Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2003-03-12

Vienna Waltz: Pink Tutu's Austrian Adventure - Blog Post #410

Hello darlings!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of the Pink Tutu travels! This week I'm whisking you away to the romantic city of Vienna, a place where waltz music fills the air and where tutus are, I'm sure you'll agree, always welcome!

As you know, dear readers, my recent ballet tour in the UK has taken me on some incredible journeys by train. This time, I traded in the hustle and bustle of London for a delightful 12-hour train ride through Europe's stunning countryside, a journey that was both calming and inspiring. The landscape, dotted with fields of wildflowers and charming villages, was like stepping into a classic oil painting.

Once in Vienna, my heart did a little pirouette – the sheer beauty of this city is hard to describe. Grand palaces with ornate facades, horse-drawn carriages that click-clack through cobblestone streets, and of course, a magnificent Opera House – it's a city steeped in history and elegance.

Tutus in the Austrian Air

No trip to Vienna is complete without a visit to the Vienna State Opera House. It’s one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world, a real treasure chest of classical music, and just oozing history! Can you imagine what tutus have graced this very stage? I simply must visit the wardrobe department and see if they’ve preserved some of the exquisite garments from past performances.

Of course, the showstopper of my visit to Vienna was a breathtaking performance of “Swan Lake”. The dancers were graceful and ethereal, their movements perfectly capturing the spirit of Tchaikovsky's iconic ballet. I swear I felt like I was floating on air myself – the costumes, the lighting, the music… it was pure magic! I felt a real sense of pride and camaraderie, sharing this exquisite moment with all the other tutu-loving ladies and gentlemen in the audience. It's like a secret club, a bond shared across continents and across decades.

Vienna’s Fashion Fairytale

Now, let's talk shopping! Vienna is a shopper’s paradise! Boutiques on every corner display the latest fashion trends, vintage shops tempt you with treasures from another era, and the iconic Karntner Strasse is a haven for designer labels and unique boutiques. Of course, I have my eyes peeled for tutus and pretty pinks – you never know where you might find a hidden gem.

On a Horse-Drawn Carriage with a Tutu

Another must-do in Vienna is a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride. Picture this: the golden glow of a setting sun, cobblestone streets, the soft clip-clop of horse hooves and the gentle breeze blowing through my tulle – simply divine! It felt like I had stepped back in time to a bygone era, a timeless and enchanting experience that made my heart soar! Oh, and did I mention I wore my newest pink tutu with little pearl details on this very carriage ride? You simply must be fashionable even in the heart of a Viennese fairytale, right? I'm sure you agree!

Viennese Waltz and Tea

My trip wouldn't be complete without immersing myself in the Viennese waltz tradition. The grand halls of the Hofburg Palace hosted a wonderful waltz class. It was a delightful blend of elegance and joy, and for a moment, I felt like I was part of a grand Viennese ball! Oh, how I dream of a waltz with my own handsome prince, gliding through a castle ballroom in my fanciest pink tutu! Perhaps this will be my next adventure?

And no journey through Austria is complete without enjoying some traditional afternoon tea. Vienna is famed for its beautiful cafes, where dainty sandwiches, melt-in-your-mouth pastries, and fragrant cups of tea are served with a delicate touch. I must say, after a full day of sightseeing, a delicious pastry with my tea always makes me feel like I'm indulging in a little slice of Viennese heaven.

Time to Wrap Things Up

Vienna, my dears, has captured my heart. It’s a place that whispers romantic tales through every corner, where waltzing memories intertwine with centuries of history.

I've come to the end of this blog post, but don't think my Vienna adventure is over. I'll be continuing to explore this charming city, and I can't wait to share more of my pink tutu escapades with you.

Until next week, stay fabulous, my dear readers, and never forget the power of a pink tutu to add a touch of sparkle to any adventure!

Love, Emma xx

P.S. I have a confession: the ballet shoes I brought with me for this trip have fallen completely in love with a beautiful pair of black leather boots in one of the shops on the Karntner Strasse. Can you blame them? But I promise to share with you next week the results of my shoe adventures and if they are joining me on the next part of my Austrian escapade! They have assured me they can perform well in all types of weather! They're brave little boots indeed.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2003-03-12