Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-08-23

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post 590 – A Whirlwind Waltz in the Heart of Austria

Dearest readers!

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for a fresh update from your favourite tutu-clad traveller! I’m currently ensconced in Vienna, Austria, the city of waltzes, pastries, and an enchanting aura of old-world elegance.

I arrived here on a sweltering Saturday morning, my trusty pink tutu adding a splash of vibrant colour to the quaint, cobblestone streets. After a long train journey from Prague (oh, the stunning landscapes! I nearly wrote a whole poem about the wildflowers and ancient castles we passed!), I checked into my little boutique hotel, where the scent of fresh-baked bread and coffee welcomed me with a warm embrace.

Vienna, my dears, is a ballet enthusiast’s dream. It's a city steeped in history, and the love for classical ballet is deeply woven into its very fabric. From the grand opera house to the intimate stages of independent studios, there are endless opportunities to witness the graceful art form in its purest form.

My week has been a delightful whirl of artistic indulgence and delightful discoveries. Let me regale you with my adventures:

The Magic of the Vienna State Opera

Monday saw me seated in the gilded grandeur of the Vienna State Opera House. It felt like stepping into a grand ballroom scene from a classic film! The elaborate chandeliers, plush velvet seats, and hushed anticipation filled the air with an electric energy. The ballet I saw, “Swan Lake,” was nothing short of breathtaking. The dancers glided effortlessly across the stage, their movements a captivating symphony of grace and emotion. I've been attending ballet performances since I was a little girl in Derbyshire, but I’ve never experienced anything quite like the passion and intensity I witnessed that evening.

Shopping in Vienna's Fabled Streets

Tuesday was dedicated to shopping, and Vienna did not disappoint! From the stylish boutiques of Mariahilfer Strasse to the elegant antique shops of the Old Town, I found myself immersed in a world of beautiful things. Of course, my purchases were carefully considered and tutu-themed, naturally. I found a pair of adorable pink ballet shoes, perfect for my street performances (yes, you read that right! I've been sharing the magic of ballet with the people of Vienna through impromptu street performances - think impromptu arabesques in the park and graceful pirouettes outside the city’s famous museums!). The shoe shops here are a dream come true, but even I had to resist a stunning pair of crystal-embellished high-heeled pumps. I did, however, treat myself to a delectable coffee and cake at a Viennese coffee house - my favourite way to end a day of shopping!

The Heart and Soul of Ballet: Visiting the Hofburg Palace

Wednesday – that’s today! - is all about history. I visited the Hofburg Palace, the grand Imperial Residence for centuries. The palace has housed a myriad of powerful rulers, but the Empress Elizabeth, better known as "Sissi", is a captivating figure I’m particularly drawn to. Imagine a life spent in opulent surroundings, wearing the most exquisite dresses and attending glittering balls. But Elizabeth, although she may have lived in a fairy tale, wasn't just a princess; she was a lover of beauty, an equestrian enthusiast (which she certainly has in common with me, although my steed is much less majestic!), and, if we believe the historical accounts, she had a real love for dancing. I feel a strange connection to this elegant, defiant queen who always danced to her own tune.

The Ballet Legacy of Vienna

Later tonight, I’m attending the Ballet at the Musikverein. The Musikverein is an incredible concert hall known for its outstanding acoustics, where some of the world’s finest musicians have performed. Today, ballet is the star of the show. To witness such artistic mastery in this beautiful setting will undoubtedly be a special treat.

This weekend I’ll be trying my luck with the horse and carriage rides that Vienna is famous for. And, of course, no trip to Austria would be complete without visiting a local ballet school and, fingers crossed, participating in a class (my tutu will look absolutely amazing in the studio, just you wait and see!).

But enough about me, my darlings! I want to know what's exciting you this week? What are you planning to do in the name of dance and style? Leave me a comment on my website,

Until next Wednesday, keep twirling and let the spirit of ballet fill your days!

Your eternally-optimistic, tutu-clad companion,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-08-23