Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2019-09-04

Vienna Waltz, Pink Tutu and All: Blog Post #1270

Dearest Tutu-Lovers,

It's Wednesday, the day you know I'm back with a fresh post from wherever my pink tutu and I have twirled our way this week! This time, we're waltzing through the cobbled streets of Vienna, a city bursting with waltzes, pastries, and of course, some fabulous fashion (though admittedly, the pink tutus are somewhat sparse here)!

As you know, travelling by train is one of my favourite ways to get around. The rhythm of the tracks is like a heartbeat to me, especially when it's paired with the beautiful landscapes whizzing by. It’s all about the journey, not just the destination! It takes a while, but that gives me ample time to polish my dancing shoes and dream of tutus, just like the fabulous tutu ballerina Marie Taglioni, who inspired generations with her light as a feather steps, she really changed the way we viewed ballet and she loved wearing tutus too! I actually did a talk at the Derbyshire Dance Festival about her last year - maybe I'll talk about her here next time I'm on stage! And of course, there's a lovely pink tutu ensemble planned for Vienna. Don't worry, it will involve lots of frothy layers, delicate details, and enough tulle to rival the grandeur of Schönbrunn Palace. It’s a great location for the tutu shot, what do you think?

It's funny to think that when I was a little girl in Derbyshire, I had no idea that one day I would be waltzing through the streets of Vienna with a pink tutu strapped to my feet! I do always look like a giant pink lollipop, don't I? Especially with my little pink bows that I like to make, I know people find them quirky, I even try to get everyone I know to wear one, so much fun. But I do love my twirling journey, the people I meet and the stories I see.

Vienna is like a grand ballet stage set. It’s all elegant and stately and feels like a scene from The Nutcracker – well the parts without the mice! The imperial grandeur is everywhere. I did manage to squeeze in a couple of performances in the wonderful, opulent, and historic Burgtheater. It's an absolute must-visit for ballet lovers - and they really know how to put on a show! All that glitz and glam... what's not to love?

I have also been lucky enough to attend some spectacular street performances – did you know they hold an open-air ballet event in the summer? And it was all set within the beautiful Hofburg Palace gardens! Imagine, the sunlight sparkling off the dancers' tutus and the music carried by the gentle breeze. You've simply got to check it out if you're a ballet enthusiast. Or just a fan of beauty, as this beautiful, timeless city is certainly beautiful.

Speaking of beautiful, have you seen the selection of tutus I have been gathering in Vienna? I do love a bargain! I always go hunting for hidden treasures in Vienna’s bustling Naschmarkt. A wonderful mix of vintage finds and treasures for your home. Plus, who can resist all those fresh Viennese pastries, it's just like an explosion of deliciousness! It was a treat for the soul and a little bit of self indulgence, too! The Viennese have a strong culture of craftsmanship. Did you know they make handmade tutu ribbons here? There’s some amazing talent here!

But as they say, all work and no play makes Emma a dull girl! (or maybe I just say that...) But I couldn't resist indulging in a bit of Viennese charm. The traditional cafés are just fabulous – a symphony of coffee, conversation, and that all important touch of sweetness (again, pastries are just irresistible).

Of course, the pink tutu came along for the journey – it's the perfect accessory, as it turns a simple café visit into an artistic event. Vienna embraces its history, so why not embrace my pink tutu love as we travel back in time through this wondrous city? Vienna feels like a historical ballet, with its grand palaces and magnificent buildings, all the elegant ladies with their big gowns and fine lace. They are like dancers ready for their moment on stage - maybe that is what makes Vienna so mesmerising!

What's a visit to Vienna without a carriage ride, right? A romantic journey through the cobblestone streets and a moment to absorb the grandeur of the city, all from a horse drawn carriage - yes, a horse! It really took me back to a simpler time. All I needed was a fairytale ending – oh, and a big pink tutu! It would be absolutely perfect wouldn’t it? Imagine the story – the beautiful dancer from Derbyshire riding through the streets of Vienna, leaving a trail of pink tulle as she goes! Perhaps my carriage driver is going to find the perfect white steed to fit my vision, wouldn’t that be fantastic? My imagination gets the best of me sometimes, you know!

I can't wait to tell you more about my travels here in Vienna - maybe I’ll go horseback riding in the countryside and take my tutu to a ballet studio near Schönbrunn. I think that would be a wonderful ballet photo - my pink tutu, a lovely historic building and my hair bouncing around – just like an ballerina on pointe. And if you're a ballet enthusiast like me, a pink tutu wearing fairy princess at heart, you should get yourself to Vienna! It's magical. Maybe we will all meet here soon, just picture it: the city is filled with pink tutus as everyone dances along the banks of the river – what an image! Maybe we can do this at the annual Wiener Festwochen – it is Vienna’s festival of music, dance, theatre, literature, and film! Maybe I will get up on stage and inspire everyone to embrace the fun of ballet! You never know, anything can happen when you are on the pink tutu train! See you soon.

Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2019-09-04