Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-10-25

Vienna, oh Vienna! - Post 599

Hello darlings!

It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for a new blog post from your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina! This week, I'm writing to you from the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria, where I'm living it up in the most glamorous style imaginable, as always. 💖

The journey here was a complete dream. I opted for the most charming train ride through the rolling hills of the countryside, which reminded me so much of my lovely Derbyshire. But Vienna's charm truly hit me as we entered the city. It was almost as if the carriage doors swung open to reveal a fairytale! I felt like a princess from a storybook.

My darling friends, it is with the utmost excitement that I must tell you that Vienna is quite simply perfect for any pink-loving, tutu-adored ballerina. It is, without doubt, the most delightful city I've encountered since last week's adventure in Prague. 😜 The buildings, the streets, the cafes…everything seems to whisper "ballet" and "pink" in perfect harmony!

Vienna, as we all know, is the birthplace of waltz music, and where can you find a more graceful, elegant dance form? Well, the answer is clear! The waltz and ballet go together like peanut butter and jelly. (Or should I say, sugar and pink champagne? )

To kick off my Vienna escapades, I spent a lovely afternoon exploring the city's famous Hofburg Palace. This imperial treasure, as any respectable ballerina should know, is a ballet fanatic's paradise. Not only was it the home of the illustrious Habsburg Dynasty, but it was also where many grand balls were held throughout history, with many famous dancers in attendance. Imagine, all those elegant twirls and perfect pirouettes, taking place in these very halls! (Sadly, no one invited me this time…I’m thinking it’s just a coincidence. 😏) But never fear, dear friends! As any true dancer knows, all I need is my pink tutu and the rhythm of my heart! And trust me, in a place as beautiful as Vienna, you don’t need any special invitation to feel like royalty. 😉

I was mesmerised by the palace's collection of opulent ballrooms, each grander than the last! I simply could not resist doing a few impromptu pirouettes (with a little flourish and, of course, a twirl of my pink tutu) in the dazzling Imperial Ballroom.

After all that excitement, I found myself drawn to Vienna’s lovely Kunsthistorisches Museum. This grand museum was an absolute revelation. Imagine, darling friends, entire halls filled with magnificent artwork dedicated to all things ballet! I was completely transported by paintings and sculptures depicting dancers, ballerinas, and scenes from classical ballets. Honestly, it felt like a magical world where I could twirl forever. And speaking of twirling…let’s get back to those wonderful, pink tutu-loving waltzing times, shall we?

The highlight of my trip, however, had to be the Viennese State Opera House, which is, without doubt, a masterpiece of architecture and one of the most important operatic stages in the world. Imagine my delight when I learned that they are currently staging “Swan Lake"! I couldn't possibly miss such a divine spectacle! With all the swans in that beautiful lake scene, you can't blame me for feeling like a swan myself! Honestly, even the white feathered dress of Odette is no match for a good pink tutu, wouldn't you say? 💖 Oh, Vienna, how I adore your magical blend of history and enchantment!

To add some glamour to the evening, I couldn't resist taking a carriage ride through the illuminated city. Oh, to experience the twinkling lights of Vienna, while wrapped up in a plush blanket, in the glow of gaslight, and the sound of a gentle trot … I am still completely entranced by the romance!

Of course, my Vienna trip would be incomplete without mentioning the wonderful shops and cafes that line its enchanting streets. Imagine my joy when I discovered a charming boutique selling the most stunning pink tutu ever. It’s true! *A PINK TUTU *and the most stunning feather boa I have ever seen! As any pink tutu enthusiast would say: “Darling, how can you possibly resist a beautiful new tutu?”

In Vienna, darling, there is nothing I could possibly desire more than an afternoon spent indulging in an exquisite Vienna Apple Strudel at a charming café while watching the world go by…well, perhaps except for having another carriage ride through those cobblestone streets! Ah, this life truly is divine, don't you think?

So, my darlings, if you are looking for a city that truly embraces all things beautiful and enchanting, Vienna is your ultimate destination. Whether you are a lover of ballet, a fan of fine fashion, or simply crave the delight of a beautiful city that is rich with culture and romance…then Vienna is the perfect choice for your next journey. I shall be back here in two weeks for another unforgettable experience!

Until then, wear pink, twirl your hearts out, and embrace the magic that is ballet!

Your devoted pink tutu-loving ballerina,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-10-25