Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-04-25

#PinkTutuVienna: Waltzing into Vienna (Post #886)

Hello darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another #PinkTutuVienna adventure! This week, I’m whisked away to the romantic, historic, and frankly utterly stunning city of Vienna! It feels like a dream – cobblestone streets, grand buildings, and a sense of history that simply sings. I arrived by train, of course (how else for a proper ballerina!), the journey through the Austrian countryside a delight with rolling green hills, charming villages, and, just like my favourite ballet, every vista a new scene to discover.

It’s not just the scenery that has me pirouette-ing with delight. Vienna itself is a balletic city. Everything feels elegant and graceful, from the waltzing melodies that seem to hang in the air to the delicate flower arrangements that adorn every window. And I’m absolutely thrilled because Vienna boasts an extraordinary ballet scene! You simply cannot resist a tutu when you're here!

Speaking of tutus, my trusty pink tutu has been getting a lot of attention. I've worn it for everything from exploring the beautiful Schönbrunn Palace (I practically waltzed through the gardens, my tutu billowing in the wind!), to admiring the exquisite collection of tutus and ballet memorabilia in the Vienna State Opera's costume department (yes, I’m living the dream, and no, you’re not imagining it!). I even made friends with a delightful young woman in a shop called “Tutu Couture”. It’s filled with exquisite costumes, and the owner tells me I should look her up when I’m back in London, which of course, I will! There’s something so freeing about wearing pink – a symbol of joy and playfulness that is perfect for this wonderfully joyful city. I think my pink tutu is becoming the most famous tutu in Vienna – it’s practically become a local celebrity.

I had a truly fabulous lunch at Cafe Central, an old-fashioned Viennese coffee house where I devoured a Sachertorte (a must-try if you ever find yourself here) – oh, to live the life of a Viennese princess! In the evening, I took in a performance at the Vienna State Opera, and wow! My eyes literally couldn't believe what they were seeing! The ballerinas danced with such incredible precision, elegance and expression - a real treat for this tutu-loving soul. It reminded me why I absolutely adore the history of ballet, the passion, the artistry. I even spotted a glimpse of a costume that belonged to the legendary Anna Pavlova. Talk about being starstruck!

This morning, I went to a small ballet class tucked away in a charming courtyard. It was like being transported back in time, and oh, what a perfect way to start the day! The instructor, a graceful woman with a warm smile, gave us some lovely exercises, emphasizing the elegance and flow that defines Viennese ballet.

And you know what? After class, as I was waltzing my way down the street (okay, more of a jaunty skip, thanks to my ballerina-worthy legs!) I saw a group of young girls practicing for their own performance. And as I approached them, I saw it... a pink tutu. But not just any pink tutu, a beautiful, shimmering pink tutu. A twinkle appeared in the girl's eyes, and I saw the sparkle of inspiration – perhaps one day, even they, with the help of a little pink magic, could twirl and dance their way into the world, just like me!

I know what you're thinking. You're all asking yourselves, how can you be just like me? How can you spread the pink tutu magic in your own life? It's easy, really! First, follow your own passions! Do what makes you feel joyful and free! Second, always remember that pink is a colour that embraces all the things that make us uniquely human – our joy, our creativity, our fun! Third, don't be afraid to wear a pink tutu! I guarantee, once you slip it on, you'll find a new level of confidence, a newfound ability to twirl and spin your way through life with style and grace.

You know, some people call me a dreamer. But I prefer to think of myself as an advocate for a better, brighter, more joyful world, a world where everyone embraces their inner ballerina, where a sprinkle of pink and a flick of tulle can bring a smile to every face!

Right now, I’m in Vienna’s historic centre, a cup of Viennese coffee in my hand, planning my next exciting adventure – it’s definitely going to be a ballet-themed, and you know, pink, of course! Be sure to check back next week, darlings, to join me as I delve into more ballet-tastic fun! Until then, spread the pink tutu love!

And just a reminder, for all those wishing to catch the magic of the Vienna State Opera or to embrace your own ballerina within, please check their online schedule. Remember, every week on, you'll find new #PinkTutuVienna blog posts brimming with inspiration! I’ve even decided to give one lucky reader the opportunity to win a pink tutu - keep your eyes peeled on my Instagram next week!

See you all next Wednesday!

Love, Emma.

P.S. Fancy trying your own ballet journey, dear readers? Remember, ballet is about expression, grace, and yes, fun! It’s for everyone, at every level! And you never know – you might discover a hidden talent, just like I discovered my passion for tutus, right here in Derbyshire!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-04-25