Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-12-26

Vienna Whirl: Ballet, Blushing Beauty, and a Pink Tutu Adventure! (Post #1234)

Darling readers,

Greetings from the most magical city in the world, Vienna! As the twinkling lights of the festive season continue to illuminate the streets, I’m here soaking it all up in my very own pink tutu, naturally. I mean, what better way to celebrate this joyous season than twirling through the cobblestone streets of Vienna, where waltzes and waltzing shoes were born!

As always, it's Wednesday, and you know what that means: another thrilling post from your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller! This week, it's all about Vienna, the city that truly embodies the elegance and romance I adore. And I'm not just talking about the breathtaking architecture – although the Hofburg Palace, Schönbrunn Palace, and St. Stephen's Cathedral are truly spectacular – I'm talking about the ballet scene, darling!

Vienna has always been a haven for dancers and dance enthusiasts. I’m currently attending a week-long intensive ballet class at the Vienna State Opera, and let me tell you, the standards here are impossibly high! But don't worry, I'm keeping up! I'm loving every minute of the lessons and making so many amazing connections. This is definitely the highlight of my Viennese journey so far!

Ballet Bliss and Viennese Charm

Before diving into the magical details, let's rewind the tape for a bit. I journeyed to Vienna via a delightful train ride from Prague, which I highly recommend. Honestly, what could be more perfect than settling into a comfortable carriage, gazing at the rolling green countryside, and perhaps indulging in a little knitting? (My current project is a fetching pink scarf for my dear Granny – you should see her face when she unwraps it!)

And when I arrived in Vienna, my breath caught in my throat! It’s a city brimming with opulence and historical charm, but without a touch of stuffy old-fashionedness. Everywhere you look, there’s an intricate detail waiting to be discovered. Every turn reveals a hidden courtyard, a blooming rose garden, or a towering monument to the city’s rich past. I haven’t even had a chance to venture beyond the city centre, and I’m already in love!

The streets are lined with magnificent buildings and historic shops that look like they belong in a fairytale. I haven't been able to resist indulging in some serious shopping – particularly for shoes! My newest acquisition is a pair of stunning pink velvet opera pumps with a touch of crystal embellishment – perfect for twirling and waltzing around the ballrooms! And they go wonderfully with my new pink tutu! It seems my love affair with this city is already translating into wardrobe additions!

Of course, my journey here is all about exploring the ballet world in Vienna. Did you know the Vienna State Ballet dates back to 1713?! I find it fascinating how tradition and modernism can so beautifully co-exist, much like the historic buildings alongside modern art galleries. They seem to weave a seamless tapestry of artistry and history, a delicate ballet of its own.

A Ballerina’s Paradise: Inside the Opera House

This weekend, I had the immense privilege of attending a performance at the Vienna State Opera. It was a night that made me weep, gasp, and gasp again with the sheer talent and passion on display! I was captivated by the intricate choreography, the sheer emotion pouring out of each dancer, and the exquisite grandeur of the theatre itself.

From the plush red velvet seating to the glittering chandeliers and the meticulously restored murals, it’s an architectural masterpiece and an experience that will stay with me forever. And let's not forget the iconic, impossibly beautiful, Viennese waltz, which I could hardly resist dancing along to during the interval!

While the Vienna State Opera is certainly the crown jewel of ballet in the city, I've been indulging in exploring other forms of dance too! Vienna has a thriving ballet street scene. It’s thrilling to discover the smaller studios and underground clubs showcasing contemporary and avant-garde ballets. There's an electrifying energy here, and I’m captivated by the artistic freedom and unique perspectives. It’s wonderful to see the artistry in all its forms, not just in the grand tradition.

The vibrant scene reminded me of my own first tutu. My Nana gifted it to me when I was seven. It was the fluffiest, pinkest tutu imaginable and absolutely essential for all of my at-home ballet routines! Perhaps that's how my obsession with pink tutus began! Now, I always aim to find the perfect tutu to match my travel destination.

Beyond Ballet: Food, Fashion, and Finding Inspiration

But Vienna isn't just about ballet. I'm truly immersing myself in the local culture and enjoying every delicious bite! I have to admit, Viennese coffee is a revelation! I'm obsessed with the rich, creamy brew that I find in little cafés dotted around the city. And the pastries are legendary – I’m particularly fond of the apple strudel and Sachertorte, oh, and the divine apricot jam! Of course, I haven't forgotten my commitment to health – the fresh, crisp apples I pick up from the markets make for a perfect midday snack, keeping my energy levels high for all that dancing and shopping!

And of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without indulging in a little shopping! The city is a haven for exquisite fashion. From chic boutiques to vintage treasure troves, I'm finding unique and delightful additions to my wardrobe – each piece inspired by the beautiful architecture, the timeless elegance, and the playful spirit of this enchanting city. And I always look for opportunities to slip my pink tutu in! After all, a ballerina’s life is always filled with grand moments – why not elevate each day with a touch of elegance and pink?

Vienna truly has it all: romance, beauty, history, culture, fashion, and of course, ballet! Each day in this extraordinary city feels like a beautiful scene from a dream. As I step out of the dance studio this evening and onto the streets of Vienna, I can already hear the waltz music beckoning me to twirl. And with my pink tutu fluttering in the breeze, I feel completely at home, like a true Viennese dancer in this enchanting city!

I can't wait to share more adventures with you from Vienna! Until then, happy twirling and remember – there’s a little pink tutu ballerina in each of us just waiting to come out!



#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-12-26