Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-11-06

Post Number 966: A Tutu Tale in Vienna 🩰✨

Hello, my darling dears! It’s Wednesday again, and that means a brand new pink-tutu-tastic blog post is fluttering its way to you! This week, I’m bursting with excitement as I share my Viennese adventures with you – the city of waltzes, grand palaces, and oh-so-much history!

This city has been calling to me like a whisper on the wind, urging me to visit and soak in its magic. And let me tell you, it's even more enchanting in person! Imagine, if you will, cobblestone streets that lead to majestic buildings adorned with intricate carvings, charming cafes tucked away in secret corners, and a symphony of sounds – horse-drawn carriages clip-clopping by, the soft strum of a guitar emanating from a nearby busker, and, of course, the delightful lilt of the Viennese dialect! It's enough to make even the most seasoned traveler sigh with delight.

Speaking of seasoned travellers, yours truly, Miss Emma, is back, bringing you the latest from the world of pink tutus, ballet, and fashion. My trip to Vienna was a delightful affair, and of course, I brought my trusty tutu with me – a gorgeous pale pink number adorned with delicate, shimmering silver stars. It was the perfect companion for exploring the grand avenues and enjoying the city's magical atmosphere.

The Ballet Bonanza in Vienna:

As any good ballerina knows, Vienna is practically synonymous with ballet! There are legendary theaters like the Vienna State Opera, the Volksoper, and the renowned Vienna Ballet Ball that celebrate this exquisite art form. And you know me, I just can't resist a ballet show! I was absolutely giddy when I finally found myself sitting in the plush velvet seats of the Vienna State Opera.

My first performance was "Swan Lake," and let me tell you, it was absolutely breathtaking! The choreography was divine, and the dancers' grace and precision were like something out of a dream. Even I, with my pink tutu proudly on display, couldn't help but get swept away by the magic of it all!

Oh, the costumes were a sight to behold! A whole ensemble of flowing, white tutus for the swans and majestic black velvet for the prince - I wanted to try them all on! I just know the perfect shade of pink tutu could be a magnificent addition to any "Swan Lake" performance!

Of course, a trip to the opera wouldn't be complete without a bit of Viennese charm. The Viennese waltz, with its smooth movements and romantic elegance, had me twirling and spinning alongside the graceful dancers onstage. It truly felt like I'd been whisked away to a fairytale, and for a few hours, all I wanted to do was float through life in a bubble of pure delight!

A Touch of Tutu Magic in Vienna's Shops:

My darling readers, no trip is complete without a good old fashioned shopping spree, right? Well, Vienna, as you can imagine, was a sartorial wonderland! It's a haven for fashion enthusiasts, and I was simply spoilt for choice. From designer boutiques to quirky vintage shops, the city is brimming with incredible fashion finds.

But what about the pink tutu element you might ask? I made sure to pay a visit to a little independent fabric store in the heart of Vienna, tucked away amongst the cobblestone streets. Its windows were full of vibrant hues, and inside, an abundance of silks, velvets, and tulle greeted me like a warm hug! I couldn't resist adding a few extra metres of the most delectable shade of bubblegum pink to my collection. Oh, and my dears, it would be simply perfect for my next tutu design, let me tell you! I just know it'll be a hit at my upcoming performance in Derbyshire!

The fabrics I brought back were enough for about 10-15 tutus! Imagine! A whole ensemble of beautiful tutus, each unique, all celebrating the spirit of this lovely pink! My heart is just brimming with excitement over all the creative designs these fabrics will allow me to make!

And, of course, I indulged in a little Viennese fashion. The elegant designs and timeless cuts were an absolute joy to discover! I walked out with a silk scarf, perfect for those chilly Viennese evenings, a pair of heels that perfectly echoed the spirit of the city, and even a chic beret that would look oh-so-perfect with my new pale pink tutu for an afternoon stroll!

Viennese Treats and Traditions:

This trip was all about indulgence! Vienna, my dears, is known for its divine food, and I wasn't about to let it disappoint. From flaky, buttery strudels to rich, decadent chocolate cakes, the sweet treats I sampled were a testament to the city's sweet tooth! You wouldn't believe how perfectly they went with a glass of chilled Viennese wine, it was divine!

Speaking of traditions, I also took a ride in a horse-drawn carriage through the city's beautiful streets. This leisurely journey felt like stepping into a time capsule, the soft clip-clopping of hooves against cobblestone echoing the rhythms of Vienna's history. I can't say enough about how beautiful the horses were - elegant, proud and beautifully trained!

And, my darling readers, I mustn't forget to share with you the most amazing discovery! While strolling through a small art shop near the Opera House, I stumbled upon a beautiful antique ballet box! Filled with little miniature shoes and even a tiny tutu! Imagine, a little girl ballerina, a vision of pure grace and innocence in her own tiny pink tutu - that’s how this discovery made me feel, so unbelievably sweet!

This is how it goes with me - every discovery I make somehow ties in with pink tutus. The world of tutus is truly the most enchanting thing ever! And this journey of discovery never seems to end!

A Final Waltz for Vienna:

Vienna, with its captivating beauty, rich culture, and charming atmosphere, has truly stolen my heart. The city’s grand architecture, its history of musical artistry, and its appreciation for beauty were a symphony for my senses. I know I'll be back, my dears, perhaps for the next ballet season! There are still so many operas, shows and shops to discover. And you know I have to add more fabric to my collection to bring home!

So, there you have it! Another amazing adventure brought to you by Pink Tutu. Stay tuned for next Wednesday's blog post, where I'll be sharing a whole new world of ballet-themed travels. And until then, don't forget to keep spreading that pink tutu joy! Until then, remember to keep sparkling!

Love always,



PS - don’t forget to visit next Wednesday for the latest adventures of the pink tutu enthusiast. Stay tuned for my upcoming ballet performance back in Derbyshire, tickets are going fast, you wouldn't want to miss it! 😘

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-11-06