Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-10-15

Post No. 702: A Pink Tutu's Viennese Waltz

Hello my lovely Pink Tutu Posse!

It's Wednesday again, which means another blog post from your favourite tutu-clad traveller! I'm in Vienna, darling, and I've already been waltzing in the most delightful pink tutu. Oh, Vienna, you are truly a dream for a girl who loves fashion, ballet, and the colour pink!

I arrived here by train, you know, because nothing quite compares to the feeling of the wind in your hair, a good book in your hand, and the rhythmic clatter of the rails as you hurtle through beautiful scenery. This journey took me past rolling fields, quaint villages, and towering Alps, all painted in the most spectacular hues of autumn.

Vienna welcomed me with open arms (and a rather fabulous sausage stand on the station platform – they are so good, I had two). It's all cobblestone streets and charming architecture, grand squares and parks filled with blooming flowers. Everywhere I look, there's something enchanting to discover.

Of course, I was on a mission to find the perfect pink tutu to dance around in. It was almost impossible to resist, with so many fabulous vintage boutiques offering tutus in every colour under the rainbow. Finally, in a charming little shop called “Die Schöne Tänzerin” (the beautiful dancer) I found my match. It's a stunning soft pink, with delicate layers of tulle that float around me like a cloud. I can already feel myself twirling to the waltz, just imagining myself waltzing in one of those grand Viennese ballrooms!

The very next day, I went to see a performance at the Vienna State Opera. Oh, it was glorious! A masterpiece of ballet, and I can't say enough about the sheer artistry of the dancers. Their movements were so fluid, so graceful, so full of emotion – I felt myself transported into another world, a world of dreams and magic. Afterward, I found myself waltzing in my pink tutu through the beautiful park near the opera house, completely lost in the enchantment of it all.

Vienna is absolutely brimming with history, which I find absolutely captivating! And even if you aren't a history buff, there's something quite awe-inspiring about exploring the grand palaces and majestic churches, each one steeped in stories of emperors, composers, and artists.

One thing I’ve realised, darling, is that this city is truly a testament to the beauty of artistry in all its forms. From the magnificent architecture to the delicate brushstrokes of Viennese painters to the elegant melodies of composers like Mozart and Strauss, you are surrounded by pure genius.

And of course, darling, I’m absolutely devouring all things pink in this lovely city. From pastel-coloured coffee shops to charming pink boutiques with exquisite accessories, my pink-loving heart is bursting with delight.

But enough about me. I’m eager to hear from you!

Tell me: Have you ever visited Vienna? What's your favourite thing about it?

Remember, my darlings, it's not about the tutu. It's about the joy of dancing, the beauty of expression, and the freedom of movement. It's about making every day an adventure, finding magic in the ordinary, and always remembering to twirl, because the world is a stage waiting to be explored!

Until next week, darling,

Stay sassy,

Emma x

P.S. Don’t forget to visit next Wednesday for a new blog post. You won’t want to miss the story of my adventure in this enchanting city, especially with this weekend’s exciting performances. I'm so excited, and you’ll be the first to know all the details.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-10-15