Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2004-12-01

Vienna, My Darling! (Post #500!)

Oh, Vienna, Vienna, how I love thee! You are truly the city of waltzes and wonder, where every cobblestone whispers of a forgotten romance, and every park holds the echo of a Viennese waltz. This week has been pure magic, and I simply must share it all with you!

But first, a little celebratory shout! This is post number 500 for my Vienna blog! Five hundred weeks of pink tulle, travel tales, and all things beautiful! It's been an incredible journey, and I couldn't have done it without you, my dearest readers! Thank you for joining me on this whirlwind tour of fashion, ballet, and joie de vivre!

Speaking of joy, Vienna is truly living up to its reputation! Last night, I was whisked away to a beautiful gala at the Vienna State Opera House. My outfit was, of course, pink. A shimmering pink satin top with a floaty pink tulle skirt, with the most intricate, pearl-encrusted ballerina shoes. The ballet was "La Bayadere," a masterpiece of classic romance and tragic beauty. As always, I was enchanted by the athletic grace of the dancers and the sheer drama of the production.

And of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without a visit to the Vienna Opera Ball. Oh my, it's an absolute spectacle! Hundreds of people in shimmering gowns and dashing suits swirling across the dance floor, the air alive with the melody of waltzes and the scent of roses. It's a true fairy tale come to life!

Now, you all know I have a soft spot for tutus, so let's talk history! Did you know that Vienna is actually a hotbed for tutu history? From the early days of the Vienna State Ballet to the modern-day Ballettschule Vienna, Vienna has been a pioneer in tutu design and development. They are particularly known for their intricate and extravagant creations, a trend that continues to inspire even today! And if you are looking for the perfect ballet outfit, look no further! Vienna's streets are lined with fabulous shops featuring unique creations for any tutu lover.

Now, my dear readers, a little peek into my travels. This past week I journeyed by train to Budapest, a truly beautiful city full of baroque palaces, elegant bridges, and a lively atmosphere. It's known for its thermal baths, so naturally I had to spend some time luxuriating in these geothermal wonders! And a delightful little anecdote about this journey... while travelling to Budapest, a little Hungarian girl wearing a pink tutu caught my eye. It was fate, I tell you! We talked all about tutus and dreams of dancing. The whole train car became a flurry of pink, and my heart melted. She's convinced that someday she will be a ballerina on the Vienna State Opera stage. You know, it made me think that if we all dreamed big and danced boldly, the world could become a beautiful stage where everyone wears a pink tutu!

Back in Vienna, I discovered the most delightful tea shop tucked away in a quiet little courtyard. It's called "Le Petit Paris," a tiny piece of France nestled within the heart of Vienna. Their scones are divine, and the tea, oh, the tea! It's like a sip of sunshine. This little hidden gem became my perfect refuge for catching up on all things pink, planning new adventures, and sharing the journey with you!

My dear readers, a little taste of what Vienna has to offer on this December 1st:

Music: Vienna State Opera is showcasing a stunning production of Wagner's “Tristan und Isolde," a masterpiece of musical drama. Don't miss it if you are in town.

Markets: I've fallen head over heels with Vienna's Christmas markets! This time of year, Vienna becomes a fairytale land with enchanting decorations, delicious festive food, and, of course, beautiful handmade gifts. This week, the Advent markets around St. Stephen’s Cathedral are simply divine. You can smell the spiced glühwein, see the flickering candlelight, and find the perfect Christmas trinkets.

Fashion: Vienna is teeming with exciting designers and vintage treasures. I discovered an absolutely delightful boutique on the outskirts of Vienna that is bursting with unique finds. It's called “Second Bloom” and they have the most delightful selection of vintage pink tulle pieces, perfect for any occasion.

Oh, and let me not forget the exquisite ballet performance at the Volksoper Wien this weekend. The program is “A Night of Classics” and includes excerpts from “Giselle,” “Swan Lake,” and “The Nutcracker." It's going to be an evening filled with classic grace, breathtaking jumps, and unforgettable artistry.

My dear readers, Vienna is a city that truly inspires me, both with its rich history and vibrant present. I feel truly blessed to be able to share my experiences with you. So, let us all dance a little, embrace the pink, and dream big! Remember, if you love tutus as much as I do, then the world is truly your stage.

Until next Wednesday,

Stay pink!


From the heart of Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2004-12-01