Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-04-04

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #309 - A Waltz Through Vienna

Guten Tag, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a brand new Pink Tutu Vienna blog post! As usual, your favourite ballerina with a penchant for pink and a twirl in her step is ready to share another fabulously fabulous adventure from the beautiful city of Vienna.

This week, I’m bursting with excitement because Vienna has been dazzling me with its waltz-worthy charm and utterly fabulous fashion! I’m so excited, I could burst! I know some of you have asked how I fund my travels (always a burning question, isn’t it?). Well, it's all thanks to the lovely folk who enjoy my performances! I perform at all sorts of places, from little local theatres to grand halls, sharing my passion for ballet and twirling my way into your hearts (and occasionally, into a stunning pink tutu)!

Before I delve into the gorgeousness that is Vienna, I wanted to share a little bit about my journey. It’s the most beautiful train ride! I journeyed from a picturesque little village in Derbyshire, England – the birthplace of my love for dancing! My journey started with the morning light, dancing across the emerald green hills, a scene straight out of a storybook! And then the train arrived! Imagine a sleek, gleaming, crimson beast with windows that gleamed like jewels. As we whizzed past breathtaking landscapes, the only sound was the rhythmic click-clack of the train wheels on the tracks, and, of course, the soothing music of Mozart on my trusty iPod. Just picture it, darlings - the most perfect start to a perfect trip!

Now, onto the heart of this fabulous post - Vienna! This beautiful city truly embodies elegance, and, of course, my favourite colour: PINK! I mean, just look at all the pretty pink roses! The city seems to have a romantic aura hanging over it, a gentle blush upon the face of a delicate beauty, making me feel like a princess straight out of a fairytale! It’s not hard to be swept up by its charm - even with my head stuck in the clouds thanks to a particularly magnificent hat from one of the lovely boutiques I found here.

Today, the sky is clear and the air is filled with a playful waltz, a light wind that carries a whisper of springtime, whispering a promise of warmer days ahead. Vienna is full of life and vibrance, a tapestry woven with threads of history, culture and artistry!

Vienna Ballet - My Dream!

Oh darling, let's talk about the ballet! Vienna is renowned for its world-class ballet scene, and I must say, it didn't disappoint! The Vienna State Opera is a majestic, awe-inspiring building! The moment I stepped inside, it felt like I'd entered a different world, one filled with the melodies of Strauss, the graceful movements of ballerinas and, most importantly, the absolute joy of ballet! I saw the most breathtaking performance last night – the beautiful dancers literally twirled me off my feet! I've never felt such raw, passionate energy in a performance before - truly a treat for the soul!

Vienna is a city brimming with historical charm and elegant history. The Schönbrunn Palace is utterly glorious! Picture a vast, beautiful garden, manicured and elegant with statues of mythical creatures standing guard. The Palace itself, it’s just magnificent! Inside, a tapestry of stories and memories, painted upon every wall, the ghosts of emperors and empresses lingering in every room. I couldn't help but feel like I had stepped into a history book, the scent of jasmine in the air adding a touch of timeless charm to the moment! I can't forget the delicious strudels! The Viennese Strudel, a divine culinary masterpiece - with its flakey pastry, decadent filling, and sweet, tangy savoriness - is utterly divine! This is the perfect way to enjoy a taste of Vienna.

Finding Fashion in Vienna

Now let's get into the nitty-gritty of my Pink Tutu Vienna venture: FASHION! Vienna is a treasure trove for a fashion-obsessed girl like me! Oh darling, the streets of Vienna are absolutely teeming with fashion delights! I spent an entire day getting lost in a labyrinth of designer boutiques and antique shops, every corner a discovery, each window displaying exquisite artfully curated pieces!

Today, I've already snagged a fabulously charming pink-hued skirt – just the perfect splash of pink against Vienna's sophisticated backdrop. I also snagged an irresistible collection of antique hairpins that will look magnificent on my pink-themed up-do for tonight’s ballet performance! Vienna is so wonderfully eclectic, every shop a portal to a new fashion fantasy, a world of style waiting to be discovered!

Tutu Tidbits - Vienna Edition

Of course, no trip is complete without a Tutu Tidbit. Vienna is, after all, the birthplace of the waltz, a dance that perfectly embodies elegance, grace and twirling, right?! I mean, just imagine it! It’s so incredibly elegant - so much so, it made me fall completely in love with this city’s elegant fashion history!

There is one stunning building in Vienna – it’s so magnificent and awe-inspiring, and so grand and opulent that I feel a sense of true wonder when I am within its walls! I found myself wandering through the Viennese Hofburg Imperial Palace and getting lost in its architectural magnificence. The palace has a rich, captivating history, but I am particularly fascinated by the era of Empress Elisabeth, also known as Sisi. She’s famous for her graceful style, a testament to the enduring power of feminine beauty. You know what? I believe Sisi would have approved of my love for pink tutus!

Vienna, in every way, has captured my heart, inspiring a new sparkle in my dancing steps, in my blog, and in my fashion style. I have had a splendidly fabulous day, I’ve waltzed and I’ve twirled. And I’m looking forward to spending another wonderful week exploring more of Vienna’s magic, exploring more amazing shops and restaurants, finding the perfect pink outfit to perform in, and just living life to the fullest, darling. Because Vienna truly has that ability to make everything feel utterly divine!

Don’t forget, darlings, you can follow my adventures and daily fashion fix here every Wednesday on ! Stay fabulous and wear your pink tutu proudly, for the world needs more joyful twirling and fabulous fashion.

Lots of love and happy dancing,


(P.S., don’t forget to check back next week, darlings, because I’m going to share the scoop on where to get the perfect pair of vintage ballerina shoes!)

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-04-04