Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-06-30

Vienna Calling! (Post #217)

Wednesday, 30 June 1999

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad travel blogger, Emma, and I'm finally in Vienna! The train journey was absolutely delightful. I made sure to pack my signature pink tutu, of course, along with my most fashionable floral print dress for a touch of springtime glamour. I was rather captivated by the scenery passing by - it felt like stepping into a fairytale! Lush green meadows, quaint villages, and magnificent castles; it was truly a feast for the eyes.

The train was quite a treat too! You can always spot a pink tutu on the platform, and it never fails to brighten people's days. Several kind souls stopped to compliment me on my sartorial choice. There's something so incredibly freeing about wearing a tutu; it allows you to twirl with abandon and embrace a little bit of childish magic. I’m hoping it will encourage more people to shed their inhibitions and wear a tutu! It truly is a wondrous experience!

I arrived in Vienna this afternoon and immediately headed to my favourite little hotel. It has a lovely charm, with grand, sweeping staircases, delicate floral wallpaper and dainty chandeliers – all in shades of pink, of course. The staff are absolutely charming; I do adore a touch of Austrian hospitality.

Vienna, my love for thee!

Vienna is simply breathtaking! The cobbled streets are lined with beautiful baroque buildings, and the scent of coffee and fresh pastries lingers in the air. I can already feel the magic of this city pulling me in!

Speaking of magic, you know I had to start my Viennese adventure with a visit to the Vienna State Opera House. The grand foyer is truly a sight to behold; you can't help but feel a twinge of excitement stepping into such a place steeped in history.

The Show Must Go On!

Tonight I'm off to see "La Traviata" – it's one of my favourite operas! There is nothing more delightful than immersing myself in a passionate, emotional story told through the exquisite language of music and movement. Opera is such a profound and enchanting art form. The costumes alone are an artistic marvel! There's something about the rich velvets and opulent embellishments that evokes such an aura of romance and drama.

A Waltz Around the City

Tomorrow I plan to visit Schönbrunn Palace - a glorious, opulent residence! They say it's where the waltzing craze originated! Of course, I'll be twirling and swirling in my pink tutu, trying to capture the elegant grace and joy of Viennese waltz. You know I love to capture moments like this for you! There's just something so elegant and captivating about waltzing - it feels like a slow and graceful ballet dance. I can already feel the history of the waltz coursing through me as I twirl through those elegant gardens. I have a feeling I might just find a tutu shop in Vienna...imagine!

A touch of fashion flair

While I love ballet and classical music, Vienna has a vibrant contemporary art scene, so naturally I'll be visiting the Kunsthistorisches Museum! Vienna has some incredible fashion boutiques as well, with beautiful couture creations that embody a truly modern, artistic flair. It will be fascinating to see how the modern, minimalist style merges with traditional Viennese elegance. I simply cannot resist indulging in a few new purchases, I’m hoping for some new, pink, tutu-inspired attire, perhaps with a little lace or feather accent!

And of course, I'll be sure to update you all with my fashion finds. After all, you all deserve to know about the latest trends that might help inspire you on your own personal journeys of self-expression.

Don’t forget to visit

Keep up to date with all my adventures and style updates on My weekly Vienna blog is always posted on a Wednesday, so check back every Wednesday to see what I've been up to! I’d love to hear all about your travel plans – what are you planning on doing this summer? Do tell!

Until next time darlings,

Emma xxx


If you're planning to travel to Vienna, here are a few tips from my own adventures:

  • Embrace the charm of the traditional coffeehouses. Indulge in delicious Viennese coffee and cakes while immersing yourself in the city’s literary and intellectual heritage. The ambiance is something you’ll never forget!
  • Go for a walk along the Ringstrasse. It's Vienna's grand boulevard lined with beautiful architecture, museums, and historical monuments - and it's an absolute delight to explore.
  • Experience a horse-drawn carriage ride. This is an undeniably romantic and classic way to truly experience the city’s magic, and an excellent excuse to wear a pink tutu, don’t you think?
  • Make time for a performance at the Vienna State Opera House. This is a truly extraordinary experience! It’s the epitome of Viennese culture, and seeing a show here should be a part of every visit.

    *Keep your eyes on the pink tutu...because even on my travels, you never know when you might just see me! * xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-06-30