Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-12-01

Post #813: Vienna Waltz & The Perfect Pink Tutu (Wednesday 1st December 2010)

Dearest Tutu-Lovers,

From the cobbled streets of Derbyshire to the grand boulevards of Vienna, it's me, your Pink Tutu Correspondent, Emma! This week's journey has taken me to a city that practically pulsates with romance and waltzing – Vienna, Austria, a city that seems to exist in a permanent fairytale.

My heart practically skipped a beat as the train pulled into the station. I have to admit, there’s something absolutely magical about travelling by rail – the swaying of the carriage, the rhythmic click-clack of the wheels on the track, the feeling of gliding towards a new adventure! Of course, my outfit was picture perfect – a pale pink, tulle-layered tutu, topped with a black velvet bodice. I accessorised with a delicate silver necklace, a straw hat trimmed with pink ribbons, and, of course, a pair of pristine, white ballet shoes. You never know who you might meet, and a pink tutu just naturally invites conversation and smiles.

Speaking of smiles, I had to dash straight to the famous Wiener Staatsoper, where the opera was starting! It’s so breathtakingly grand inside. The ornate chandeliers, the plush velvet seating, the air thick with anticipation. It's a symphony for the senses. They call it the “Imperial Opera” for a reason – I swear I saw a royal prince sitting in the front row!

The ballet performance that evening was something truly special. They danced "Giselle", a story of a heartbroken maiden turned vengeful spirit. I was so engrossed by the ethereal movements and captivating narrative. Did you know Giselle is a timeless classic in ballet, dating back to the romantic era in ballet history? You can't imagine how inspired it left me feeling, and it also made me so eager to get back to my own tutu practice!

This brings me to my very special Viennese find – a vintage boutique, tucked away on a quiet cobbled street. Imagine my delight when I discovered the perfect shade of pink tutu nestled between layers of lace and silk! This delicate tutu, crafted from layers upon layers of hand-pleated tulle, seemed to shimmer with the spirit of Vienna itself. The owner, a charming woman with eyes that sparkled like a Viennese waltz, told me it was originally worn by a famed ballerina, almost a century ago. Of course, I bought it!

There is just something about this city that seems to inspire dreams and a sense of whimsy. Maybe it’s the Baroque architecture, with its gilded interiors and delicate stucco work, maybe it’s the charming horse-drawn carriages, or the delicious scent of freshly baked Sachertorte lingering in the air, but there's an almost tangible enchantment to Vienna.

Speaking of Sachertorte, this week’s post just wouldn't be complete without sharing some of my culinary adventures. I am quite the sweet tooth, and my weakness? Well, that's Vienna's famous Sachertorte – a decadent chocolate cake with a touch of apricot jam. There are shops on nearly every street corner selling this glorious cake, and I confess I have tasted many a slice in the past few days.

Of course, I have already started planning my next tutu adventures – I’m considering a trip to Salzburg, the birthplace of Mozart! Imagine the exquisite performances and the sheer amount of culture… and the possibility of finding another extraordinary tutu for my collection!

Don't forget to share your thoughts about your own tutu adventures and keep those twirls spinning. And remember – a little pink tutu can go a long way to bring some magic and sparkle into your life.

Love, Emma Xx

P.S. Remember, we are just a click away at and be sure to share your own pink tutu experiences with me! And, don't forget, pink is a magical colour!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-12-01