Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-08-17

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post #537: Viennese Whirlwind! 🩰🌸

Dearest readers,

It's Wednesday, the 17th of August, 2005, and I'm here, live from the magnificent city of Vienna! I've travelled by train from Paris, arriving this morning after a comfortable journey across Europe. The train journey is a wonderful part of travel – the landscape, the delicious meals in the carriage dining car, and even a little snooze here and there, all before the delightful moment when the train finally pulls into the station and I can set foot in a new, exciting city. I think trains really suit the pink tutu look, don't you? 😉

As soon as I set eyes on Vienna, I was swept away by the grandeur and elegance of this historical city. The grand architecture, the parks, the coffee houses, the air - everything feels like a beautiful ballet.

Now, let me tell you, the shops in Vienna are a total dream! It’s simply bursting with all the exquisite things my little pink tutu heart desires. I must have already walked past a dozen stores filled with tutus in every colour imaginable - the colours, the fabrics, the detail – my head is spinning! I’ve even found some fabulously sparkly shoes that might just be perfect for a gala performance in the evening. You see, darling readers, it's impossible to not feel inspired by a place like Vienna. It's just like a stage!

But today wasn’t just about clothes. Today was a day for ballet. It's hard to believe, but it's true – this grand city of Vienna, known for its beautiful architecture and history, also has a rich ballet heritage. And I, of course, just had to visit the Vienna State Opera. This gorgeous building, one of the largest and most important opera houses in the world, oozes glamour and sophistication – my heart skipped a beat as I entered.

I spent a glorious afternoon wandering the halls, absorbing the atmosphere. I learned about the Opera’s rich history and explored its intricate architecture and magnificent stage. The details were breathtaking - intricate carvings, elaborate paintings, opulent décor - it felt like stepping into a fairy tale! And of course, I couldn’t leave without trying on one of the fabulous costumes in the opera’s wardrobe. What can I say, I just had to! 😉 It was a perfect, pink, feathery, full-skirted beauty! And don’t worry, I posed in it, making a show of myself with a perfect ballerina plié. You bet, my blog readers were my only audience, right here in my head. After all, I have a very busy, performance schedule – after my recent London show and with upcoming performances in Hamburg, Berlin, and Brussels – I couldn’t possibly stage a grand performance in Vienna’s state opera. (Maybe later, darling!)

The grand foyer was full of beautifully-dressed people – men and women dressed in their finery, like a social ballet. I must say I blended right in, my pink tutu fitting beautifully within the Viennese ballet. I even made a friend, a young Viennese girl named Greta who loves ballet and, you guessed it – wants to be a ballerina! I'll be taking her to see a ballet show tomorrow night! I’ll tell you all about it in my next blog, and I'll try to teach her a few ballerina moves! 😉

While we’re on the topic of ballerinas, do you know that the tutu has been around for nearly 200 years? I can’t imagine dancing without one – imagine it, no tutus, no tulle – the tragedy! Of course, they haven’t always been made of tulle like today – can you believe it! Early tutus were actually made of white cotton and were worn in classical ballets like “La Sylphide” and “Giselle” – it's the height of romance. I always think a tulle tutu is the height of fashion! We must continue this history lesson tomorrow, however, as I simply can't write about tutus all night!

Later in the evening, I headed for the heart of Vienna - the beautiful, historical city centre - and a stroll down the Graben. Everything is beautifully lit up here, it felt like being part of an outdoor fairytale. A musician was playing the violin on a cobbled street corner, his music swirling like a beautiful, melodic ballet - truly enchanting!

I indulged in an elegant dinner with my new friend Greta, and her wonderful family - who are now, needless to say, obsessed with all things pink, especially my lovely pink tutu – after I finished with my exquisite meal, I decided to take a walk down a quieter street to ponder my future ballet adventures, where I discovered the Vienna City Hall. It's magnificent! A beautiful, massive, imposing building that could only exist in a fairytale – but it is here, a real, breathtaking sight!

Vienna, with your elegant grandeur and graceful pace, I think you’ve captured my heart. Now, dear readers, it’s getting very late here in Vienna – it is already almost midnight - so I’ll bid you a good night, and a reminder - always dream pink,


Emma 🌸🩰

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-08-17