Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-12-12

Pink Tutu Vienna #1232: Whirlwind Waltz through the Austrian Capital!

Hello lovelies! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Vienna post! I'm bursting with excitement to tell you all about my adventures this week in the glorious city of Vienna, the heart of Austria.

As always, I arrived in style. Who needs a train? I arrived by horseback, of course! It may seem unconventional, but let me tell you, there’s nothing quite as magical as arriving in a new city astride a magnificent steed, my pink tutu flowing in the wind! The locals couldn't stop smiling and waving. After all, how often do you see a pink-clad ballerina galloping through the streets?

My first stop, as any self-respecting ballerina would do, was the Vienna State Opera. You'll never believe what they had on – the most fabulous production of Swan Lake I've ever seen! It was just divine – from the intricate choreography and dazzling costumes, to the sweeping score and passionate performances. The swans glided with such grace and elegance, making me want to leap on stage myself! And who doesn't love a good Tchaikovsky masterpiece, right?

After the performance, I popped into the Vienna State Opera Shop to pick up some beautiful memorabilia. I can never resist a souvenir or two, especially when it’s as gorgeous as these opera-themed treasures. This little pink velvet purse with a delicate ballet slipper charm just had to come home with me!

But this week's highlight, the one that had me twirling with glee, was discovering the "Vienna Ballet Museum" tucked away on a quiet cobbled street. Now, you might think that a ballerina knows all about ballet history, right? Wrong! This museum was a total eye-opener! It's not just the stunning collection of antique tutus, from the Victorian era to the late 20th century, that blew me away, it's also the insights into how these seemingly simple garments transformed dance, and with them, our whole understanding of the feminine body.

Did you know, for example, that the tutu's short skirt wasn’t simply a fashion statement? It was a groundbreaking development in the world of dance! The shortness meant dancers could showcase their elegant lines and movements more freely than ever before! That's revolutionary thinking! And speaking of revolution, did you know that ballet is so rooted in French history and politics, that even its early choreography was influenced by the French monarchy's patronage of dance? Imagine – Marie Antoinette as a tutu aficionado! The sheer impact these little garments have had on the course of dance history was both mind-boggling and awe-inspiring.

I just spent hours studying each exquisite detail, marvelling at the delicate craftsmanship, and imagining all the stories those tutus could tell! Every stitch, every ruffle, every colour, and every detail felt imbued with so much history and so many dreams!

Of course, I couldn’t leave Vienna without indulging my shopping obsession! The city is a haven for the fashionista, from grand boutiques with bespoke ball gowns to hidden treasure troves with unique vintage finds.

One little shop I discovered called "La Vie en Rose" was a total dream! It’s the cutest little pink paradise imaginable, filled with all things frilly, feminine, and oh-so-chic! It was literally bursting with pastel delights – think fluffy boas, sparkly tiaras, feather boas, and lace gloves! I even managed to find a magnificent feather boa in the most gorgeous shade of millennial pink. My new best friend, trust me! I knew it had to be mine!

Naturally, I had to spend some time browsing the shops for that perfect new tutu to add to my collection! Vienna’s designers are masters of elegant lines and timeless style. One little shop called "Der Tanz" (which, incidentally, means "the dance") had this absolutely fabulous shimmering lavender tutu – imagine tulle like a million tiny sparkling diamonds. Absolutely irresistible. I'll be twirling through Derbyshire streets in no time!

Speaking of Derbyshire, you’ll be thrilled to know I'm planning my next trip there soon! There’s so much going on – Christmas Markets, pantomime, and a ballet workshop I’m incredibly excited to attend! Can’t wait to share all the festive fun with you all.

Before I go, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for joining me on my adventures this week! Your lovely messages of support really make my day!

And as always, my dear followers, remember: Wear a pink tutu today, embrace your inner ballerina, and never stop twirling!


Emma x

P.S. Remember to follow me on Instagram and Twitter @pinktutuvienna

P.P.S I've been trying to come up with an idea for a #PinkTutuChallenge to inspire even more of you lovely ladies to embrace your inner ballerina. Leave a comment below with your ideas, and who knows? Maybe your idea will be featured in next week's post!

See you next Wednesday for more pink tutu adventures!

Until then, keep on twirling!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-12-12