Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2014-12-10

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Whirlwind of Waltz and Wonder (Post #1023)

Guten Tag, darlings!

It’s Wednesday again, which means it's time for another installment of Pink Tutu Vienna. The snow is falling in fluffy, enchanting swirls outside my Vienna apartment window and I'm all tucked up in my favourite pink dressing gown, dreaming of tutus and Viennese waltzes. I’ve got my trusty hot chocolate at the ready, too!

Today I’m bubbling over with excitement about my recent escapades. This week I have been transported to a world of elegance, tradition, and a whole heap of twirling - a perfect recipe for my tutu-loving soul!

From Derbyshire Dales to Vienna’s Grandeur

Now, as many of you know, I hail from the picturesque Derbyshire Dales in England. Where we're more used to rolling green hills and quaint cobblestone streets than grand Baroque architecture and horse-drawn carriages. But don't think for a moment that I’m not utterly in my element in this beautiful Austrian city!

The city of Vienna, nestled in the heart of Europe, is like stepping into a grand fairy tale. With its towering spires, ornate palaces, and the Danube River glistening in the distance, it truly feels like a storybook come to life.

Riding Through Vienna's History

One of my highlights this week was exploring Vienna on horseback! The streets were car-free in the heart of the city on this beautiful day and a kind gentleman named Otto kindly offered me a ride through the park. This was no ordinary horse-drawn carriage experience, though. This was an authentic 'fiaker', a traditional Viennese carriage, pulled by a handsome, proud steed named Amadeus. He was so calm and well-trained, it was simply magical.

As we glided through the park, Otto shared with me tales of Vienna’s fascinating history – about emperors and empresses, magnificent balls, and the rich tapestry of the Habsburg dynasty. I simply had to share a few snippets of Vienna’s colourful history with you all:

  • The Habsburg Empire : For centuries, Vienna was the imperial heart of the Habsburg Dynasty, one of Europe's most influential dynasties. It’s impossible to speak about Vienna’s history without talking about the Habsburgs. The royal family’s love for art, music, and culture deeply impacted the city’s unique charm.

  • The Spanish Riding School: This prestigious equestrian school is one of the world's most revered institutions dedicated to classical horsemanship. Imagine white-gloved riders choreographing beautiful routines with graceful Lippizaner horses!

  • The Viennese Waltz: Can there be a waltz anywhere as magical and as renowned as Vienna’s waltz? Known for its elegance and captivating rhythm, it originated here and became a cultural icon synonymous with Viennese grandeur.

  • The Vienna State Opera: One of the world’s most iconic opera houses! Imagine me twirling my tutu around Vienna's iconic opera house and feeling the electrifying energy of the crowd as the curtain rises and the music fills the air!

As we ambled through the city, it truly felt as though time had stood still. Vienna’s charm and historical legacy had me swept away. I felt a tangible connection to the past, as if the ghosts of emperors and empresses were swirling around me. And of course, every story needs a fairy tale ending, which brings me to my next adventure...

Tutu Dreams at the Schönbrunn Palace

My love affair with all things royal continued as I wandered around the glorious Schönbrunn Palace. I mean, just imagine! It's been a residence for emperors and empresses, a playground for royalty, and now it’s open for all to marvel at. I lost myself in its glittering grandeur. Imagine the grandeur of the Habsburg Empire!

Stepping into the Palace’s beautiful halls, with its ornate ceilings and majestic portraits, is like stepping back in time. The Palace was an emblem of Habsburg power and splendor. You can truly feel its rich history emanating from its walls, echoing tales of the past!

Of course, I couldn't resist the opportunity to put on a show of my own in front of the majestic Baroque Palace! And no trip to Vienna would be complete without some serious tutu action. This time, I sported a blush pink tulle tutu, just as frilly and as fabulously flattering as ever, which added a touch of contemporary flair to this grand old venue. I felt as if I was waltzing back in time, mingling with princesses and princes.

My afternoon in the park provided an opportunity for me to showcase my choreographed routine, a playful blend of classic ballet movements infused with my signature 'Pink Tutu’ energy! I’m not saying I’m a prodigy, but the ducks who live in the palace gardens definitely seemed captivated by my pirouettes. (That, or they were hoping for a snack, haha!)

And there was nothing stopping me from creating a truly glamorous photoshoot - some pictures are a must! Think grand halls, marble statues, lush gardens - a breathtaking setting worthy of a fairytale princess, no less. This setting certainly provided some fantastic background props, didn't it? I can imagine a vintage ball with waltzing gentlemen in velvet coats, delicate floral displays, and elegant ladies adorned in sumptuous silk dresses. I even managed to grab a few photographs with a friendly group of local musicians dressed in traditional costumes. Talk about picturesque!

I’ll leave you with a bit of my favourite quote by the iconic Coco Chanel, "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” So what’s your next move? How about taking some inspiration from Vienna's elegance, whether it's the fashion, the architecture or even the city’s incredible waltz! You don't have to live in Vienna to be elegant - just choose to wear pink! I have a whole wardrobe of pretty pink tutus and I would love you to join my 'Wear Pink Tutu’ challenge, but of course, there is nothing wrong with just simply appreciating its pretty hue.

Until next week darlings, I hope your days are as magical as mine in Vienna. Don't forget, you can catch my next Pink Tutu adventure right here on, every Wednesday at 12 pm.

Keep twirling, and keep wearing pink!

P.S: My favourite moment of this week’s escapade had to be watching a young ballet student taking her very first steps in her ballet shoes in Schönbrunn Gardens! My heart simply melted! Just remember that every amazing dancer began with their first clumsy steps - be bold, have fun and go out there and twirl! You can see some amazing Vienna dancing photos from my journey over on my Instagram: @PinkTutuEmma

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2014-12-10