Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2019-09-18

Vienna, Darling! A Pink Tutu Waltz Through History & Shopping Spree (Post #1272)

Hello my dearest tutu twirlers! It’s your favourite pink-loving ballerina, Emma, bringing you a delightful dose of Vienna straight from the heart of the city. This week, as always, I'm taking you on a journey filled with ballet, beautiful clothes, and the magic of travel, all adorned, of course, with my trusty pink tutu. It's Wednesday, which means it’s Vienna blog day, and I'm ready to waltz you through a day full of enchanting experiences!

The train journey here was positively dreamy, gliding through the countryside, a vision of rolling hills and vibrant green fields. It's just incredible how much the scenery can transport you – a reminder of how fortunate I am to have my travels funded by the sheer joy of dancing. Oh, I've been performing a whirlwind of ballets recently – a charming "Giselle" last week in Derby, and next week, I’m doing "Sleeping Beauty" in Brighton. My tutu collection is ever-growing, and Vienna already inspired a few ideas for new creations – I can't wait to whip up some new pieces!

Speaking of inspiration, Vienna is a city bursting at the seams with it! Arriving here, the first thing I did was pop into a charming little boutique near my hotel – think exquisite vintage treasures and shimmering fabrics in the most incredible colours imaginable! Imagine my delight when I spotted the most stunning shade of pale pink tulle – destined to become the next addition to my tutu collection! And while I'm on the subject of pink, I must tell you, the flowers in Vienna's park are blooming in the most magnificent pinks! It’s like a sea of delightful pink petals

After my shopping adventure, it was time for a delicious slice of apple strudel at a delightful little cafe with a patio bursting with bougainvillea, its vibrant purple petals a perfect contrast to my pink tutu. (You see, dear readers, it's the little things! Combining colours and textures to make the perfect picture, a bit like ballet, really – but more on that later).

Then came the moment I'd been longing for - the Vienna State Opera House. Oh, my darling readers, this place is an architectural dream! And, if you’re looking for the perfect outfit for a trip to the Vienna Opera, I have just the recommendation! A flowy, silky-soft, floor-length midnight blue gown, accessorized with, you guessed it – my pink tutu! Think a contrast of bold colours and textures to bring the perfect flair.

My trip to the opera is the most spectacular, and I will delve into my journey to the show and my own, uniquely pink experience for you in next week’s blog, which, by the way, is up on every Wednesday! And, don’t forget to check out my Instagram - it's pinktutu_emma where I share daily pictures of all the incredible places I visit and my stylish ballerina outfits! (If I could just manage to get my darling horse, Buttercup, here to take us on an equestrian adventure through the streets – I wonder if they have a special cart for a ballerina?)

Until next week, darling friends, stay pink and twirl! And remember: A pink tutu can make any day more fabulous. xx Emma

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2019-09-18