
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-07-31

Vienna Calling! (Post #952)

Dearest tutu-lovers,

The waltz is calling and my pink tutu is quivering with excitement! Today I find myself in Vienna, Austria, the City of Music and, for me, the city of fabulous frocks and twirling. I simply had to make the trip, and you know I adore the romance of train travel. Just picture it - a graceful Parisian train journey, my ballet shoes nestled neatly beside a perfectly placed polka-dot scarf, and my trusty pink tutu hanging from the window. Ah, perfection!

Speaking of perfection, this is the 952nd post for my little corner of the internet, and Vienna certainly deserves its own post. As you know, I find it utterly enchanting to weave the past with the present, and this city brims with history. I couldn't wait to walk the cobblestones where waltzing royalty danced the night away, and to step into the opera house where Strauss himself once stood. It's all so magical!

Vienna has a charm that just makes me want to twirl and sing! There's a special aura in this city that perfectly blends tradition with modern chic. And of course, I've been doing my fair share of exploring!

This week, Vienna's famous opera house held a spectacular ballet performance. The costumes, the sets, the sheer talent! I could hardly sit still in my plush red seat - it was impossible not to join the dancers in spirit. It was as if I was transported back to the golden age of ballet, the tulle swirling and the music soaring! Speaking of swirling, the shops here are brimming with beautiful tutus of all shapes and sizes. I've been having an absolute ball scouring the streets for vintage treasures. I even snagged a gorgeous peach-coloured tutu, perfect for an evening waltz in the park.

But Vienna isn't all about waltzing and waltzing dresses (though that would be fabulous!). Yesterday I had the absolute delight of riding in a horse-drawn carriage, a grand journey through the heart of the city. My tutu was perfectly poised, just grazing the carriage's plush cushions as I admired the architecture and breathed in the scent of freshly baked strudel (oh my, I love strudel!). The streets were bustling with people, each a character in a captivating play of their own.

This week in Vienna has been filled with tutus and treats, history and laughter. This city has a way of inspiring dreams, and reminding me why I love exploring the world with my trusty pink tutu by my side.

Now, I simply have to leave you, dear readers, but I'll be back next week with more adventures from this lovely city. Remember, darling, spread the tutu-love and wear your pinkest, twirliest self!

Until next Wednesday,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-07-31