Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-04-18

Vienna: Waltz Me Away in a Pink Tutu! #1198

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving ballerina, Emma, back with another post from my latest adventure. This week, I've whisked myself off to the glorious city of Vienna, the capital of Austria, the land of waltz music and grand palaces, and the home of… well, loads of delicious Sachertorte! 🎂

Vienna is everything I'd hoped it would be: a romantic swirl of baroque architecture, bustling squares, and cobblestone streets perfect for twirling in my pink tutu, of course. I must admit, a trip to Vienna has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. It’s like the set of a fairytale; even the horse-drawn carriages that trot through the city add to the magic!

A Pink Tutu's Perfect Match

Arriving in Vienna felt like stepping back in time. I even managed to snag a journey on the Orient Express, a journey through time I'd only dreamed about in my pink tutu fantasies! I felt like a real-life princess in my vintage lace-trimmed pink tutu and a shimmering top.

And Vienna itself? Oh my, it's a haven for all things pink and fabulous! Just think, a vibrant city packed with opulent buildings, buzzing markets, and a ballet scene that practically bursts with elegance and finesse – heaven for this tutu-wearing ballerina.

This time, I didn't have to rely on my trusty old trusty Ford Fiesta – I’d already decided this trip would be a train-and-horse journey. The journey here was simply divine, complete with the clickety-clack of the train and views that simply took my breath away! I don't think I’ll ever tire of the romance of rail travel. It’s certainly my favourite way to get about when I'm feeling truly glamorous!

And then there were the horses. Yes, my darlings, real horses! 🐎 You'll find horse-drawn carriages all over the city, taking people on leisurely tours of Vienna's beautiful streets. And let me tell you, nothing beats a trip through the cobblestone streets of Vienna with the wind in your hair and the gentle clip-clop of horses’ hooves beneath you. You feel like you're truly living a dream from a classic novel, right?

Of course, I had to don my perfect pink tutu for this occasion - a billowing, full-skirted design that seemed to swirl and twirl with every movement of the carriage. I truly felt like I was part of the storybook world Vienna embodies!

A Ballet-Loving Girl in a Ballet-Loving City

Let me tell you, Vienna is truly the capital of dance, with its iconic opera house, the Wiener Staatsoper. Every year, this grand venue is host to thousands of opera and ballet performances. My heart is soaring at the mere mention of it. And of course, I had to secure tickets for a spectacular ballet show - this week’s performance is Sleeping Beauty!

Speaking of which, my very own pink tutus got me noticed when I stopped at the State Opera House and decided to do a little ballet improvisation right in front of it. Let me tell you, the locals just adored my tutus. It really shows that the love of dance and elegance transcends all language barriers, doesn’t it?

I have to tell you, though – if you happen to be visiting Vienna and have time, I really suggest visiting the Wiener Staatsoper. Not only for its spectacular performances but also for its absolutely breathtaking architecture. I simply adore the gold details and magnificent marble that cover every inch of this historical building. I practically squealed with delight at the sight of it! I bet you can’t even imagine my excitement – or perhaps you can, being a fellow tutu aficionado!

The interior is just as grand. It has the most glorious velvet-draped seats, opulent chandeliers that illuminate every corner, and a stage so beautiful it seems like a doorway to another world. Every element in this grand house makes for a truly unique and spectacular performance, and this isn’t even mentioning the incredible artistry of the dancers themselves.

I just couldn’t resist going to see a few local dance studios, and the Viennese people have so much warmth. All the dancing I saw was superb. Everyone there had such natural grace. Their moves were so fluid, delicate, and expressive – it really seemed like every muscle knew what to do and every step flowed effortlessly!

Finding My Ballet History Inspiration

Beyond the waltzing streets and charming carriage rides, Vienna holds an almost mystical power for those who love the art of ballet. It was the very place where the iconic ballet, "Giselle," premiered, right in 1841!

How I adore ballet history! And there's no place on this Earth that radiates such rich dance history more than Vienna, Isn't that wonderful? Imagine twirling through these streets, where the pioneers of classical ballet danced – the steps, the costumes, the music – I feel a real connection here. I can almost hear the echo of the steps, and picture the audiences enchanted by such beauty!

After enjoying Giselle itself at the State Opera House, I was feeling particularly inspired by this historic masterpiece! I know what you’re thinking - there’s only one place I can go next! That's right, darlings. It was time to delve into Vienna’s rich dance archives! 🩰

So I headed to the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra archives, nestled amidst the enchanting Old Town. These archives contain an unimaginable trove of scores, libretti, and even costume designs, including the very original ones from the world-famous "Giselle" ballet! My breath nearly caught in my throat as I glimpsed them – the intricate detail, the elegance – I felt like I was stepping into another era!

As a ballet enthusiast and pink-loving fashionista, my interest lay not only in the history of the ballet itself but also in its costumes. I was so excited to see those magnificent designs – those first-edition tutus that truly define the art of classical ballet! I couldn’t help but admire their beauty – a simple elegance, an impeccable flow that would perfectly accompany those ballet moves.

They might have been a bit… modest compared to my modern-day pink tutus! But there was an undeniable grace in the structure and elegance of these classic tutus. I can’t help but dream of owning a couple of original-design costumes to wear as a real-life princess ballerina. But hey, this vintage enthusiast always cherishes old-world designs – especially for a ballet enthusiast!

My love for all things ballet and its history is so strong – it’s what makes me feel alive! Ballet is a love story – the perfect love story. So much passion and beauty captured within it, with graceful movement, powerful emotion, and exquisite music that takes the breath away!

Fashion, Food, and All Things Pink!

Vienna's beauty doesn’t stop at its grand opera houses or enchanting waltz music! Let me tell you, darlings, the city’s a haven for fashion, with its cobbled streets brimming with boutiques and fashion houses of every variety!

Of course, every single pink dress and top has caught my attention. A true pink-loving fashionista, I'm on the hunt for unique finds – that perfect piece that whispers pink in every inch of it and shouts my personality from every hemline. This time, my shopping journey lead me to the fabulous designer store – Liechtenstein! Oh my, the clothing! There were simply too many pretty clothes in this elegant and exclusive boutique! But that's not surprising; this brand's clothing and accessories always represent elegance and luxury at its best, just like my darling pink tutus.

If I were to describe it to you – imagine stepping into a fashion fairytale! There was beautiful lacework, flowing silks, and dazzling embroidery in shades of pastel and bright pink, from classic, timeless looks to the more whimsical styles I favour. This shop was like my ultimate shopping fantasy come to life. Honestly, I’d rather have spent all my time there just wandering through the aisles and enjoying every piece of clothes.

I came home with more clothes and fashion accessories than I could possibly carry but my luggage (or maybe even a horse carriage) and a wide grin on my face. My fashion addiction was truly satiated and my shopping mood lifted even further when I discovered the perfect new pink tutu – and I am just a tad obsessed with it, of course. 🩰

It truly is such a perfect colour, my dears! I just feel like I'm truly embodying femininity whenever I’m sporting a pink tutu.

I mean, the city of Vienna was practically built for wearing pretty clothes! Think about it – romantic coffeehouses, manicured gardens, and streets where the architecture is like a delicate dance. Just imagine twirling down those enchanting streets! And while I'm on the topic of twirling… have you ever heard of Viennese waltzes?

You should see me whirling around those elegant, circular dance halls! It was like stepping back into an era of ballroom dances and swirling dresses - but, of course, my favourite pink tutus had to join in on this journey!

The music is enchanting, so passionate and powerful! You just have to put your heart and soul into it to match the melody's emotions. It's just such a perfect and romantic pairing – it truly puts me in a happy and lighthearted mood!

Oh, and let me tell you – if you have a sweet tooth, you simply have to try Sachertorte while you’re in Vienna! Imagine the most delicious chocolate cake imaginable - with layers of apricot jam and a creamy, delicate glaze - that’s the Sachertorte. I have to say, it's almost as fabulous as my pink tutus! You could even argue that my tutu is the ultimate sweet treat for the eyes – although my stomach doesn’t seem to agree!

My adventures here haven’t stopped just yet! Tomorrow, I’ll be joining a ballet class! And yes, you guessed it – in my pink tutu, of course. It feels absolutely incredible to immerse yourself in the dancing traditions of Vienna – this ballet enthusiast is so in her element, I tell you!

A Pink Tutu Odyssey!

There you have it, darlings – my whirlwind adventure through the capital of music and waltz – and my favorite color, pink! It's a truly remarkable place, a perfect mix of historical charm, and a dazzling city filled with fashion, music, and elegance.

Vienna was a real treat! I was truly embracing all the joys of travelling to Vienna – especially dancing in a pink tutu to my heart’s content!

And my fellow pink tutu enthusiasts, I hope this inspires you all to put on your pinkest, prettiest tutus, pack your bags and go for your own fabulous adventure. We never know what beautiful surprises await!

And, as always, darlings, remember – everyone has a pink tutu within them, waiting to be discovered. 😉

Until next week, keep twirling! 🩰


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#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-04-18