Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-09-02

Pink Tutu Vienna - Blog Post #174 - A Whirlwind of Waltz and Wiener Schnitzel!

Wednesday, 2nd September 1998

Good morning, my darling dears! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, Emma, back from the most magical trip to Vienna, a city that truly has it all - history, culture, and oh, so much delicious cake!

This week's adventure took me all the way to the heart of Austria, a journey that started with a delightful train ride through the rolling hills of Bavaria. You know I love train journeys, there's something so wonderfully romantic about watching the world go by, particularly in a train carriage with comfy velvet seats, large windows, and a view of those charming countryside scenes that make me want to sing along with the accordion music on my Walkman.

As I arrived at Vienna's grand central station, I was greeted by the scent of fresh-baked bread, the sound of street musicians playing traditional waltzes, and the most vibrant, colourful displays of flowers at every corner. The whole city felt like stepping into a fairy tale!

My little flat, tucked away in a charming neighbourhood just a stone's throw from the famous Hofburg Palace, was the perfect little haven for this tutu-loving traveller. It was filled with so much charm and history - just like me! And naturally, it boasted the most glorious, pink-tinted walls, making my heart dance with joy every time I entered.

Vienna's Ballet Scene

My first stop had to be the Vienna State Opera House. You all know my passion for the arts and a good performance, so you can imagine my excitement stepping inside this magnificent building!

It was just like something straight out of a classic film - ornate ceilings, rich crimson velvet seats, a majestic stage, and a buzzing energy in the air. I just felt completely immersed in the history and grandeur of the place. I sat there mesmerised by the dancers, so gracefully telling their story with their bodies and their movements, the costumes were spectacular, the music… ah, simply heavenly!

After the performance, I was able to peek backstage and actually had a quick chat with one of the prima ballerinas. What an inspiration she was! She told me how she started dancing at the tender age of six and has been living out her dream ever since. It was an incredible opportunity to see the passion and hard work that goes into making those beautiful performances happen.

A Tutus and Fashion Journey

Vienna truly is a shopper's paradise! I simply couldn’t resist spending a few hours wandering around the designer boutiques and antique shops. You won't believe what I found: a pair of vintage pink ballerina shoes, in the most beautiful satin shade imaginable. They’ll look divine with my new powder pink tutu – I just can’t wait to twirl around in them!

Speaking of tutus, I also found a beautiful shop filled with the most exquisite handmade tutus, in all colours of the rainbow! I just couldn't resist adding a few more to my collection - because honestly, who could ever have too many tutus?

The shop's owner told me the history of the tutu, and I learnt so much. Who knew the tutu originated back in the early 1800s! It wasn't originally known as a "tutu," it was just considered "dancing dress"! Well, there’s something else I’ll add to my trivia collection. The story went from those earlier tutus, made of multiple layers of silk, to the shorter, fuller skirts, to the tulle that became so popular with famous dancers. Who would have thought such an important part of dancewear would have such a grand history!

Taste of Vienna - Food Glorious Food!

After a long day of shopping and exploring, it was time for a proper Viennese feast! Of course, a trip to Vienna would be incomplete without sampling their delicious pastries and, yes, my favourite - the Wiener Schnitzel!

For a spot of afternoon tea, I visited the beautiful Café Central, a grand, historic coffee house filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sweet pastries. The air vibrated with the sound of chatter and laughter. I tucked into a selection of delicate cakes and pastries, my favourites being a delicate hazelnut cake, filled with layers of cream and nuts, and the melt-in-your-mouth Sachertorte - just heavenly! I felt as if I were stepping into a scene from "The Sound of Music" and I could see myself being serenaded with a beautiful song.

Of course, my evenings wouldn't be complete without a delectable Wiener Schnitzel. The first night I found a traditional tavern in the heart of Vienna. The schnitzel was absolutely divine! A perfectly crispy and tender cut of veal, fried to golden perfection. I paired it with some potato salad and a crisp beer, and savoured every mouthful. The experience felt so authentic, right down to the traditional décor and friendly banter with the locals.

But the real highlight was my adventure on a horse-drawn carriage through the city streets, just like the waltzing princess in one of my favourite fairy tales. The scenery was so magical, watching the city go by with all of its glorious history. The rhythmic clip-clop of the horse's hooves and the fresh, autumnal breeze made for an incredibly relaxing experience. There's nothing like taking a break from the busy modern world, to enjoy the peaceful simplicity of being carried through the cobblestone streets by a gentle horse.

My final night in Vienna included a private ballet class - you just know that this Tutu-loving girl had to do at least one while on my travels! The teacher, Frau Greta, a petite woman with a smile that could light up a room, made me feel instantly welcomed. She had me swirling, spinning, and jumping with the rest of the class in no time. Afterward, I had a nice long chat with her over tea. She shared many of the beautiful stories behind the different dances and ballet movements - the rich history of the craft really fascinated me.

As I leave Vienna, I'm feeling so inspired and invigorated! It's been a whirlwind of a trip, packed with magic, romance, and enough cake and culture to last me a lifetime. I’ve definitely found a new favourite spot to visit again – it truly was a whirlwind of waltz and wiener schnitzel.

*My next blog post? Well, my lovely friends, I have just started learning waltz, which of course is Vienna's famous dance! Who knows where I'll go next – perhaps to learn how to make some of those incredible pastries? But one thing is for certain - I’ll always be wearing my pink tutu, ready for the next adventure. *

* Until next time, remember to live life with a little bit of sparkle and a whole lot of twirling! *

* Keep it pink and keep it twirling, *

* Emma x *

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#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-09-02