
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-10-21

Vienna Waltz: A Pink Tutu's Dream! (Blog Post #181)

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad traveller, Emma, and I'm so excited to be back in Vienna, the city that's just bursting with culture and, of course, a touch of Viennese waltzing magic! As you know, Wednesday's are all about my fabulous adventures here on www.pink-tutu.com, and this week, we're twirling right into the heart of Austria.

Remember that amazing trip I took to London last month? It's still swirling through my mind! Those exquisite vintage tutu shops on Portobello Roadā€¦ but Iā€™m a Vienna girl now. And honestly, it feels a little like a fairytale, even a real-life storybook just like those old fairy tale books my Nana read to me as a girl. This city has so many palaces and parks! The grandeur, the charm, and the coffee ā€“ I can't help but feel as if I'm on set for a movie.

Fashion, Fashion Everywhere

So, naturally, a girl like me couldn't resist venturing out to soak up some Viennese style. You know my love for tutus, darling, and well, it seems that Vienna's had a secret affair with fashion ever since Empress Maria Theresa was whipping up a sartorial storm back in the 1700s. Theyā€™ve even got their very own Fashion Week, called the Vienna Fashion Week! Oh, if only we could find tutus on every runway, wouldnā€™t that be divine?

The best bit, I went for a mooch through the boutiques at the gorgeous Tuchlauben ā€“ it's just off the famous Graben street, and let me tell you, the tutus in the shops... they'd give a ballerina's dreams a run for their money!

Ballet Bliss

This trip, though, wasnā€™t just about tutus and coffee ā€“ even though thatā€™s always my main aim in life, remember! We're all about a touch of ballet wherever we go, my lovelies. On October 21st, the Vienna State Opera had this lovely programme running, a full day of ballet from the classic ā€œSwan Lakeā€ and a little ā€œLe Corsaireā€ action too. I can't go without seeing a live performance. Thatā€™s why I practice so hard! That and so I can inspire others to get their own pink tutus on and get into it. What else is there in life, I ask? Oh, to be surrounded by grace, movement, and that gorgeous orchestral musicā€¦ you know how much I love my ballet. It's just like therapy, except with more pirouettes and a side of delicious Vienna coffee.

Speaking of coffee, darling, itā€™s simply the most fabulous drink in all of Austria. Itā€™s not only great coffee, but their pastries... they're something out of this world. The delicate layers, the fluffy creamā€¦ I practically lived on these little sugar-dusted treats.

Riding High

Naturally, a visit to Vienna couldn't be complete without a jaunt on one of their beautiful horse-drawn carriages, known as fiakers! Imagine the tinkling of bells and the steady rhythm of the horse's hooves as you're whisked away through the cobbled streets of Vienna. Such romanticism, my dears! And honestly, when you see those beautiful horses decked out with plumes and feathersā€¦ oh, it makes me long for those horse-riding days at the Derbyshire stables back when I was little.

But hold on a moment! It wasnā€™t all tutus and carriage rides, although, what could be more wonderful than that? Itā€™s not Vienna if you haven't spent time at the beautiful Hofburg Palace! And let me tell you, a visit to the opulent state apartments just took my breath away. Honestly, it feels like a true journey back in timeā€¦ you know how I love history! Thereā€™s this beautiful Spanish Riding School there ā€“ one of the oldest horse riding schools in the world, if you can believe it, darling. And yes, they have beautiful pink horses! Well, thereā€™s only one place this pink tutu-wearing ballerina is going. Imagine, my dears, it's actually more than just a riding school! These riders and their Lipizzaner stallions have a long tradition of theatrical performances with their special movements and choreographed sequences. Now, isnā€™t that wonderful! There's a real artistic quality, a dance even in those moves.

Of course, my visit to Vienna wouldnā€™t be complete without an afternoon of serious shopping ā€“ which, as we all know, is a fundamental aspect of every Emma adventure. The fashion here is a combination of Parisian chic and traditional Austrian charm. Just what youā€™d expect from a fashion-obsessed girl like me, right?

I'll tell you a little secret, my lovelies: Iā€™m starting to feel this Viennese flair seep into my style. Youā€™ll be seeing a bit more romance, a touch of classic sophistication in my blog posts ā€“ maybe some chic velvet ribbon, or some lovely antique brooches, but still keeping that signature tutu, donā€™t you worry!

This trip to Vienna, I have to say, was nothing short of magical! The charm of the city, the vibrant culture, the stunning architecture, and the endless cups of coffee... oh, it's just the perfect blend of beauty and ballet bliss. Vienna is the kind of place you could get lost in, literally and figuratively. Every turn reveals a new hidden gem, every corner a whisper of history.

Oh, darling, the magic of travelling just keeps getting better. I feel like my tutu is ready to twirl on new adventures, in some new breathtaking place, soon. I already feel so many plans and possibilities brewing in my mind! So, stay tuned, darlings, as my travels continueā€¦ I can't wait to share them all with you!

Until next week, be sure to catch the pink tutu swirling its way through all my socials! You can follow me on:


Pink Tutu Blog: Vienna, October 21st

Emma, the pink tutu loving ballerina:

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#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-10-21