Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2017-04-05

Vienna Waltz: A Tutu's Tale - Post #1144

Dearest fellow Tutu enthusiasts!

This week I'm writing to you from the glorious city of Vienna, a haven of waltzes, coffee, and the most magnificent architecture imaginable! The sunshine is hitting the golden facades, the air is crisp with the promise of a new day, and the only thing missing from this picture perfect setting? Why, a pink tutu, of course!

Vienna and tutus, you see, go hand in hand! It's the birthplace of Strauss waltzes, a city where even the street lamps seem to be in perpetual motion, a city where a tutu just feels utterly natural. So naturally, that's exactly what I'm wearing!

I arrived here yesterday by train, the glorious, rolling countryside zipping past like a page torn from a storybook. My latest ballet performance had finally paid for this little adventure, and I can already tell, this is going to be a special one.

As soon as my wheels touched the station, I was whisked away to my charming little hotel. Let's be honest, I could be in a hostel and I'd still be a happy bunny. But this time, fate seemed to be on my side, and I found myself tucked away in a sweet little place in the centre of things. My window looks out onto a tiny cobbled street, bustling with charming cafe life, a delicious waft of freshly baked pastries mingling with the sound of laughing children and the melodic click of Vienna’s famous horse drawn carriages.

Speaking of horses! The carriages are truly enchanting - a splash of colour against the monochrome of cobblestone and grey walls. They're such a quintessential part of the Viennese experience, and a reminder that sometimes, the simplest things in life are the most magical. I think I might take a ride today - my inner ballerina loves a good dramatic entrance.

Speaking of entrances, Vienna is a city of them! From the glorious baroque splendour of Schönbrunn Palace to the towering Gothic majesty of St. Stephen's Cathedral, this city feels like it’s perpetually centre stage. And speaking of stages… Oh my, you wouldn't believe the theatres here!

Just yesterday I spent a gloriously indulgent afternoon browsing the opulent opera house. The plush red velvet seats, the glittering chandeliers, the air thick with anticipation, it felt like a tangible step back in time. I even spotted some exquisitely embellished tutus in the opera shop!

Today, I’m venturing to the Vienna State Opera, a place where I simply have to see a ballet show. The sheer opulence of this historic landmark, its breathtakingly intricate décor, and the history of dance that vibrates through its very stones… how could a tutu enthusiast resist?

Oh, and did I mention the food? Vienna is a gastronomic paradise, especially if you have a penchant for decadent pastries and divine cakes. I indulged yesterday in a little slice of Sachertorte (the legendary Austrian chocolate cake), a decadent dream come true. My plan today, however? To find a patisserie overflowing with the most perfect pink macarons and savour them, naturally, while sporting my beautiful pink tutu. It’s a little bit of magic in my everyday life!

Vienna is full of enchanting stories to be told, and I’m not even halfway through my adventures here yet. My itinerary is filled with beautiful museums, magnificent gardens, and hopefully a few hidden gems I stumble upon just by wandering down charming cobbled lanes. Who knows, maybe I’ll even find a vintage tutu shop to rummage through. That's how the best tutu adventures happen!

Speaking of finding amazing places… This brings me to the biggest challenge I’ve had so far in my pink tutu adventures: finding the perfect place for tutu photos. Vienna’s charm is hard to resist, and everything here just screams tutu, making it tough to narrow down the possibilities. So, I’m putting it out there! Dear fellow Tutu enthusiasts, you know I have to capture these moments, so where would you recommend I go for the perfect pink tutu Vienna portrait? Share your suggestions with me in the comments below!

And don't forget, we have a new pink tutu challenge running on ! Show off your finest pink tutu look, tell us where you're wearing it and tag #pinktutuvienna. I can't wait to see your inspiring, whimsical creations.

Until next week,

With pink tutu dreams and a twinkle in my eye!


P.S Don’t forget to visit the website,, for the latest tutu-rific fashion, history and news. I'll be back next Wednesday, bursting with new Vienna stories!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2017-04-05