
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-04-03

Vienna, Darling! Post #935 - Whirlwind of Pink & Waltz

Good Wednesday, darlings! Itā€™s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad whirlwind from Derbyshire, and Iā€™m currently waltzing my way through the glorious city of Vienna!

As you know, dear readers, every Wednesday, www.pink-tutu.com gets a new post straight from my travels - fuelled by a good helping of tutu-spinning and the occasional graceful pirouette. This week, however, Iā€™ve got so many stories, sights and secrets to share from Vienna, I almost need a separate post for every sparkly tulle Iā€™ve spotted in the window!

My journey began in the most magical way, by train of course. Imagine it, darlings! Puffing through the rolling countryside, a light drizzle in the air, and my little tutu flitting through the carriages with a delightful swish, swish. I do love a train journey, and let's face it, it sets the tone for the entire trip, making the destination all the more exciting!

First Impressions & a Touch of Royal History

Stepping into Vienna felt like stepping back in time - in the best way possible. The buildings! The architecture! A vision of graceful grandeur that even I, in my signature pink tutu, couldn't overshadow. Oh, how I've longed to explore this city. I've always had a secret passion for history, especially anything linked to royalty and their connection to ballet. Just picture me, swirling in the magnificent gardens of Schƶnbrunn Palace, or pretending to be a ballerina at the Hofburg Palace!

The first thing on my Vienna agenda: a visit to the Vienna State Opera, obviously! Imagine a pink tutu twirling past marble pillars and plush velvet seats, then sinking into the soft comfort of my seat, anticipation fluttering in my heart. But alas, I couldnā€™t have a full-on ballerina performance this time - you see, itā€™s all about funding these wonderful travel adventures, darlings. And what better way than showcasing my talent on stage? This time I was there in the audience, taking it all in - and believe me, I soaked it up! A magical blend of opulent sets, beautiful costuming, and talented dancers that simply stole my breath away.

Tutus, Shopping, and Finding My Viennese Spirit

Now, dear readers, Iā€™ve gotta tell you: shopping is the lifeblood of my adventures. Every destination has a unique, almost magnetic pull - a lure of shops and stores, filled with exciting finds waiting to be unearthed. And Vienna certainly did not disappoint! After my enchanting performance at a local theatre (which yes, included a well-placed pink tutu spin and bow - to much applause, naturally!), I made a bee-line for the enchanting shops nestled amongst the grand buildings.

Vienna is like a wonderland of pastel pinks, exquisite lace and swirling patterns that would make a ballet tutu blush. I found myself in the most charming little boutique, tucked away on a quiet street - an unexpected treasure trove! Imagine this: soft music in the background, shelves laden with silks and satins in delicate hues of pink, lavender and peach, with the sweetest floral perfumes wafting through the air! The owner, an adorable old lady with twinkling eyes and a story to tell about every piece, let me rummage through vintage treasures, discovering a vintage lace collar and a velvet beret that could rival even my fanciest tutu.

My heart felt full.

Finding Horses & Pink Tutus in the Most Unexpected Places

Now, my darlings, if there's one thing I adore, itā€™s horses. Just picture a horse-drawn carriage gliding through Viennaā€™s grand avenues, the hooves tapping a rhythmic waltz, the horseā€™s mane flowing like a silken curtain, the sunshine glinting off the elegant coach... My heart did a little skip - what a perfectly whimsical setting for my latest pink tutu ensemble!

Yes, it was all very 'Cinderella-meets-Vienna', but who can resist such a lovely experience? As I stepped out of the carriage, a young boy on the street giggled and said ā€œLook! A ballerina!ā€ My smile was wide.

My quest for more pink tutu-worthy spots led me to the Vienna Hofburg Palace - imagine the grand ballroom! My little pink tutu twirled and pranced amidst portraits of past Habsburgs, and even imagined I was sharing a stage with them, dancing to waltzes that had echoes through history.

An Afternoon in the City of Dreams - Viennaā€™s Magic & More Pink

Later that day, Vienna unfolded its charms for me like a perfect ballet. Picture it, darlings - sipping hot chocolate at the CafƩ Sacher, watching people go about their day, surrounded by beautiful old buildings and a charming cobblestone street. It felt like stepping into a scene from a fairy tale.

But alas, even fairies need to rest! That evening, I decided on a perfect Vienna experience - an enchanting walk through the city centre with a view of the city's illuminated highlights. My favourite moment - crossing the iconic Chain Bridge - I practically waltzed across it!

Vienna, you are pure magic. I haven't been this enchanted in a very long time!

So, my darlings, if youā€™re looking for the ultimate whimsical experience, do as I did and whisk yourself away to Vienna. And yes, donā€™t forget your pink tutu! Because Vienna, like every destination on this extraordinary journey of mine, is all about making your dreams dance.

See you next week, my dears, from a new enchanting city!

Until then, twirl on,


P.S. Iā€™m currently working on my newest Pink Tutu performance, which Iā€™m debuting in Vienna this weekend, and of course, you can bet I'll be posting all about it! So, make sure youā€™re back next Wednesday, darlings, to read all about my latest adventure.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-04-03