Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2004-04-14

Vienna, oh Vienna, My Tutu’s in Love! 🩰💕 #467

Good morning lovelies! It’s Wednesday, which means a fresh post from your favourite pink tutu-clad travel blogger. This week I'm in Vienna, and let me tell you, this city has completely stolen my heart (and perhaps my ballet shoes)! 👠

It was a rather enchanting train journey to get here. Nothing beats the rhythm of the tracks and the swaying scenery flashing past my window. The perfect soundtrack to my current obsession with all things Strauss, particularly The Blue Danube Waltz. I even attempted to do a little twirl in my seat – not ideal for a packed train carriage, I know, but a tutu girl’s gotta dance, right? 😉

The Imperial Ballet

Arriving in Vienna, I was immediately smitten. The city feels so grand and historical, with beautiful architecture around every corner. You know those postcards of cobbled streets lined with quaint cafes? Vienna has them in abundance! And what better place to explore than the home of the legendary Vienna State Opera? I mean, it practically breathes ballet history! ✨

Just being in the same building as so many incredible dancers over the centuries feels magical. You can practically feel the echo of their grace and artistry in the halls. My heart practically skipped a beat when I saw a real-life ballerina on her way to rehearsals! I must confess, I nearly squeezed her for a picture, but then I realised it would be a bit too much, even for a pink-tutu wearing enthusiast! 😂

I spent a beautiful morning watching rehearsal. The focus and dedication of these dancers is awe-inspiring. Even from the back, I could see the passion and joy they bring to every pirouette and arabesque. It really does make me want to get back in my leotard and pointe shoes! Maybe a private class at the opera? Ooh, what a dream! ✨

Fashion Flirts with Culture

No trip to Vienna would be complete without a visit to the Museum of Art History (well, let’s be honest, for me it’s about the fashion section!). I absolutely adore historical dress. Seeing the sheer artistry and detail of the courtly gowns of centuries ago was truly mesmerising. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of skill and craftsmanship that went into each piece. 🪡🧵

And guess what?! I even found a few stunning ballet shoes on display – tiny and delicate little slippers that make my pointe shoes feel positively gargantuan in comparison. Imagine pirouetteing in those, all lace and satin! Oh, the dream!

Oh, The Shops!

I can't resist a good shopping trip! I know I should probably just live on ballet shoes, tutus and fabric scraps, but I am hopelessly drawn to beautiful boutiques, especially in Vienna. And the clothes here? Gorgeous! There's just something about Viennese fashion that whispers old-world glamour with a modern twist.

My current obsession is a gorgeous blush pink, vintage-inspired coat I saw in a shop near the Opera House. I think it might have my name on it… Maybe I should take the plunge. And, I might just pick up some new leotard and tutu fabrics while I’m at it! I simply can't leave a beautiful city without a few shopping finds for my own wardrobe. 💖

From Horseback to the Theatre

Today, I'm off to Schönbrunn Palace, another jewel in Vienna's crown. Not only does it have the most beautiful gardens – think floral parterres and sweeping lawns – but there’s also a chance to ride a horse and carriage through the grounds! You bet your tutu I'll be squeezing myself into my prettiest pink dress for that! 👑

Tonight, I'm looking forward to an incredible treat - tickets to see Don Giovanni at the Opera House! I've heard the Vienna State Opera is legendary for a reason, and Don Giovanni is a truly classic opera. I can already picture myself swept away by the beautiful melodies and dramatic performances. Who knows? Maybe I’ll even wear a matching tutu to my dress. Maybe? 🤫

The Pink Tutu Movement Continues

I may be far from home, but my mission to get everyone wearing a pink tutu never falters. Just the other day, a couple of locals stopped me to compliment my outfit – they had never seen anything quite like it! I think they were a little confused, but ultimately they smiled and gave me a thumbs-up. So my mission is definitely gaining momentum! 🎉

This post is just a tiny taste of my Vienna adventures. There are so many other wonders to explore - Viennese cafes, charming street performers, maybe even a visit to the city's famous zoo. Oh, and let's not forget the chocolate! My waistline is going to have to adjust accordingly. 😉

Don't forget to check back in next Wednesday for more adventures, lovely readers!

In the meantime, may your days be filled with grace, pink tutus and joy. Until next time, darling!

Emma xo

P.S. What's your favourite pink tutu moment so far? Share your stories with me in the comments below! 💖

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2004-04-14