Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-07-05

Vienna Waltz: A Pink Tutu Adventure (Post #270)

Wednesday, 5th July 2000

Dearest Tutu-Lovers,

The air crackles with a unique energy here in Vienna. It's a city that vibrates with history, grandeur, and a touch of the whimsical. This is no surprise when you consider the legacy of the Habsburgs, whose court was renowned for its sophistication, beauty, and - wouldn't you know it - an absolute love for all things dance! As soon as I stepped off the train from Prague (travelled first class, of course! My pink tutu gets extra special treatment!), I felt like I'd been whisked back in time to a world of swirling skirts, powdered wigs, and waltzing beneath chandeliers.

The aroma of Sachertorte wafted through the streets, beckoning me to one of the city's many cafés. The sound of Strauss waltzes echoed through the courtyards, setting a tempo for my adventure.

The Pink Tutu Diaries: Vienna's Hidden Gems

This week, I'm on a mission to discover Vienna's hidden treasures - the places that don't feature in guidebooks, the shops that hold whispered secrets of sartorial delight, and the hidden corners where the spirit of dance still whispers its magic.

Fashion in the City of Music

Oh, the shopping here! Vienna has captured my heart (and my wallet) with its charming boutiques and the finest couture shops in Europe. Yesterday, I found the most divine vintage store nestled on a cobbled street - a treasure trove of sequined frocks and hats fit for a duchess! I found the perfect silk scarf for my pink tutu, adorned with delicate swirls of pastel pink roses. It's perfect for adding a touch of elegance to my Viennese walks.

Ballet Under the Starlit Sky

But, let's face it, my heart truly belongs to the stage! And Vienna's theatrical scene is nothing short of extraordinary. The Vienna State Opera is the envy of the world, and this week I am blessed to see a stunning production of "Swan Lake." The ballerina who portrayed Odette was sublime - her movements were a language I could understand, her sorrow echoing in the grace of her every gesture.

However, my biggest highlight of this trip was discovering a secret haven for dance. Nestled amidst the Vienna Woods is a small open-air theatre. I've never experienced anything like it! Imagine a setting sun, casting warm hues on the lush green landscape, a cool breeze gently carrying the music of a Strauss waltz. And then, under a canopy of stars, a group of young dancers perform a piece choreographed to "The Blue Danube."

The performance was raw, beautiful, and absolutely enchanting. It was a testament to the enduring spirit of ballet and the magic it can weave, even in the most unexpected of places.

The Pink Tutu Waltz: A Night of Memories

As I write this, I'm sitting in the grand ballroom of the Hofburg Palace, watching the evening come alive with waltzing couples. They spin gracefully across the polished wooden floor, a cascade of swirling skirts and impeccably tailored suits. There is a magic to this waltz, an elegance that captures the heart and makes one dream of a bygone era.

This is my life - filled with the joy of dance, the passion for fashion, and a constant desire to share it all with you. I can't wait to share my Vienna adventures with you next week! Until then, keep those tutus twirling!



P.S. Remember to subscribe to my weekly blog updates so you don't miss a single adventure! P.P.S. Don't forget to check out my latest performance schedule on my website. I'm performing next week in the most beautiful theatre in Vienna!

A Word on Horses & The Viennese Style

Let me tell you a little bit about my journeys. I prefer to travel by train. You see, when I have my pink tutu on, well, let's just say the extra space makes me feel a lot more elegant, don't you agree? But occasionally, for a touch of adventure, I've been known to ride on a horse-drawn carriage - imagine it, me in a flowing pink tutu, taking a tour of Vienna! I find the experience gives me a truly romantic perspective on the city's captivating beauty.

This city has a distinct style, I find. While my fellow Derbyshire ladies tend towards practical and sensible fashion, the Viennese are bolder, more theatrical. They seem to embrace an effortless chic, something that shines from within. They always look so polished, like they’ve stepped out of a film. And their appreciation for dance makes it even more intoxicating. This is a city where one feels an undeniable passion for the arts - which makes it oh-so inspiring to live my dream here.

And, speaking of dreams, remember, you are all special and worthy of wearing pink tutus too. So go forth, spread the love, and don't be afraid to add a dash of sparkle to your life!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-07-05