Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2015-10-21

Pink Tutu Vienna: Waltz into Wonderland - Blog Post #1068

Dearest Tutu Tribe!

This week, I'm whisking you away to the enchanting city of Vienna, the birthplace of waltzes and pastries galore. The air here is practically vibrating with the spirit of Strauss and Mozart, and the architecture is a glorious tapestry of grandeur and grace. It’s just the sort of setting a pink tutu lover like me could adore!

A Journey of Tutus and Trains

It all started in Derbyshire, England. I was preparing for a performance at the Derby Theatre when I received the most wonderful news: I had been invited to perform in a special showcase in Vienna! So, I packed my suitcase with a selection of my most exquisite tutus (naturally!), and hopped onto a majestic train, complete with elegant carriages and views of the picturesque English countryside. What could be more fitting than a train journey, with its inherent sense of anticipation, to a city that exudes such a vibrant energy?

Vienna, a City for Tutu Lovers

Stepping onto the cobblestones of Vienna was like walking into a fairy tale. The city, bathed in golden light, was buzzing with the anticipation of a festive evening. I felt like a ballerina stepping onto a grand stage, with Vienna itself my backdrop. My pink tutu twirled effortlessly in the breeze as I embarked on a mission: to explore Vienna through the lens of a tutu-clad ballerina.

The Vienna State Opera: Where Ballerinas Dream

Of course, a trip to Vienna wasn't complete without experiencing the legendary Vienna State Opera. I couldn't have been more excited to step into this magnificent building, its golden interior glimmering like a million stars. I even caught a glimpse of a stunning ballerina in her swan lake costume during a quick stop in the wardrobe department – just another fabulous reason why the State Opera is truly magical. The performance that evening, a grand rendition of “The Sleeping Beauty”, was simply breathtaking, a reminder of the enduring beauty and elegance of classical ballet.

Tutus and Fashion in Vienna

No ballerina's trip to Vienna would be complete without some fashion indulgences. The city is a shopper's paradise, and I couldn't resist exploring the boutiques brimming with elegant gowns, whimsical hats, and of course, stunning accessories. I even found a charming vintage shop filled with enchanting costume pieces, and I just knew they had to be mine! My newest favourite, a shimmering sequined top, will be perfect for my next ballet class.

The Magic of Horse-Drawn Carriages

What's more romantic than strolling through the enchanting streets of Vienna? Riding in a horse-drawn carriage, of course! Clinking glasses of Viennese coffee and nibbling on delectable strudel as we glided through the city was the ultimate in graceful, fairytale experiences. It was a moment of pure delight, feeling the gentle sway of the carriage and the soft clip-clop of the horses' hooves.

A Stroll Through History

One of the highlights of my trip was wandering through the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace. The meticulously manicured gardens, with their breathtaking views, were truly magnificent. I can just imagine graceful ballerinas practising their moves under these stately trees centuries ago, and I had to strike a few poses myself for a photo-op, naturally!

Tutu in the Evening Light

As dusk descended over Vienna, painting the sky with breathtaking hues, I found myself at the heart of the city, surrounded by musicians serenading passersby with enchanting melodies. My tutu flowed gently as I danced with the spirit of Vienna, feeling completely at home amongst the vibrant energy of the city.

The Beauty of Ballet Everywhere

As I continue to journey around the world, one thing is clear: ballet is a universal language. Whether in a grand theatre, on a cobbled street, or amidst the stunning architecture of Vienna, ballet truly has the power to inspire, move, and captivate hearts all over the globe.

My mission remains the same: to inspire every single one of you to embrace your inner ballerina and twirl through life with the grace and confidence of a pink tutu-wearing princess. So, what are you waiting for? Go find a tutu, let your inner ballerina bloom, and embrace the magical journey!

Until next week,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2015-10-21