
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-09-05

Vienna, Darling! Post #644

Oh my, my! This week's adventure takes us to the glorious city of Vienna, my darlings! I simply couldn't resist a trip to the home of waltzes, coffee and yes, ballet, too! Itโ€™s Wednesday, which means another instalment of the Pink Tutu Diaries. This week, it's from the very heart of Vienna!

Vienna is an absolute treasure trove for a tutu-loving soul like me. The city vibrates with a history of dance, fashion, and cultural refinement. Think majestic buildings, cobbled streets, horse-drawn carriages, and of course, a generous dose of waltzing and beautiful opera performances!

You know how much I love train journeys - all those fabulous outfits to wear - but this time, we did it the truly Viennese way, taking a little spin in a carriage! The soft clop-clop of the hooves on the cobbles, the breeze ruffling my hair as I swished my pink tulle skirt โ€“ utter magic!

This time, it wasnโ€™t just the majestic palaces and baroque buildings that took my breath away. It was the sheer joy of witnessing Vienna in a tutu! From the ornate shop windows filled with exquisite lace and silk โ€“ perfect for tutu inspiration! โ€“ to the ladies wearing glorious long skirts and hats with jaunty feathers, I felt right at home in a city that truly embraces femininity and a love for the finer things.

Of course, the main event was seeing a performance of "Giselle" at the Vienna State Opera. What a breathtaking masterpiece! The theatre is absolutely stunning, dripping in gilded splendour and breathtaking chandeliers. I felt like I'd been whisked back in time. Then, there were the ballerinas, graceful and exquisite in their tulle costumes. Their movements, so fluid and delicate, had the whole audience mesmerized, myself included.

Before the show, my friend Olivia and I had a delightful afternoon browsing the vintage clothing shops near the opera house, searching for inspiration for our own outfits. You'll see it all on the blog later โ€“ more pink, of course! The most adorable boutique was crammed full of fabulous 1950s gowns, some with the most divine tulle embellishments โ€“ talk about pink tutu heaven!

It wasn't all ballet and shopping, though. We did a proper Viennese cafe crawl โ€“ Vienna, like Paris, is known for its elegant cafe culture โ€“ the perfect way to refuel and soak up the atmosphere. Sacher torte with lashings of whipped cream? Oh yes please! Vienna even has a museum dedicated to its famous coffee houses, so you know it's a serious thing! Olivia even tried some "Schnitzel", which was, I am assured, very nice, though I had a perfectly good raspberry and rose petal cupcake that day. The local cafes are all so beautiful with chandeliers, velvet booths, and an old world charm.

Of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without experiencing a real, live waltz! I've been practicing my twirls for weeks. My new tutus, designed for the occasion with swathes of shimmering silver tulle and tiny pink sequins โ€“ divine! The feeling of the music washing over you as you spin around the dance floor is intoxicating. I found a lovely class for beginners, a truly wonderful way to delve deeper into the cityโ€™s vibrant culture.

On our last evening, we took a scenic horse-drawn carriage ride through the historic heart of Vienna. The sun setting behind the beautiful buildings, the gentle sway of the carriage as the horses ambled along, and the twinkle of the lights as dusk fell, made me feel like I was starring in my own fairytale.

As always, I leave a little piece of my pink tutu magic wherever I go. Olivia, bless her, joined me in donning a pink tutu on the final day of our journey, and we sashayed our way through Vienna's squares and gardens, spreading a little bit of tutu love to anyone and everyone. A tutu can brighten anyone's day, no matter how grand or small the setting, and letโ€™s face it, if it can brighten things up in Vienna, then surely it can anywhere!

Vienna, I adore you!

So, what are you waiting for? Start your own pink tutu journey!

Until next Wednesday, Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-09-05