Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-06-06

Vienna: A Waltz in Pink Tutu Heaven! (Post #1205)

Bonjour, darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad travel bunny, writing to you from the utterly delightful city of Vienna. I must confess, my heart is doing a pirouette right now. Vienna is practically overflowing with romance and charm, like a perfectly executed pas de deux. This is, of course, no surprise considering its rich history and cultural significance, not to mention its abundance of beautiful ballet and the utter delight of Vienna Opera House – more on that later!

As I mentioned last week, I got here via train - the first stage of my continental escapade – it's certainly the way to travel. Something about a steaming cup of Earl Grey and the countryside zipping by makes for the perfect journey, especially with my trusty, trusty, tutu on, naturally! (A full, frilly pink one, just like my brand, in case you were wondering.) Once in Vienna, the adventure really got going. Firstly, I had to find the perfect, fluffy pink horse to transport me through the city. I knew it was the perfect way to embrace Viennese grandeur – after all, why not? Horses are magnificent creatures and utterly regal - perfect for a girl in a pink tutu!

I love exploring, so after finding a chic boutique with an excellent selection of new tutus, I took a long stroll. Vienna has been known as the "City of Music" since Mozart lived there, so the history alone was almost overwhelming. Every turn revealed another stunning building or elegant square. The atmosphere is simply breathtaking - one almost expects a Strauss waltz to begin! A symphony orchestra seems the only fitting soundtrack for such a glorious city! A day out of your routine for some retail therapy or an immersive historical experience - why not have both? And for a fashionable ballerina who happens to like wearing tutus, there is no better way to experience the city than to embrace its grandeur and wonder at the city’s elegance, with your tutu on, naturally!

However, it wasn't just the history and beauty that stole my heart. Viennese culture is a melting pot of vibrant art, classical music, fashion, and – drumroll – yes, tutus! I felt immediately at home in this wonderful place.

Speaking of tutus, let's talk ballet! Vienna is absolutely a ballerina's paradise! There are world-class ballet performances happening everywhere. I've already seen two absolutely breathtaking performances – one at the majestic Vienna State Opera and one at the gorgeous Burgtheater. Both were pure enchantment, making me twirl my own pink tutu and tap my feet until the orchestra was finished, with the Viennese waltz playing out!

I'm thrilled to have seen the famed Vienna State Opera. Its grand design is straight out of a fairytale! And oh, the performances – the costumes were spectacular! I must confess, there were a few times I wished I could borrow one for my next blog post!

The Vienna State Opera also has a lovely museum, showcasing the history of dance and ballet in Austria and Europe. I highly recommend visiting if you’re a ballerina, fashionista, or anyone fascinated by dance – the historical significance of ballet and the elegant attire on display made me weep with happiness! Of course, it made me reflect on my own history in the world of the ballet - not a ballerina per se but I've made a career out of dancing around, sharing the joy of dance through blogging. I don't take that responsibility lightly. Every post and blog is as carefully prepared as a perfect arabesque or a perfectly measured leap.

And that brings me to today. It's June the 6th and you’ve guessed it – more ballet! I'm heading to the Vienna Opera Ballet school to watch some aspiring ballerinas practice. Just think – they might be the next Anna Pavlova or Rudolf Nureyev! A day in the world of dance with other enthusiasts and I can already picture it – I'm going to burst with excitement to share it all with you on Friday's blog post. The Viennese school of dance – you know I'm looking forward to it! I just know that my excitement for ballet will be infectious, and, once you read all about the wonderful day out at the school, you’ll feel it too!

As much as I love tutus, ballet, and beautiful old buildings, my next adventure in Vienna includes fashion and the exquisite shops I've discovered along the way. I already have my eye on a fantastic dress for Friday night’s big dance-off! That’s right! Vienna also hosts a massive dance-off each Wednesday! And you know that a ballerina with a fashion sense like mine wouldn’t miss this opportunity to express her passion. And oh, do you know the wonderful thing about having an excuse to find an outfit? There are even better things on sale today in Vienna. I’m planning to write the next blog on Friday, all about finding the perfect look to wear on Wednesday at the dance-off. What do you think will be my outfit? Let me know your suggestions!

In the meantime, darlings, don't forget to spread the joy of pink tutus everywhere you go! It's my ultimate dream for everyone to embrace their inner ballerina, no matter where they are in the world!

See you all next Wednesday for more adventures from the fabulous city of Vienna!

P.S. Don't forget to visit to catch up on my latest adventures and keep the pink tutu flame burning brightly! You can leave comments on any blog posts, and let me know about your pink tutu adventures! The ballet is calling – I better get to preparing, the next adventure awaits. Let me know what you’d like me to share in the comments below!

Love and twirls,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-06-06