Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2014-04-23

Vienna, My Darling! Post #990

Hello lovelies! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another post from your favourite pink tutu-clad travel blogger. This week, I'm whisking you off to the beautiful, charming, and utterly romantic city of Vienna. You know, that iconic, majestic city bursting with Baroque palaces and waltzing tunes? Well, I've fallen head over heels for it and I'm eager to share my adventures with you.

From Derbyshire to Vienna

I left my little corner of Derbyshire on Saturday, feeling a tad bittersweet. My mum's home-baked flapjack (that I scoffed in the train station) was a lovely last taste of England, but my heart was filled with the thrill of adventure and anticipation of Vienna.

The train journey, like always, was my time to unwind and revel in the scenery whizzing past. As the English countryside slowly faded and gave way to the rolling hills and majestic Alps of the continent, my excitement grew. It felt like being swept away into a book, an exciting fairytale waiting to be unveiled.

Vienna, like a perfectly wrapped present, revealed itself in stages. It was as if a scene from a grand ballet had sprung to life before my eyes - elegant horse-drawn carriages trotting along cobbled streets, cobblestones reflecting the glistening glow of a late-afternoon sun, the golden spires of St. Stephen's Cathedral piercing the sky, and everywhere, the graceful swish of skirts on ladies enjoying a spot of afternoon tea. My ballet-loving heart skipped a beat!

Finding my Tutu-licious Style in Vienna

Of course, what's a trip to a new city without exploring its fashion scene? It didn't take me long to find my happy place - the grand shopping arcade called "Passage zum Graben," where I found an exquisite vintage shop tucked away like a secret gem. This place was a dream come true. They had everything from gorgeous satin gloves to whimsical hats, even an absolutely fabulous, sparkly emerald green tutu that screamed "Viennese waltzing ball!" I resisted the urge to purchase it on the spot, though – I needed a reason to return. 😉

Vienna: A Ballet Lover's Paradise

But let's talk ballet, the real reason for my journey to this grand metropolis. Vienna, oh Vienna, you know you were designed to be danced in. From the stately State Opera to the enchanting Burgtheater, Vienna is practically overflowing with places for dance enthusiasts like me to indulge.

Speaking of which, tomorrow evening I’m off to see “La Bayadùre” at the Vienna State Opera. It's a ballet about love, betrayal, and an exotic dancer, which all makes for a delicious dramatic concoction. The theatre is grand, opulent, almost intimidating in its magnificence. Just imagining the breathtaking choreography performed on the magnificent stage gets my pulse racing.

The Little Dance Lessons that Made My Heart Soar

Today I finally made my way to a charming little dance studio called “Tanzen Wien,” a world away from the opulent grandeur of the opera. It was nestled in a cosy, quaint corner of the city. Here, surrounded by locals with a passion for graceful movement, I participated in a beginner’s ballet class. You wouldn't believe the joy of being lost in a sea of pirouettes and pliĂ©s, learning the magic of ballet from friendly local teachers.

Even though I haven't worn a pink tutu (yet!), this little studio feels like home, the warmth and the rhythm radiating a genuine sense of community. They even have a charming, little coffee shop attached where they sell the most delightful pink cake. Honestly, you just can’t get a better day!

More Than Just a Waltz

This isn’t my first time in Vienna, so I'm already well aware of the famous waltzes that make this city sing. There's a certain magic to a waltz, an effortless elegance and effortless romance that echoes in every cobblestone and every cafe. But Vienna, darling, you’re more than just waltzing tunes. Your charm lies in your rich history, your beautiful gardens, and the captivating aura of its art and culture.

And speaking of history, I found a hidden gem in the Schönbrunn Palace today. You'd never guess it existed just a short distance from the palace. A museum devoted to the history of tutus. I felt as if I was stepping back in time. The intricate embroidery, the exquisite designs, and the rich colours told stories of past performances, past ballerinas, past loves, and all the magic of this art form.

I can't leave Vienna without tasting the Viennese chocolate and taking a scenic walk through the breathtaking Volksgarten.

And who knows, perhaps I’ll be lucky enough to snag myself a beautiful hand-painted porcelain doll as a memento to bring home. My mum collects them, you see, and Vienna, with its historical charm, is just the perfect place for adding a lovely new member to her collection.

That’s all from me for today. This post will hopefully give you a taste of Vienna’s beauty and a little insight into how ballet brings it to life! If you're planning your next trip, I highly recommend putting Vienna at the top of your list. And who knows? You might just catch me doing a little impromptu twirl in a pink tutu around St. Stephen’s Cathedral – it might even inspire you to wear one yourself.

Until next Wednesday, dear readers, take care, stay safe, and may the rhythm of life guide your steps.

See you in Vienna!


*P.S. * If you haven’t already, come and check out the amazing ballet collection over on the website! You’ll find tutu tutorials, ballet history and information on upcoming ballet shows - all from my favourite spots in the world! And don’t forget to pop in for a dance lesson if you happen to see me spinning around on the streets of Vienna - I love company and teaching ballet!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2014-04-23