Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2014-09-03

Vienna, Oh Vienna! (Post #1009)

Hello darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for a fresh installment of Pink Tutu Vienna, brought to you live from the heart of this majestic city. And boy, oh boy, is there much to tell! This week has been a whirlwind of ballet, beautiful buildings, and… well, a dash of delicious Viennese pastries, naturally.

I arrived here by train on Saturday, the journey a blur of countryside scenery and quiet contemplation. Oh, and a LOT of tutus! It turns out I am now considered a bit of a "tutu authority" by fellow train passengers – even in Switzerland, the very air crackles with tutudom whenever I step off a carriage. You could say it’s been an adventure, especially as I discovered a rather lovely pink tutu shop tucked away in Zurich, complete with feather boas and sequin-studded tiaras. Did I indulge? Well, let's just say the train ticket cost was balanced out beautifully!

Once in Vienna, I went straight for the heart of things, and what better heart than the Staatsoper? The building is quite frankly a masterpiece, like a delicate cake crafted from marble and gold, all graceful lines and swirling staircases. My inner ballerina nearly did a pirouette right there in the grand foyer, but thankfully, my outer self, the sensible tutu-clad lady, prevailed!

Speaking of inner ballerinas, let's talk about Ballet History for a moment! You know how I love a good dose of vintage dance knowledge, and Vienna is the absolute gem in the crown for me. Vienna, my lovelies, is practically the birthplace of ballet! I mean, remember Mozart? Did you know that the legendary composer had a whole opera house named after him – the Mozart Opernhaus, not far from the Staatsoper! I am off to see Cosi fan Tutte this very evening and just the thought of it sends shivers of pure balletic bliss through my being.

Then, there’s the Vienna State Opera. The Viennese waltz. Even just mentioning those words brings images of swirling skirts, elegant gentlemen, and chandeliers glinting in the dim candlelight. There’s a whole culture here based on dancing and performance – it’s simply enchanting. I find myself wondering why my childhood wasn't filled with swirling waltzes and sparkling tulle. Perhaps a tad unrealistic in Derbyshire, but a girl can dream!

Of course, it's not all tutu-spinning and ballet-gazing! The city is an absolute feast for the senses! From the fragrant scent of coffee wafting out of the cosy cafes to the intricate designs of the old churches, it's impossible not to feel a sense of awe and wonder. The cobbled streets, the horse-drawn carriages, the golden-hued sunsets – it’s like stepping back in time.

Last night, I even had a carriage ride – my second ever! The gentle clip-clop of the horses' hooves was a balm to the soul and my outfit? You guessed it! The Pink Tutu of the Danube. Oh, it was glorious – just a dash of silk, a spritz of rosewater perfume, and the feeling of utter magic. I even had a chance to purchase a brand-new hat from the amazing Viennese hat shop, "Der Hutmacher". It's a wide-brimmed straw creation, just perfect for waltzing around in.

Oh, and the Viennese Coffee Culture. I must admit to indulging in more than a few coffee and cake pairings – from the iconic Sacher Torte to the delicate Apfelstrudel, every morsel has been divine.

To be honest, my darling readers, I’ve been a little bit caught up in the magic of this city that I've neglected to tell you about what I'm doing on September 3rd, 2014, which is today! Oh no, what shall I do?

But let's not despair, let's embrace the Pink Tutu Power and find something fabulous to do in Vienna on this Wednesday. Maybe a* concert at Mozart Opernhaus or A visit to Schönbrunn Palace, or maybe I will indulge in another slice of that Sachertorte, it was exquisite.

Whatever the day holds, I know it's going to be perfect, just like Vienna. I'm off to embrace the pink-hued sunshine, my darling friends! I’ll let you know all about it in next week’s post. Until then, keep twirling!

Much love,


Pink Tutu Vienna

Every Wednesday!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2014-09-03