Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-06-15

Vienna Calling: A Whirlwind of Pink & Waltz, Post #528

Bonjour, mes amies! This week finds me nestled in the heart of Vienna, Austria, a city brimming with history, culture, and, dare I say, a sprinkle of magical tutu dust! You wouldn't believe the amount of pink I've spotted here, not just in my own delightful wardrobe, but in the cafes, the architecture, and even the local confectionery.

It all started, of course, with the grand train journey from Derbyshire, my little corner of England. There's nothing quite like a scenic rail ride to put one in a delightfully whimsical mood, and as I gazed at the rolling hills and quaint towns flashing by, I couldn't help but envision a graceful ballet unfolding. This whole journey, I've decided, is my very own grand pas de deux – the dance of my life!

And what better way to embrace the spirit of Vienna than by attending a dazzling ballet performance? I landed at the Vienna State Opera House, a breathtaking building dripping in history and elegance. The plush velvet seats were just begging for a tutued guest, and I obliged with my signature vibrant pink creation. The performance itself was a tour de force - the grace and artistry of the dancers left me speechless, but it was the exquisite costumes that truly captivated me. Think tiers of tulle and a plethora of pearls, all swirling in a beautiful symphony of pink and ivory. A true feast for the eyes!

Speaking of the eyes, shopping in Vienna has been a delightful adventure! I've found myself lost in the cobbled streets of the Inner Stadt, surrounded by independent boutiques brimming with vintage treasures. My hunt for the perfect ballet flat led me to a shop crammed with hand-painted shoes - they reminded me of beautiful porcelain dolls. Of course, I couldn't leave without purchasing a pair - they'll be perfect for twirling amongst the cafes, which, by the way, are positively bursting with Viennese charm. Imagine sipping a steaming cappuccino under a canopy of chestnut trees, surrounded by the gentle sounds of classical music... utter perfection!

One thing that struck me is how passionate Viennese people are about their ballet history. Everywhere I go, I see beautiful murals and statues of legendary dancers. They have a museum dedicated entirely to the history of the Vienna State Opera House, and let me tell you, it's a treasure trove for a tutu aficionado like myself! Learning about the rich legacy of ballet in Vienna, I discovered that it played a crucial role in shaping the city's identity and cultural heritage. No wonder, it still inspires artists and performers today!

And my own quest to spread the joy of the tutu doesn't stop here! While strolling through the famous Schönbrunn Palace gardens, I couldn't resist grabbing my little notebook and pencil to sketch the elaborate, floral-filled topiaries - wouldn't they be divine for a theatrical stage setting? I could picture delicate ballerinas flitting amongst them, their tulle flowing in the breeze like fragrant blossoms. What an enchanting scene it would be!

Speaking of the theatrical, I've even stumbled upon a charming little street theatre performance featuring mime artists and acrobats. Now, this really resonated with me! I'm certain that with a little encouragement (and perhaps some strategically placed pink tulle!), even the most sceptical passers-by would be convinced of the beauty and magic of this artistic art form.

Of course, Vienna would be remiss without a horse-drawn carriage ride through the heart of the city. This graceful mode of transport felt incredibly elegant and fitting for a ballerina's sojourn! Picture it - the soft clopping of hooves against the cobblestones, the wind blowing through my hair, and me, twirling happily in my tutu! Truly, a picture postcard moment.

Vienna has charmed my heart! I've embraced the waltz and savored the city's beauty like a decadent Viennese pastry. But perhaps the most delightful thing I've discovered here is the welcoming nature of the Viennese people. They have a twinkle in their eyes, a genuine passion for art and culture, and a sense of community that makes you feel at home right away. It's this charming warmth and embracing energy that made Vienna feel like the perfect home away from home for this tutu-wearing ballerina.

I'm off to enjoy a slice of Sachertorte (and a peek at the latest fashions in a grand Viennese department store, of course!), but I'll be back next week with more adventures from my delightful Vienna journey! Until then, remember - embrace the colour, embrace the dance, and always, always, embrace the tutu!

Stay chic,

Emma, your resident Pink Tutu Ballerina

*P.S. I just discovered a fabulous local boutique filled with vintage ballet shoes! Imagine my delight when I found a pair with delicate pink ribbon bows - my heart sang a little ballet tune. It just goes to show - pink and tutu magic truly can be found in every corner of the world! *

*P.P.S. I just noticed the date is June 15th, and what an extraordinary coincidence! On this day, in 1790, the first production of "The Magic Flute", a beloved operatic masterpiece, took place in Vienna! That is precisely the kind of fantastical magic that draws me to this city, and maybe, just maybe, it’s what inspires me to dance on my own pink tutu adventures! *

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-06-15