Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2014-11-05

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post #1018: A Waltz Through Vienna's Ballet Scene (and a Touch of Pink, Naturally!)

Wednesday 5th November, 2014

Greetings from Vienna, my fellow twirlers! 🩰

This week, I've been whisked away to the heart of Europe – Vienna, a city brimming with culture, history, and, of course, ballet. As a true ballerina at heart, Vienna has been a dream come true. Imagine: waltzing through cobbled streets lined with stunning architecture, catching the scent of fresh strudel wafting from every bakery, and, best of all, immersing myself in the city's legendary ballet scene.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Emma, Vienna, ballet… this is going to be a post full of tutus, isn't it?" And you're absolutely right! My dear pink-loving friends, there's no escaping the allure of the tutu, even in the midst of Viennese grandeur. But fear not, my latest post isn't just about pirouettes and pas de bourrees, it's a whimsical journey through Vienna, combining ballet history, sartorial adventures, and, of course, a dash of pink.

Vienna, A Ballet Dreamland

Arriving in Vienna was like stepping into a fairytale. The train journey from Derbyshire (ah, the nostalgic scent of coal dust and freshly brewed tea on the carriages) felt like a scene from a vintage ballet. I'd packed my trusty pink tutu in my travel bag, naturally, and I even wore my new velvet opera coat, the perfect ensemble for this grand European adventure.

My first stop was, naturally, the Vienna State Opera. This iconic theatre, with its ornate facade and grand interior, felt like a scene straight out of the ballet "Swan Lake." The opulent gold décor, the crystal chandeliers twinkling like celestial bodies, the murmur of anticipation in the air - everything about it screamed "balletomane's paradise!"

As I watched the rehearsal for the evening's performance of "Giselle" (the story of a tragic love, ballet, and fairies, of course), I was mesmerized. The dancers moved with a grace that made the steps look effortless. They glided across the stage, their movements fluid and precise, like wisps of smoke in the spotlight. I could barely contain myself, but luckily, I managed to hold my pose until the end of the rehearsal, when I got to meet the lovely Prima Ballerina, who gave me some very helpful tips on balancing en pointe. I can't wait to share more details of the performance with you later in the post.

Tutu Time: Shopping in the City of Waltz

After a day spent amongst the ballet greats, I needed a dose of retail therapy, something to complete my wardrobe. As you know, my pink tutu and I love exploring different cities, and the Viennese shopping scene was nothing short of a sartorial spectacle!

I found myself amidst a maze of boutique shops overflowing with gorgeous clothes and accessories. My eyes were met with vintage gowns, shimmering silk blouses, and elegant velvet shoes, perfect for channeling my inner Austrian ballet diva. The sales assistants were so charming, speaking in rapid-fire German while showing me the latest designs. But fret not, dear reader, I still managed to snag a beautiful pair of pink ballet flats for my evening at the Vienna Opera, a perfect compliment to my trusty tutu.

But I didn't stop there. Oh, no. I found myself wandering through Vienna's charming flea markets, where vintage clothing gems lay hidden amongst the dusty trinkets. I struck gold with a hand-stitched vintage tutu (imagine a tutu from a bygone era, with layers of intricate lace and sparkling beads, a masterpiece!) which I now proudly wear whenever I go for a waltz around Vienna's famous park, the Prater.

Tutu Tales: Ballet History in the City of Music

Vienna's ballet history is rich and inspiring. From the days of Empress Maria Theresa to the grand ballerinas of the Vienna State Opera, this city has always been a centre for graceful movement and elegance.

As a history buff with a passion for tutus, I couldn't resist taking a historical walk through the city, tracing the footsteps of legendary dancers. I even ventured to the Palais Liechtenstein, once a favourite gathering place for the royal court, and admired the opulent ballrooms where waltz-crazed society ladies and dashing gentlemen danced the night away. Imagine all the tutu-clad beauties twirling in these halls centuries ago!

More than Just Ballet: A Toast to the Viennese Charm

My time in Vienna wasn't solely dedicated to ballet and tutu-filled shenanigans. There's a magic to this city that permeates every corner, even beyond the realm of dance. I explored its quaint cafes with a cup of Viennese coffee in hand, savoring the sweet aroma of coffee beans and pastries. I found myself enchanted by the bustling markets filled with handcrafted souvenirs, delicate lace doilies, and locally made chocolates - delicious gifts to take home for my loved ones back in Derbyshire.

The food! The divine pastries, the hearty goulash, the Wiener Schnitzel - every bite was an explosion of flavours, a culinary ballet of sorts! And the wines! From the full-bodied reds to the crisp whites, I savored every drop, relishing the taste of tradition and history.

Tonight, it's all about the Show!

This evening, the grand highlight awaits: The "Giselle" performance at the Vienna State Opera. I'm adorned in my pink ballet flats, my vintage tutu, and a touch of pearl-studded makeup. I am ready to be mesmerized by the poetry of dance and lost in the intricate movements of the ballerinas.

But let's be honest: it's more than just a performance; it's an experience. It's the shimmering of the lights, the hushed murmur of the audience, the sweet anticipation as the curtains rise, and the feeling of being a part of something larger than oneself. It's about the joy of art and beauty and the sheer magic that is ballet.

I'll be sure to update you all with my thoughts and observations tomorrow - stay tuned!

Until next Wednesday, keep on twirling!

With love,

Emma x

P.S.: Have you been to Vienna, my lovely readers? I would love to hear about your experiences. And, if you haven't had the pleasure yet, add Vienna to your list, it's an absolutely magical place to discover. Don't forget to share your ballet adventures with me, too!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2014-11-05