
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-08-15

Vienna Whirlwind: Post Number 641 šŸ©°āœØšŸ’–

Hello my darling dears! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, and this week I'm writing to you from the magical city of Vienna! šŸŽ»šŸ›ļø

As you know, I've been travelling Europe, following my passion for dance and, of course, my love for all things pink and sparkly. This week, I boarded the train, a glorious vintage carriage decked out with velvet seats and gleaming brass, to arrive in Vienna. I felt like I was stepping out of a ballet scene, all graceful movements and swirling skirts - and, naturally, I was wearing my most delightful pink tutu, with just a dash of Austrian charm.

Vienna is a city brimming with history, culture, and of course, beautiful dance. This city, so steeped in ballet tradition, was where the great Empress Maria Theresa founded the Vienna State Opera House - the very same building where Mozart premiered his masterpieces. It was almost as if I could hear the echo of his music in the cobbled streets!

Speaking of echoes, it felt surreal to stand in the courtyard of the Hofburg Palace, a place where once emperors and empresses waltzed across the floors in elaborate gowns and breeches. Imagine! A ballet performance in such a regal setting! How utterly romantic, just like one of those old Viennese films with the dashing men in top hats and the lovely ladies in long gloves. I felt transported back in time, right into the midst of a fairytale!

As you all know, I'm a little obsessed with ballet history, and this city, oh this city, is just overflowing with it! It seems every corner holds a secret from a forgotten dance, a forgotten tutu, a forgotten ballerina. Itā€™s hard not to feel a pang of excitement knowing that every cobblestone has been touched by a ballerina's foot.

After settling into my beautiful hotel, with its exquisite rose-themed decor, of course - I just had to find myself a proper Austrian dirndl. Imagine! I found one with a vibrant pink trim! What a beautiful and delicate garment, fit for a princess or, you know, a ballerina. It just screams, "Vienna!" The shop owner, a charming gentleman named Herr Schmidt, told me that wearing a dirndl was like carrying a piece of Austrian history on your body - a thought that fills my heart with a warmth that's only slightly less brilliant than my favourite pink tutu.

Later, after my mandatory post-travel bath (complete with rose-scented bath salts - of course!), I went exploring. Vienna is such a wonderful city, so walkable. My shoes are feeling the love - even though they are my ballet slippers! (Shhh...itā€™s my little secret)

And, of course, the coffee! I have been having a Vienna mĆ©lange (what they call their strong black coffee - no milk for this little ballerina!). It is a must-have, a quintessential experience. After all, one can't explore such a culturally rich city without having a dose of Viennese energy - or a delightful coffee! I wouldnā€™t miss it for the world! It reminds me of the days when I lived in Derbyshire and my dear Grandmother would whip up a strong brew to warm us on frosty mornings. Itā€™s comforting and invigorating - the perfect combination!

The cobblestone streets, lined with shops, were teeming with life and colour - just like a ballerinaā€™s costume! Vienna has this magical mix of grand architecture and quaint alleyways - each a secret just waiting to be discovered. Imagine it! I spent hours browsing for treasures, some exquisite and some kitsch - both just as wonderful. From pretty floral dresses to antique trinkets, from designer shoes (just had to grab myself a pair of vibrant fuchsia stilettos - and letā€™s face it, a ballerina deserves to spoil herself every now and again) to handmade glass ornaments, the variety in the shops was simply delightful!

Of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without a ballet performance, and my dear friends, oh, my dears! This weekā€™s performance was a dream! It was the exquisite Swan Lake. I canā€™t wait to tell you about it, Iā€™ll even upload pictures tomorrow so you can see the gorgeous costumes - of course I went for a full pink outfit, although I must admit my blush satin top felt slightly overshadowed by the costumes in the show. But what can you expect when the dancers are clad in white feathers and dazzling diamonds?

But donā€™t think for a moment that my quest for the perfect tutu was forgotten! Oh no, thereā€™s a beautiful antique boutique, tucked away in a quiet courtyard, which I found this week. Itā€™s called "Dancing Dreams" - can you imagine the wonderful ballet-related items they have! - And this place had the most amazing collection of tutus you can imagine - you wouldnā€™t believe your eyes! Everything from antique velvet, flowing and silky tutus in soft pastel hues, to whimsical feathered tutus that shimmered like a million dancing stars.

One of my absolute favourites was a dusty pink tutu with exquisite embroidery that brought a tear to my eye! The delicate patterns, so intricately woven into the tulle - oh, it felt like a piece of forgotten magic! I was speechless! It even had an exquisite, matching pink ribbon! Unfortunately it was too pricey - I could barely afford to feed myself in this fabulous city!

I even caught a street performance! Right outside a gorgeous Baroque cathedral, a group of students were showcasing their incredible skills. One ballerina had on a black tutu and it danced so gracefully under the arches - almost a piece of Gothic ballet magic! I must admit, it inspired me to pick up a piece of chalk and do a little impromptu sketching. It seemed fitting, you know, capturing such a delightful memory in such a charming setting. My sketches even captured the delightful street performers who were adding to the festive atmosphere by playing beautiful music and singing in rich melodic voices - perfect Viennese harmony - what more could I ask for? And I'm not just saying it because of my favourite colour!

Oh, but thereā€™s so much more to tell! Remember how I mentioned that Vienna is steeped in ballet history? Well, youā€™ll never guess what! There's this extraordinary museum, right at the heart of the city, called the Vienna Opera House Museum. Oh my dear friends, it is a trove of ballet memorabilia - tutus, costumes, posters and even hand-written scores - truly inspiring! They even have the actual stage-floorboards from one of the world's most renowned theaters!

There was an exhibit on the history of tutus, dating back centuries, with so much interesting trivia - for example did you know that the early ballerinas didn't wear tutus at all? They danced in gowns that resembled flowing robes - quite a contrast to the elegant lightness of a modern tutu! Imagine how they would have felt like in such weighty clothes. Thank goodness for fashion! Imagine wearing something with such a bulky skirt! We've certainly come a long way!

You'll be laughing at me when I say that I spent at least two hours there! But you have to understand, as a ballerina, a tutuwearer, a pink-obsessed individual - there's just something truly special about holding a piece of history in your hands, particularly one that reflects the grace of a dancer's art.

Now, it wouldn't be a real PinkTutuVienna blog without a delightful dance adventure. Every Wednesday, there's a lovely ballroom in the city centre, tucked away in the most delightful courtyard. Itā€™s a place for locals and tourists alike to get a taste of the cityā€™s legendary waltz. Itā€™s like stepping straight out of the ballroom scenes of The Sound of Music, which was actually filmed here. How incredible is that?!

There are even waltzing lessons available every Thursday. I must admit, I had to have a go! And let me tell you, even after all those years in Derbyshire and a few months travelling Europe, it's so refreshing to spin across a beautiful ballroom, feeling the smooth rhythm of the waltz beneath my feet, even if my dress and shoes got slightly muddled when I twirled! It truly feels like dancing a timeless ballet right there on the floor, a magnificent dance with a city full of history and elegance.

As for tomorrow, itā€™s a day of more adventure! I've heard tell of a delightful cafe in a secret courtyard called ā€œCafe Centralā€ that makes delicious hot chocolate. And of course I have to sample a Wiener Schnitzel - a delightful Viennese delicacy. They are like tiny little pink ballet slippers!

That reminds me, dear friends, don't forget to let me know if you have any recommendations for my trip - restaurants, shops or secret ballet spots. And while you're at it, remember that pink tutus are still a priority! Spread the word! It's a pink-tutu world, and I hope to meet you all there!

Love, Emma šŸ’–

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-08-15