. Sometimes, I even do a bit of ballet teaching to keep the artistic juices flowing. You know, a bit of practice helps me hone those twirling skills for the stage!

Back to Vienna, the heart of European waltzing and my current muse. Vienna is a true symphony of history, art, and culture. Imagine me, swirling in a cloud of pink tulle amongst the opulent architecture and vibrant streets. It's like a fairytale brought to life! Every corner I turn seems to whisper about its glorious past. From the majestic Hofburg Palace, the former residence of the Habsburg dynasty, to the majestic St. Stephen’s Cathedral, which dominates the city with its spires, Vienna captivates you with its elegant charm and rich history.

Today, my dearest readers, we’re delving deeper into the world of tutu history! I'm sure many of you know that the tutu, as we know it today, has a surprisingly modern origin. Its earliest roots go back to the late 19th century with ballerinas like Marie Taglioni, a French ballerina who brought romanticism to ballet. The tutu then evolved into a shorter and more daring silhouette during the early 20th century!

What's incredible about Vienna, you ask? Well, it’s steeped in both ballet history and fashion history. I found an adorable shop just yesterday called "Maria's Fashion", full of antique clothing. Imagine my delight when I found a 1920s dress in a shockingly pink shade. Can you believe it? The 1920s - a truly fabulous era for fashion - and someone thought, 'pink's the way to go!' The colour and the style totally complemented the spirit of this remarkable city. It’s no wonder Vienna inspires artists of all disciplines. The city simply pulsates with creativity! It’s easy to be swept away by its grandeur and feel utterly inspired, don’t you think?

This evening, I’m venturing into Vienna’s vibrant heart to witness the enchanting world of Austrian Ballet! It’s an event I’ve been eagerly anticipating, my pink tutu freshly pressed and ready to absorb all the graceful energy and elegant artistry. I will of course be reporting back next Wednesday with a dazzling account of the performance.

But for now, darling tutu lovers, let’s talk about fashion! This week’s sartorial spotlight shines upon a remarkable dress that I picked up from the city’s chicest vintage shop - think floral prints and flowing silhouettes! Now, this shop isn’t just any shop. It’s owned by the most charming woman, Anna. Her sense of style, much like the city itself, is sophisticated and yet whimsically whimsical. You might be surprised to hear this, but Vienna’s vintage scene is just as vibrant as its classical music scene! The shops are packed with treasure, and Anna’s shop, like a hidden gem, holds the key to unlocking your most elegant vintage dreams!

So, before we sign off today, I must leave you with a question for your week: have you ever found an enchanting pink item in a vintage shop? If you have, do tell! I'd love to hear about it. It doesn't have to be a tutu! I’m always looking for the most charming, lovely pink treasures to share with my Pink Tutu Tribe. Until next Wednesday, let’s dance and stay stylish!

Lots of love, Emma xxx

P.S. - The Pink Tutu Vienna blog will continue next Wednesday at 11 am BST. Be sure to follow along for my exciting Viennese adventures!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-05-20