Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2004-10-20

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Whirlwind of Culture and Crinoline - Post #494

Wednesday, 20th October 2004

Darling readers,

How do you do! It's Wednesday, and you know what that means... another installment of the Pink Tutu Vienna blog! This week, Vienna is bursting with colour and culture. My travelling tutu and I have been absolutely swamped with exciting events. This is how my week unfolded!

A Ballet Box Full of Treats

Vienna, as you all know, is a city practically built for ballet lovers! I had been itching to see Giselle at the Vienna State Opera House, and my dearest aunt Agatha, who knows all the best secrets, whispered to me about a fabulous "student night" at the opera house. The tickets were more than affordable (especially considering my little bit of ballet tutoring here and there - you know how it is!).

And oh, the performance! It was magnificent! From the haunting opening scene, the melancholic strings tugging at my heartstrings, to the captivating final act - Giselle’s tragic love and ethereal dance. You see, darling readers, the secret is to lose yourself in the emotion, let the music and the costumes, the dramatic gestures, all transport you into a different world. That's the beauty of ballet, and, quite frankly, the only way to truly appreciate the sheer athleticism, the precision, the emotion – the artistry.

Of course, it was the tutus that were really breathtaking. The dancers glided through the performance like wisps of cotton candy in a hurricane! It wasn't all silk and frills though; the costumes for the villagers were beautifully rustic, creating a stunning contrast to the ethereal, ghostly figures of the Wilis. It really struck a chord with me; this exquisite balance between the elegance and strength of classical ballet. It made me think, darling readers, about how our fashion choices reflect ourselves. It’s a message that resonated strongly, even in this romantic drama set centuries ago. I definitely need a tutu like those Wilis! Maybe with just a hint of sparkle…. Oh, darling, the possibilities are endless!

Vintage Treasure Hunt

Vienna has this wonderful thing – vintage shops on every corner, every shop overflowing with forgotten treasures. And darling, I’m nothing if not a collector of fabulous relics. Imagine my joy at finding a pair of beautifully aged pointe shoes! They were hidden on a dusty shelf in a quaint little shop nestled amongst the narrow streets.

It seems someone had taken very good care of them, the leather pristine. I couldn't leave them there; they seemed destined to dance again, albeit on the stage of my life. I bought them on a whim, and they're already being admired by my friends and colleagues – well, my friends are also colleagues, we work together! Anyway, a ballet girl is nothing without her ballet shoes, am I right, dearies? And I'm absolutely enchanted by this latest addition to my vintage collection!

Vienna By Moonlight – Tutu Twirls in the Hofburg

My dear friend Beatrice (you know, the fashion-forward journalist I met at the last ball) and I decided to take a "moonlight tour" of the Hofburg Palace. It’s a real marvel, you know! And darling, did you know it's haunted? Well, it is! Rumours abound that a shadowy figure glides through the halls, said to be Maria Theresa, the famous Habsburg empress! How intriguing, don’t you think? We were walking around the courtyard, discussing ballet history – can you imagine how glamorous it was back then, all those magnificent tutus, and dances under the twinkling chandeliers in these grand halls?

Beatrice, she's a real romantic; she wants to throw a Masquerade Ball here, like they used to. Now wouldn’t that be delightful? Just imagine the gowns, the jewels, the masks… The sheer glamour of it! Oh, wouldn’t it be a vision to wear a stunning tutu amidst all that majesty? We did spend a lot of time, while our shadows danced along the stone walls, picturing a gorgeous grand ball... and how wonderful the pictures would look on my blog! Just imagine it, dearies! Pink tutus dancing in the Hofburg under the moonlight… It’s enough to make you blush, isn’t it?

A Journey by Carriage… with a Touch of Velvet

It is true, darling, my love for historical elegance knows no bounds, and it led me to experience a magnificent journey – a ride through Vienna by carriage! It is a tradition here that makes you feel like you're in a scene straight out of a film! It was absolutely dreamy – the smell of freshly baked pastries in the air, the tinkling sound of horse hooves, the grandeur of the palaces… a perfect mix of history and charm!

And – because let's face it, it's the little things, isn't it? I just had to make my outfit just perfect. I matched my vibrant pink tutu with a sleek velvet bolero, a vintage handbag with a hint of vintage charm, and, for an extra touch, I tied my hair up in a romantic braid adorned with fresh flowers! Everything matched, and every glance I caught reflected admiration for my tutu and me! It is truly amazing what a few well-chosen accessories can do to create the perfect picture of chic, romantic sophistication. And darling, trust me, a little bit of pink never goes astray!

Delicious Delights – Chocolate and Viennese Waltz

Ah, darling, no journey through Vienna can be complete without an encounter with Sacher-Torte! This chocolatey heaven, served at the legendary Sacher Hotel, is a true testament to Viennese tradition. I, of course, indulged in this exquisite delight and, you know me, I couldn’t resist a photo op with the cake itself, a grand display of pink-hued confectionary and, let’s be honest, an opportunity for my beautiful tutu to shine amidst the chocolatey loveliness!

As you know, I love a good Waltz! And while savouring the dessert, I felt myself drawn into the beautiful music that wafted from the hotel’s Grand Salon. The dancers glided gracefully, their bodies moving as if part of the waltz itself, their movements captivating! They spun and dipped, the men and ladies, a true testament to Viennese elegance. Oh, the graceful movement, the elegant twirling... all that movement simply reminded me that there’s something incredibly liberating about embracing your inner ballerina – even while indulging in exquisite chocolate treats. And how much better can it get, darling, when you are enveloped by such a captivating waltz, feeling that unique magic that only the ballroom floor can offer? There’s just something so captivating, so mesmerizing about that movement! Isn't that how we all feel when we put on our pink tutus?

Back to My Derbyshire Roots… But Never Leaving Vienna

The truth is, I adore travelling, discovering new cultures and embracing the new. But even the most adventurous soul misses home. I’ll be returning to my dear Derbyshire in the coming week, and you know what I’ll be bringing with me? A heart overflowing with Vienna's beauty and a suitcase filled with the memories of ballet shoes, historical palaces, elegant Waltz moves, and chocolate treats!

I promise you, I’ll keep you updated on my new adventures, all the whimsical moments I’ll surely experience back home. But, in my heart, I will always treasure Vienna. Its waltzing streets, the magic of its ballet, the charm of its carriage rides all bring an unforgettable vibrancy. And you know what, dearies? That magic can be carried anywhere… you just need to remember your pink tutu.

So until next Wednesday, I send you hugs and kisses. Keep dreaming of those twirling pink tutus, and may your week be as fabulous as a performance in Vienna’s beautiful Opera House!

Stay sassy, and never stop twirling!

Yours in pink,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2004-10-20