
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-11-08

Vienna Waltz - Post 601: A Pink Tutu Takes on Vienna

Hello my lovely tutu-wearing friends! It's Wednesday again and I'm here with a brand new post, this time all about my trip to the magical city of Vienna! Iā€™m going to be writing more than usual about my trip as I have lots to tell you. Vienna truly is the City of Music. As if waltzing in a fluffy pink tutu through the heart of the city wasn't magical enough, I've been totally mesmerised by the ballet! Oh, and I found some shops to die for... and no, I don't mean I found dead things... you'll see!

I arrived on Monday, travelling in style, of course. You all know that I adore train travel! There's something about watching the scenery rush by as you relax with a book, a cup of tea (and maybe a little slice of cake, just for a pick-me-up!) that makes me feel like Iā€™m living in a romantic novel. I'm particularly fond of the slower routes, like the ones through the rolling hills of Germany, where I can sit by the window and let my mind wander... especially with a new pink tutu just for the trip, tucked neatly in my travel case. The one with the silk trim... oh, the joy!

But enough about my train adventures! I landed in Vienna and, straight off the bat, my sense of style took a nosedive! This was no small town where I could prance about in my latest pink creations with nary a raised eyebrow! Nope. Vienna is all about elegance and refinement. Black, white, a bit of grey... and maybe a tiny pop of colour for the brave ones. This made my choice to pack only pink outfits all the more challenging! (That and the fact my suitcase is a perfect shade of...well, pink!). Fortunately, my dear readers, a certain ballerina cannot be silenced, even by a fashion statement. I sashayed through Viennaā€™s cobbled streets, a vision in bubblegum pink, causing the locals to do double-takes and grin from ear to ear. Now thatā€™s my kind of audience! I feel like I am spreading the joy of pink throughout the world, one pink tutu at a time!

It was a bit chilly by the time I checked into my hotel, a gorgeous little family-run affair tucked away on a quiet cobbled street, with the most charming cafe just next door! And you know how I love cafes. My first Viennese breakfast was divine... think pastries as fluffy as a cloud, fresh crusty bread with apricot jam, and coffee thatā€™s so strong you could use it as glue! After breakfast, I decided to head to the heart of the city, the Hofburg Palace! And this is where it really all came to life...

Oh, the majestic, imposing architecture! The vast courtyards! I felt transported back to a time of waltzing princesses, gallant knights, and music that could make your heart soar. The Imperial Palace really is like a fairy-tale, all elaborate decorations, glittering chandeliers and opulent history... oh, and donā€™t forget those breathtaking waltz tunes filling the air! I swear, it even started to rain pink glittery snowflakes! No wonder they called Vienna the ā€œCity of Dreamsā€!

My heart truly belongs in ballet studios though! The waltz, Vienna's own famous dance, makes me want to leap onto the stage! And of course, there is the amazing history of the ballet world! This city, it breathes the past, and I get swept up in the whirlwind of dance, of passion, of performance. On Tuesday evening, I even treated myself to a visit to the Wiener Staatsoper (the Vienna State Opera). They had just finished rehearsing 'La Bayadere', an old Russian story ballet, full of amazing Indian costumes. I absolutely love this era of dancing; it's where the real elegance begins! Oh, and I found my dream ballerina costume shop, tucked away in an alley right off the street where they had the 'La Bayadere' premiere, many years ago! Think silks, tulle, sequins... Oh, the joy of just being in a room filled with these items...

I even took my pink tutu to Vienna's biggest horse riding school. This city, like Derbyshire where I'm from, has always had an equestrian culture. The stables at the riding school were exquisite. They took excellent care of their horses there... it truly was like stepping back in time! And I spent a few minutes dancing with them in their stalls. Itā€™s always fun to twirl around with big horsesā€¦ (the tutu was completely in-tact, for your info!) And for a true taste of Vienna, you must indulge in a Sachertorte, the famous Viennese chocolate cake! The decadent layers of rich chocolate and apricot jam made for a truly indulgent treat... and well, all those calories are essential fuel for a ballerina like me!

Vienna is just enchanting and the Viennese people are kind, welcoming, and very patient! And when it comes to style, Vienna has definitely influenced me... how do they manage to keep everything so sophisticated, stylish, yet simple, all at the same time?! Perhaps itā€™s all in the air here. Even my pink tutus are starting to look more elegant!

You know what my top tip for travelling is? A good strong travel tea to sip and watch the world go byā€¦ especially from a train carriage window... and for a good laugh, imagine me, my bright pink tutus, on the platform next to the train. Oh, the look on some faces! I could see some of them saying... "What's going on here, a ballerina's just stepped off the train?!" Now if only my tutu-wearing vision could influence every train carriage on the journey! And now you're getting the point of my blog, Iā€™ve finally found an audience who really love a bit of a show.

Vienna, thank you for showing me how truly beautiful and vibrant this city is. Oh, you have stolen my heart! You can almost taste the history here. From the exquisite waltz melodies to the breathtaking palace gardens, Iā€™ve seen some incredible places. The waltzing memories will never leave me, even in pink! Until next week, dear readers. It's time for me to embrace another European city. I have the whole of Europe on my pink-tutu list... (and if I can squeeze it into my travel suitcase, my London ballet shoe collection.) See you again, from a city with even more fashion and romance on my list. Donā€™t forget, if you find yourself wanting to embrace a bit of magic, or to see the world in a little bit of pink, find a tutu, any tutu! They come in all shapes and sizes now, even a special version for a man! Thereā€™s no excuse. We are in a ballet era! (and it is certainly going to be a tutu good time.) Until then, keep those dreams waltzing and see you soon, in a pink tutu somewhere!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-11-08