Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-09-05

Vienna: A Whirlwind of Pink and Waltz (Blog Post #331)

Oh my dears, what a whirlwind week it's been! I'm writing this from my little Viennese hotel room, feeling as though I've been spun around like a ballerina on a sugar high. The air is buzzing with history, the streets are lined with exquisite architecture, and the aroma of coffee and pastries hangs thick in the air. Yes, I'm in Vienna, the very birthplace of the waltz, and my darling tutu is feeling every bit as giddy as I am!

This week's adventures kicked off with a trip to the Hofburg Palace, Vienna's imperial palace, a place brimming with stories and secrets. It felt like stepping straight out of a fairy tale - golden ceilings, intricate tapestries, and a history that practically whispers in your ear. I confess, my little pink tutu got a touch dishevelled in the sheer grandiosity of it all. It felt a bit like the time I wore it to the Royal Opera House, but with a decidedly less aristocratic air.

Speaking of aristocracy, the history of the waltz here is simply enthralling! Vienna is the heart and soul of the waltz - its rhythm beats in the cobblestones, dances on the Danube River, and whispers in the rustling of the leaves in the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace. It's said that the waltz originated here in the 18th century, when it was considered quite scandalous for men and women to dance so closely. But oh my, the excitement! Can you imagine the frisson, the flirtation, the sense of adventure! My heart beats a little faster just thinking about it!

After my royal tour, I indulged in a bit of Vienna's vibrant shopping scene, naturally seeking out tutus and pink delights. This city is a treasure trove for the sartorially inclined - exquisite boutiques, vintage shops overflowing with vintage treasures, and enough shoe stores to make even the most sensible ballerina swoon. I stumbled upon a beautiful vintage pink lace tutu in a shop called "L'Atelier de la Mode" - it's a bit tattered around the edges, but oh, the charm! It's simply begging to be paired with a velvet bolero and a delicate, vintage fascinator.

To round out my whirlwind of pink, I took a charming horse-drawn carriage ride through the city streets. Picture me, perched precariously on the plush seat, my pink tutu swirling gently, the horses clopping softly, and the sights and smells of Vienna whirling past me. The wind through my hair, the gentle rhythm of the carriage, and the stunning views were the perfect symphony for a romantic afternoon. The driver, a kind old man, smiled at me with amusement when he noticed my tutu, giving me a knowing nod.

My Viennese adventures have been a constant flow of graceful movements, vibrant colours, and the irresistible lure of the waltz. There's something about this city, with its elegant atmosphere, that makes you want to pirouette and glide, like the city's soul is wrapped in tulle and pink. The only thing missing? Well, obviously more pink tutus! I'm already dreaming of how to spread the pink tutu love throughout the cobbled streets.

This blog has only scratched the surface of my Viennese adventures! Be sure to check back next week for more stories, more pink, and more graceful movements. Oh, and if you happen to be in Vienna, don't be surprised to see a certain pink tutu dancing through the streets, spreading joy and reminding everyone that the world needs more twirling!

Until then, my lovelies, keep twirling and dreaming!

Emma x

PS. Don't forget to check out for more pink-tastic posts every Wednesday!

P.P.S. Today is September 5th, 2001. The day is bright and sunny here in Vienna! And what a lovely day to be twirling in a pink tutu, wouldn't you agree?

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-09-05