Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-05-25

Vienna Waltz - Tutu Dreams & Imperial Flair - Post #838

Dearest readers! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a new Pink Tutu Vienna blog post! I'm writing to you from the heart of Vienna, a city so beautiful and captivating, it almost makes me want to trade my beloved pink tutu for a sparkly, waltz-ready ballgown!

This week, Vienna's waltzing me right into its history and glamour, a journey fuelled by dreamy ballet shows, breathtaking architecture, and the constant clinking of porcelain in chic cafes.

Train Journeys and Fairy Tale Towns

I arrived in Vienna by train, a glorious chug across the Austrian countryside. Rolling hills dotted with charming villages flashed past my window, like something straight out of a fairy tale. I confess, I wore my favourite blush pink tutu for the journey - nothing like a touch of whimsy to brighten a train trip!

Speaking of tutus, did you know that the history of tutus is fascinating? Did you know the first tutus were very short and looked quite different from what we are used to now? My new book, "Tutu Tales - A Whirlwind History of Dance and Fashion", is almost ready! I'll keep you posted, darlings, but expect a new tutu to be named after a historic ballet soon!

Ballet Dreams in a Royal Setting

My first ballet stop was, of course, the Vienna State Opera, an imposing, neo-classical masterpiece with enough gold to make Cinderella envious. I'm here for the "Swan Lake" production - the legendary Russian composer Tchaikovsky, beautiful music, graceful movements, it's going to be magical!

Later tonight, I'm venturing to the Palais Liechtenstein - a magnificent 18th-century palace transformed into a museum and concert hall. A ballet performance in such a lavish setting is truly something to dream about. I’m wearing a shimmering tulle tutu - it feels right for a place as grand as this, don’t you think?

The Waltz of Fashion & Delights

Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without a healthy dose of shopping and a delicious slice of Sachertorte. (Did you know the Sachertorte is one of the most famous cakes in the world? Deliciously decadent, but a bit too rich for my everyday taste - I prefer my sweets lighter, like macarons or rose-petal infused tarts!).

This morning, I braved the bustling Graben shopping street, home to designer boutiques, independent ateliers, and, yes, a delightful little pink tutu shop! It was the most perfectly-timed find! You’d think I planned it! It was like fate. And who knows what adorable tutu gems I discovered there?

Speaking of lovely finds, I spotted the cutest café across the street from my hotel. It had a tiny courtyard with fairy lights and delicate floral arrangements. Imagine! Perfect for afternoon tea in a dainty floral tutu with a cup of perfectly-brewed jasmine tea!

Pink Tutu World Domination

You know, I can’t help but notice that my pink tutu is turning heads here in Vienna. It seems people just can't get enough of the happy, playful vibes it exudes! Maybe a trip to Vienna, wearing a vibrant pink tutu, is just what the doctor ordered for a little inspiration! Who knows, perhaps the Viennese waltz will make its way into a future Pink Tutu performance…

But enough of me! Tell me, my dearest readers! Do you have any special tips for exploring Vienna in the most fabulous fashion? What should I see next? What tutu will I wear tomorrow? Share your thoughts below! I can't wait to read them and embrace the vibrant energy of Vienna with all of you!

Remember to check in next week for another Pink Tutu Vienna blog post!

Much Love & Twirling,


P.S. Don't forget to follow my Pink Tutu adventures on Instagram! (link to social media)

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-05-25