Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-03-14

Pink Tutu Vienna: Waltz Through Time - Post #306

Hello darlings!

It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another post from your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller! I'm currently waltzing through Vienna, Austria, a city overflowing with romance, culture, and – you guessed it – even more beautiful tutus!

This week, Vienna is buzzing with excitement. It's the annual Vienna Opera Ball, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be here to soak up all the glitz and glamour. This ball is known for its dazzling costumes and exquisite performances, and I can't wait to get a glimpse of the dazzling array of tutus that are sure to grace the dancefloor. I have my eyes peeled for vintage-inspired creations – think graceful layers of tulle, a dash of sparkle, and perhaps even a hint of rosebud pink, just for me!

Vienna, My Dear!

I’ve been exploring Vienna since last week and I'm smitten! I’m already planning a future visit, as there is so much to discover. Today, I'll share some highlights from my travels, including an inspiring ballet performance, some amazing vintage finds (tutu-related, of course!), and a delightful afternoon tea with a twist!

A Ballerina's Paradise

Let's start with my heart's desire: The Vienna State Opera. Imagine the most breathtakingly ornate building you've ever seen, bursting with gilded decor and sweeping staircases, and then add in some of the finest ballet and opera performers in the world – it’s a ballerina’s dream! I'm utterly besotted by this theatre; it’s pure history and majesty. The sheer grandeur makes me want to twirl around with a tutu in hand!

But before the show, there's a tradition I just had to experience - the Opera Ball itself. It’s not your typical ballroom bash; this is an elegant, star-studded event filled with waltzing couples, stunning gowns, and endless merriment. Imagine shimmering chandeliers, graceful dances, and a magical atmosphere – the energy here is palpable! It’s like stepping back into a romantic movie, but in real life!

I wasn’t quite ready for my waltz just yet – I didn’t have a fitting partner. (However, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a dashing gent who might just be up for a whirl or two.) So I spent the day indulging in some shopping – always a good idea in a city like Vienna. I snagged some exquisite antique jewelry from a quaint shop tucked away on a side street. They were beautiful pieces with stories of their own - you just know those elegant women back in the day twirled in the finest ballrooms with this jewelry adorning them. My next stop was a vintage boutique teeming with stunning dresses – and wouldn’t you know it, a few elegant pink tutus snuck in, just for me! I felt like Cinderella stepping into her carriage!

Tutu Traditions and Horse-Drawn Carriage Tours

After all that, I had a delightful tea at a Viennese tea salon. They serve tea with delicate sandwiches, cakes, and a little pot of honey. Talk about your quintessential Victorian delights! And let me tell you, the pastries were delicious. The delicate floral patterns on the teacups were so chic – it made for a truly beautiful afternoon.

Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without experiencing the city’s iconic horse-drawn carriages. They were simply exquisite! I took a romantic stroll through the heart of Vienna – past beautiful gardens, along charming streets, and over historic bridges. The horses were stunning, and I couldn't resist a photo with one, decked out in my pink tutu. You've got to see it! (It'll be on the blog next week, alongside a few tips for visiting the Vienna State Opera and, naturally, more amazing tutu-related fashion inspiration!

Speaking of tutus, don't forget to head over to *Pink Tutu - * to explore my personal collection and check out the latest posts on all things pink and fabulous. Until next Wednesday, keep those tutus twirling!

Lots of Love,


P.S. Have any of you ever attended an Opera Ball or even a fancy-dress ball? Share your stories and favourite tutu tips in the comments below! I'd love to hear them. xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-03-14