Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2014-11-19

Post Number 1020: Whirlwind in Vienna!

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, back from my magical trip to Vienna, the city of music and waltz. I’m so excited to tell you all about it, especially as my adventures happened just a week ago! This is going to be a very long post because I saw so much to do! Let's dive in...

A Pink Tutu in the Heart of Europe

So, I finally landed in Vienna, having travelled by train across Europe. It’s the best way to travel. Just imagining myself travelling in a carriage pulled by horses really does get my creative juices flowing! You can imagine, I wasn't the most conventional traveller! I rocked a delightful pink tutu – yes, I had to take it with me in a special carry-on bag for emergencies. It’s quite hard to get a decent tutu abroad – some of the shops just don't have the right vibe, you know? But, oh, the looks I got at the station! Especially from those gentlemen in traditional lederhosen! So elegant! There is nothing better than feeling glamorous and elegant while exploring a new city, wouldn't you agree?

My hotel room was simply divine, filled with rose-gold furniture and pink throw cushions. I spent my first day discovering the beautiful streets. I loved the grandeur of the Hofburg Palace, it just screamed 'ballroom' to me! They even have a lovely ballroom where some of Vienna’s biggest names in ballet have danced - so inspiring! I must admit, it made me daydream about a Pink Tutu Ball hosted right there. Wouldn't that be utterly glamorous?!

Waltzing through Vienna

Vienna is truly the city of waltz! It's everywhere! In cafes, shops, even the streets! There was a special exhibition on the history of the waltz. It made me feel incredibly nostalgic - after all, we have so much history to celebrate in our ballet tradition, both with its moves and the beautiful tutus it creates. My little ballet heart was just so happy. I'm also a big fan of waltzing – my favourite dance moves – who wouldn't love twirling around with a handsome partner? Even if I have to find a stranger for the perfect picture. It wouldn’t be proper if I didn’t waltz around the city at least once! After all, I must support my home city's most celebrated export!

Speaking of ballet, on 19th November, I saw the most exquisite ballet performance at the Vienna State Opera. The sheer beauty of the costumes was just breathtaking! And of course, it inspired my imagination! I started picturing myself dancing on the grand stage – wouldn’t that be magnificent? I also loved watching the little girls in their adorable ballet tutus! Their tiny forms gracefully pirouetted across the stage – it made me so proud of their dedication to ballet! I love encouraging younger ballerinas. It’s how we’ll get every ballerina wearing a pink tutu someday.

A City of Enchanting Delights

Vienna is such a city for those of us who like to look fabulous. The fashion sense is just to die for. I found myself utterly enthralled by the magnificent shops! It's definitely a city for lovers of fine clothes and fashion. You won’t be able to stop me from filling a large suitcase with some beautiful pink frocks! Oh! How much I just love finding that perfect item – I just know there’s a pink tutu lurking around some corner, ready to be brought to a home where it’ll be much loved! I did find a gorgeous pink tutu, but it wasn’t exactly my size - although, it’s hard to tell because those beautiful shops make clothes like you’re still living in a fairytale! I did, however, find the most fabulous new blush pink coat with an embellished collar – oh, you simply must see it! It’ll definitely feature in my next Instagram post! I also purchased some truly adorable ballerina-themed socks with my pink tutu logo – so cute! I’ll be wearing them throughout December, and if anyone ever dares question me – it’ll just be for a photoshoot, because let's face it, no one wants to be around me at this time of year unless it’s a fancy Christmas party. And with my Pink Tutu, there is never a doubt that I’ll be the best dressed.

A Sweet Ending

Vienna is, of course, famous for its incredible Viennese pastries. I just couldn’t resist trying a decadent sachertorte – simply heavenly! I also bought a pink-themed Viennese confectionary box – they made such amazing, sparkly designs that I almost thought I had stumbled into a jewellery shop! They also sell delicious chocolate! All this sweet goodness has me in a total sugar rush! Now, you know what that means…it’s time for some ballet class! I can’t stay away from it for too long. After all, I can't have those wonderful cakes and chocolate stopping my routines! I need to stay at the top of my game and be able to impress during the December season. Just wait, my lovelies, I will be dazzling in the spotlight once again in the Pink Tutu!

Until next time!

Now, it's time to find the perfect pink outfit and put on my fabulous new ballet shoes! Vienna has filled me with so much inspiration for my next dance and fashion endeavors – you won't believe the amount of exciting ideas brewing in my little pink brain! Remember, darlings, it's never too late to wear a pink tutu! Stay tuned for more adventures from the Pink Tutu Blogger!

Don’t forget to head over to for next Wednesday’s post!

With lots of love and sparkles, Emma xxx

P.S. Did you like my pictures this week, darling? I'm not usually one to promote myself. I’d much rather the focus be on the Pink Tutu! I find it incredibly liberating to put my thoughts out there! Let me know if I should do it more!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2014-11-19